Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1255 Waiting For You

Chapter 1255 Waiting For You
The world will be turned upside down in ten years.

Meng Shi still remembered that when she was nine years old, she sat blankly on the ground, looking at the woman who seemed to be shielding herself from the wind and rain with one hand.

Eight years ago, the most powerful woman in the practice world had predicted everything that would happen next, but she was still young at that time, but she didn't understand what would happen at all.


"It's hard for you to understand now," the woman in white knelt down, "but since you have decided to become a practitioner, then all this is no longer related to you."

"Ten years, I hope you can remember this time. If any special circumstances arise, this time limit may also be advanced."

"Before this time limit, I hope you will be ready."

Meng Shi was not afraid of this time, but she was very afraid that Da Si Ming's arrangement did not include her own statement.

She didn't understand why Da Si Ming said such things to a little girl like her who hadn't started practicing, as if she was going to a far away place.

"What about you?"

She grabbed the corner of the person in front of her suddenly, "I will practice hard, about you?"

She doesn't have any deep feelings for Da Si Ming, but she has admiration from the bottom of her heart for this legendary woman who raised Princess Zhaoyang.

Everyone in the Shanhai Continent is probably like her. Even if they don't know this woman, they all rely on her in the deepest part of their hearts.

Emperor Taizu passed away, and Xi Rong was about to move again. Under such circumstances, the people's hearts at the border can still be stable, largely because the chief commander is still there.

With the successive deaths of the Emperor Taizu and Princess Zhaoyang, Da Siming has become the last sea-fixing needle in Daqin.

But Lin Shubai's statement just now seemed to mean that she would not be in this world anymore.

Recalling the rumors that Da Si Ming fell ill, Meng Shi breathed out, "Could it be, your illness..."

"You also heard that rumor?" Lin Shubai smiled, "That's the second lie."

"I'm not sick, that's fake."

There are two most important rumors about Shao Siming's death, one is that the soul lamp goes out, and the other is that Da Siming fell ill.

Are they both lies?

Meng Shi's heart was turned upside down.

"However, ordinary practitioners will not believe this rumor," Lin Shubai said quietly, "You may not know that heavenly practitioners will not get sick."

"Don't talk about being sick, without the permission of the Eight Beast Gods, it is impossible for a practitioner of the heavenly rank to die on his own."

Meng Shi's eyes widened in astonishment.

Can't die by myself?

Lin Shubai explained, "A heavenly cultivator will have a restriction in his body when he advances. Once something endangers his life, this restriction will make the practitioner's actions focus on saving his life."

"The higher the rank, the stronger the restriction."

"The only one who can unlock the restriction is the Eight Beast Gods."

This means that it is impossible for Tianjie to commit suicide, nor is it possible to self-destruct.

This news had a huge impact on Meng Shi, she became short of breath and immediately thought of a question.

"Sister Yue, she..."

Lin Shubai knew what she was asking.

"She is already at the second level, so of course she has a very strong restraint on her body," Lin Shubai said, "That child is unlikely to self-destruct, and it is even less likely to reduce her power excessively without the permission of the Eight Beast Gods, so I speculated She was murdered."

Preserving one's life is the instinct of a heavenly cultivator, and the higher the rank, the more impossible it is to fight against this instinct.

Heaven-level practitioners cannot commit suicide or self-destruct, they can only be killed by others, and the murderer must also have the ability to deceive the Eight Beast Gods.

"I..." The information received exceeded Meng Shi's ability to understand, and her mind was in chaos, but after the conversation just now, she has fully realized how great Lin Shubai is.

The god of man is worthy of being a god of man. Lin Shubai can predict almost everything in the world. Even if she can't guess who killed Lin Baoyue, it proves that something unreasonable must have happened.

It should be very difficult for a person like Sister Yue to be harmed by others. What is the problem?

"If you have any ideas, you might as well tell me," Lin Shubai said softly, "There are some things I can't figure out, but maybe I'm trapped by prejudices, maybe the opinions of children like you can help me."

Meng Shi turned her head desperately, and suddenly remembered the accusation against Lin Baoyue by the Soochow people.

"By the way, Azure Dragon God," Meng Shi's eyes widened suddenly, "Did sister Yue have something to do with Azure Dragon God?"

Didn't it mean that only with the permission of the Eight Beast Gods can they self-destruct?
"I know what you're guessing, but it's impossible," Lin Shubai narrowed his eyes, "Do you know the Four Great Sword Schools?"

Meng Shi nodded ignorantly. She heard that practitioners can be divided into four schools: wind, fire, water, and thunder.

"I do wonder if something happened between that child and the Azure Dragon God, but unfortunately, it is impossible for the Azure Dragon God to accept her request."

Lin Shubai said seriously.

"Among the Eight Beast Gods, they are divided into the four spirits of the sky and the four spirits of the earth. Among them, the four spirits of the earth have lower godheads, and they will respond to the calls of all cultivators who are interested in them according to their mood, but the four spirits of the sky will only respond to their own family. The call of the Sword School practitioners."

"That child is a fire magician, and the only gods who can communicate with her are Suzaku God and the remaining four four spirits of the earth."

"Then... then these five gods..."

"Except for Yinglongshen, I didn't find it for a while, and I asked about the other four," Lin Shubai said flatly.

" ask?" Meng Shi only felt that her view of the world had been subverted within one day, "Then the result is..."

"It has nothing to do with them. The four beast gods don't know anything," Lin Shubai said, his face turning pale again.

Meng Shi's face also turned pale.

A second-rank goddess disappeared into the world, but the beast god whose aura and footprint could spread throughout the entire continent didn't know anything.

"I don't know how much you understand, but you should know by now how difficult it is to avenge that child." Lin Shubai looked into Meng Shi's eyes, "It is my mission to avenge that child, and I am not Would give that mission to anyone."

Lin Shubai's voice was calm, but the firmness inside made Meng Shi's heart tremble.

"Then... what about me?" She knelt on the ground and asked in a daze.

"Just wait here for her to come back." Lin Shubai gently touched her head and smiled slightly, "She will be very happy."

"Wait... her?" Meng Shi trembled all over, "But didn't you say that my sister has..."

"One day if I don't find the body, I won't believe that the child is dead." Meng Shi watched the most rational woman on the Shanhai Continent say this irrational thing seriously, "I will find her."

This remark was a little crazy and a little unreasonable, like a parent who couldn't accept the child's departure and making trouble for no reason, but when it came out of this woman's mouth, Meng Shi was suffocated.

She suddenly remembered the first rumor that Lin Shubai released, and her heart skipped a beat.

"My lord," Meng Shi stared blankly at the woman in front of her, "Since you don't believe that my sister is gone, why did you announce the news that the soul lamp is going out?"

She seemed to have guessed the reason in a trance.

"There were people who thought that child was my shield, and I want to let those people know that the shield is no longer there."

The woman with a gentle and pale face stood up and spoke word by word.

"If you have any hatred or resentment, come to me."

(End of this chapter)

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