Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1253 Fairness

Chapter 1253 Fairness
That night, Meng Shi woke up from a dream, but couldn't remember what dream she had.

At that time, she was going out of the city to buy goods with her adoptive parents who were running a small business. She thought it was because she was too tired during the day, so she didn't think much about it.

But when I think about it at this time, it hurts my heart.

It turned out that it was at that time that she lost her forever?

"It seems that you really felt something three months ago." Lin Shubai looked at her face and sighed, "No wonder she wants to restrain you, you are really talented."

Meng Shi was stunned.

"What does it mean?"

"The soul fragments on your body are only a very small part. It stands to reason that even if something happened to that child, it would be difficult for you to feel it."

Lin Shubai's eyes swept over the two twins hugging each other tightly, and finally his eyes only fell on Meng Shi.

"You can feel that, probably because you have a high quality as a practitioner. If you work hard, you may become a high-level practitioner in the future."

Meng Shi was stunned. No matter what, she couldn't connect her, a pariah, with a respected high-level practitioner.

"You can trust me on this," said the woman sitting behind the desk in a calm voice, "I still have a good eye for practitioners."

With the precedent of Princess Zhaoyang, no one would doubt Da Si Ming's vision of seeing people.

Meng Shi bit her lips tightly, "Then I..."

"But that's why that kid wants to let you grow up to choose."

Lin Shubai looked into her eyes, "Talent is only one aspect. There are thousands of children with your talent every year, but very few of them can become high-level practitioners."

Meng Shi's eyes widened.

Da Si Ming's voice was calm and cruel.

"Do you think you can become a high-level cultivator if you are talented?" The woman behind the desk said calmly, "Or do you think that child saved you because of his talent?"

Meng Shi was speechless.

When the people in Shanhaiguan mentioned Princess Zhaoyang, they would almost always say that she had outstanding talent. Some master practitioners she had met would even bluntly say that Princess Zhaoyang was able to sit in that seat because of fate. How could it be possible to climb to a high position at a young age when he was at rank six.

However, staring at the ferocious bronze mask of the woman in front of her, Meng Shi suddenly remembered a rumor she had heard before.

Da Siming Lin Shubai, the highest practitioner in the Shanhai Continent, is not a born practitioner.

Countless people think that Princess Zhaoyang got everything because of her talent.

It is also because of luck that Da Si ordered a female stream to become a human god and a national teacher.

But looking at the woman in front of her and thinking of the girl standing alone in front of the Xirong soldiers, Meng Shi knew it.


"No." She gritted her teeth, and a picture of her hiding behind a tree outside the barracks and watching the woman in silver armor leading the army out appeared in front of her eyes.

The little girl's eyes are filled with longing and admiration.

Meng Shi gritted her teeth and repeated again.


The 15-year-old girl saved her because she was her.

Shao Si ordered Lin Baoyue to be special.

Da Si Ming looked at her with a complicated expression, Meng Shi didn't know what she was thinking at this moment, and why she wasted time on her, an ant.

"The road to becoming a cultivator is a path of Shura, and high-level practitioners have thorns and thorns every step of the way," Lin Shubai said quietly, "The number of high-level practitioners who can live to adulthood is less than half of the total number, and those who reach the fourth level less."

Meng Shi can now understand this sentence. The stronger the power, the higher the risk. Practitioners have to face endless destruction and fighting. Even if you don't find others, as long as the rank is high enough, there will be countless people Wants to challenge you wants to kill you.

"You didn't have the opportunity to choose, but that child blocked you at all costs, so you can spend this life safely and happily as an ordinary person."

"Since that child wants you to be happy, then I will fulfill her wish unconditionally."

Lin Shubai watched her calmly.

"Although Shanhaiguan has just been destroyed, you may not be able to trust me, but I can send you to another safe place."

"Have you heard of Nanchu?"

Meng Shi has heard of it.It is the southernmost point of the Shanhai Continent, and it is also the place farthest from Xirong.

"My child's father is in Nanchu. Although he is not a good person, with his ability, he can still protect the whole of Nanchu."

"This time, I can find you a hermit family that can protect yourself. You and your sister don't have to hide in Tibet as slaves. I will exchange benefits with that family to ensure that they will not force you to become practitioners. You can serve as Ordinary people grow up safely, you..."

Hearing such good conditions, Meng Ge who was beside her was already dumbfounded, but at this moment, Meng Shi didn't know where her courage came from.

For a mere commoner to become a son of a noble family without practicing cultivation, this is a rare blessing for her three lifetimes.

If you refuse, it is simply ignorant of flattery.

Meng Shi didn't know how she said those words.

"Can... just let my sister go there?"

She knelt down slowly on the ground.

Da Si Ming, who was interrupted, was startled and fixedly stared at her.

"The conditions I mentioned are all based on the fact that you and your sister gave up becoming practitioners," Lin Shubai said after a pause, "If you choose another path, you may also become my enemy."

"I've already had betrayers around me."

Meng Shi's eyes widened, and the next moment she clenched her teeth.

"I will not betray, you can curse me, I am willing to accept."

When she was in Shanhaiguan, she had heard that cursing is the best way to control practitioners.

She has also heard that practitioners above the heaven rank can create the strongest curse in the world.

Although she didn't know what she would meet, everything was willing.

Da Si Ming was startled again when he heard the words.

The next moment she held out her hand.

Meng Shi tightly closed her eyes, waiting for the curse to come.

But the next moment a breeze blew over her head.

"Curse, where did you hear about this kind of thing?" Lin Shubai smiled, "I will not control you in this way, besides, you are only a nine-year-old child, and you may not cause me harm in the future." threaten."

"Just to see your determination," the woman behind the desk said calmly, "If you really want to become a practitioner, I won't stop you, but what exactly do you want to do to become a practitioner?"

"If you want to avenge your parents, all your enemies have already died."


Meng Shi raised her head in a daze, not knowing where her courage and wishful thinking came from.

What she said next seemed to flow from her soul rather than through her brain.

"I want justice."

The little girl kneeling on the ground looked up.

"I want to seek justice for Sister Yue."

(End of this chapter)

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