Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1252 Don't Forget

Chapter 1252 Don't Forget
When standing in front of the unrecognizable barracks and being kicked away by strange guards, Meng Shi didn't feel pain.

Why did their general leave here without saying hello?

It's not that she didn't complain.

But when the news about the eldest son of the emperor and Princess Zhaoyang was spread, and even the border people who thanked Princess Zhaoyang thought that the woman was suspected of causing harm to the country, Meng Shi felt that she was really a wolf.

Compared with the things that woman had encountered in the past year, the promise of a nine-year-old child like her is simply insignificant.

Princess Zhaoyang has saved so many children, I am afraid he has long forgotten who he is, let alone a casual sentence four years ago.

Although promises are precious in the eyes of children, they are dismissive in the eyes of adults.

Meng Shi has always thought so.

However, she never thought that the woman still remembered the agreement with her, and even entrusted this agreement to her master after she was forced to leave.

And Da Si Ming, who is a national teacher of a country, would actually come to find a nine-year-old child like her in person.

That girl did not forget her promise.

The tears she had been unable to shed after the city was broken suddenly flowed out of her eyes.

"Sister Yue."

Is such a good and gentle person really gone?
Meng Shi's hands holding her younger sister trembled violently, but she felt a soft qi brushing her cheeks, wiping away her tears.

She raised her head in a daze, and looked at the pale woman above her.

Meng Shi suddenly understood that just mentioning the girl's name would be exhausting for the current Chief Commander.

But she still chose to fulfill her disciple's wish.

"Recovered?" Lin Shubai looked at her, "I heard about your adoptive parents. I'm sorry for what happened three days ago."

"It's all my negligence."

"No," Meng Shi plucked up her courage for the first time, looked directly into the eyes of the woman sitting above her, and said every word, "That's not your fault."

Although she doesn't understand the affairs of the court, she also understands how Da Si Ming tried to turn the tide three days ago. In a place where no one can see now, this woman must be fighting with many forces.

"We have to rely on our own strength to protect the lives of the people on the border." Meng Shi remembered staring straight into the woman's eyes, clenching her teeth, "You have done your best."

Defending the border is not the responsibility of one person.

Hearing this sentence, the woman behind the desk was startled for the first time.

"I didn't expect to hear such words from such a young child," she brushed her finger over the bronze mask on the desk, "You heard this from Baoyue?"

Meng Shi was taken aback, she had indeed heard a sentence from Lin Baoyue that she had to save her own life.

"So what is your choice?" Lin Shubai asked.

"Master Guoshi, can I ask, how did my sister mention me?" Meng Shi remembered biting her lips tightly, suppressing the trembling in her voice, "She... how do you want me to choose?"

Da Si Ming was silent.

Meng Shi thought she would not answer, but after a long time, Lin Shubai spoke softly.

"She said she wanted you to be happy."

I wish you happiness.

Meng Shi seemed to be able to hear the girl's voice.

When she herself was not happy, she wanted a strange child to be happy.

Tears blurred her vision again, but Meng Shi wiped her cheek hard with the back of her hand.

"My lord," Meng Shi gritted her teeth and asked the question she had never dared to ask.

" she really gone?"

The face of the woman sitting at the top suddenly lost all color.

Meng Ge shivered because of the sudden drop in temperature in the big tent, and Meng Shi felt a little stiff all over. She knew that her question was tantamount to poking the scars of the Chief Commander. .

This time the silence in the big tent was longer than before.

"If you pass on what I'll tell you next, I don't guarantee that you and your sister will still be alive."

Hearing the somewhat icy voice from above, Meng Shi suddenly raised her head.

The atmosphere of the woman at the desk has completely changed, the bookish atmosphere has disappeared, replaced by the iron-blooded atmosphere that has been polished by the battlefield.

It's hard to even look at the pressure.

At this time, Meng Shi finally realized that the person sitting in front of her was indeed the number one god of war in the Great Qin Dynasty.

A glimmer of hope ignited in Meng Shi's heart.

"I promise, if you reveal a word, you will die." She bit her lip and said every word.

"What did you hear in the city before?" Lin Shubai asked lightly.

"I heard... my sister's soul lamp is off..." Unexpectedly, Da Si Ming would ask this question, Meng Shi replied in a daze.

"That's fake."

"Fake... huh?" Meng Shi was completely stunned.

"That child didn't light the soul lamp at all," Lin Shubai said quietly, "Your Majesty wanted to light it at first, but I was worried that she would be controlled by someone using the soul lamp, so I refused."

Meng Shi suddenly stood up from the ground, "The news about the soul lamp..."

"It was I who let people out." Lin Shubai said lightly.

Meng Shi's eyes widened suddenly, her heart was almost filled with hope, "Then sister still..."

Da Si Ming was silent again.

Meng Shi's whole body was icy cold, looking at the pale woman sitting on the seat, the blood all over her body became cold drop by drop.

"That child did not light a soul lamp in Efang Palace." Lin Shubai sat there quietly, with emotions that Meng Shi could not understand surged in her eyes, "but she did have a soul lamp in this world."

"Where...?" Meng Shi asked in a daze.

Then she looked at the woman behind the desk and pointed to her heart.

"it's here."

Meng Shi was stunned.

"Sorry, it's too complicated for a nine-year-old child." Lin Shubai smiled, "You just need to understand that I can feel the child's life and death. It's the same as having a part of her in your body." , I have a part of that child in me, more than anyone else."

"Part of it?" Meng Shi's mind went blank when she heard this statement for the first time.

"This is the child's habit of healing others," Lin Shubai said with a helpless smile, "but good boy, please don't learn it. I don't know if you have heard of Shenhun?"

"You can understand the soul as the soul of a practitioner, and the child's so-called sealing of the practitioner is actually done through her soul."

"Through the soul...Complete?"

Meng Shi remembered that she was standing in the big tent, speechless.

"The process is like a blood transfusion, ah, but you don't understand what a blood transfusion is, do you?" Lin Shubai said, "The price of a tenth-level seal is not too high, and what you have on you is just fragments of the soul, but within three months Before, did you also feel something?"

Meng Shi suddenly covered her heart.

Three months ago, when she was sleeping at night, she suddenly felt palpitations.

(End of this chapter)

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