Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1256 come

Chapter 1256 Back
Since you can't find the murderer, let the murderer come to you.

Meng Shi stared at the slender woman in front of her in a daze, as if she understood what Da Si Ming wanted to do.

She wanted to use her body as bait to lure out the black hands behind the scenes.


Meng Shi has heard of this statement.

Lin Baoyue, the lord of Zhaoyang County, is the most powerful barrier in front of Lin Shubai, the Commander-in-Chief.

As the pinnacle of the cultivation world and the immortal official, Lin Shubai naturally has many enemies, but few people dare to seek revenge from Lin Shubai.

Because as long as you are a practitioner in the Shanhai Continent, you will know that if you want to get in front of Lin Shubai, you are destined to pass the level of Princess Zhaoyang first.

And this level is unimaginably high.

Lin Baoyue is Lin Shubai's shield.

Lin Baoyue is proficient in assassination, poison treatment and tracking. In a sense, in the eyes of those who want to assassinate Lin Shubai, she is more terrifying than Lin Shubai.

Even though his whereabouts are unknown, Da Si Ming is still protected by his disciples.

But now, Lin Shubai announced Lin Baoyue's death himself.

"You can actually hate me," Lin Shubai said quietly, "I don't know who would harm her, but it's probably not her enemy, but mine."

Meng Shi was speechless.

She suddenly remembered that Lin Shubai asked her if she felt anything three months ago. She only had one fragment and she was awakened with palpitations. What kind of pain did the chief commander, who was almost connected with Lin Baoyue, go through?
But this woman not only did not fall down, but also quickly came to the border with her bodyguards, repelling the ferocious Xirong soldiers.

This woman's determination has surpassed her imagination.

This woman is the strongest.

The power of the human god is not only strong in her realm.

Hearing Lin Shubai's previous explanation of arranging funerals, Meng Shi originally thought that she could not bear the blow of Lin Baoyue's departure and was about to self-destruct, but now she could no longer imagine how difficult it would be to knock this woman down.

"Since heavenly cultivators don't get sick, you're the one who released the rumor of your sickness?" Meng Shi asked.

"I did disappear for a while," Lin Shubai said, "That's when the rumors about being ill came out."


What did Da Si Ming do during that time?

Meng Shi really wanted to ask, but before she could ask, Lin Shubai had already opened her mouth.

"I did something, but it didn't work at the time." Lin Shubai touched his chest, "I will try again later, I wonder if you can wait for the result."

"Me?" Meng Shi stared blankly at the woman in front of her.

"After all, we can only rely on you young people for the future." Lin Shubai returned to the desk and sat down, smiling at her.

"Ten years later, you should grow up."

Meng Shi's heart was suffocated. She was already relieved when she heard that there was a restraint on Tian Jie and she couldn't seek death, but now that fear enveloped her whole body again.

"You, do you want to..." She tremblingly said.

Da Si Ming's tone seems to be explaining the funeral, but she doesn't understand why, even if Da Si Ming is worried about the world ten years later, there are more people in the practice world who are worth entrusting, so many heavenly practitioners ?What about the Eight Gods?
Why are you telling her this?
"Don't be so scared, I'm not going to die," the woman sitting behind the desk stroked the bronze mask on the table and smiled, "I've fought so far to live with that child."

"I'm trying to keep everyone alive, but I don't want to take my own life."

Meng Shi opened her eyes wide, "That means..."

"Practitioners do things without risk, so I have always been used to arrange everything before the battle." Lin Shubai smiled slightly, "You are the last person I see today."

"Don't worry, there are so many people waiting for me, I will be back."

"I'm glad you said you wanted to be like that kid."

"Don't cry, fire mages are not suitable for crying. You have the qualities to be a fire mage. I have a sword that is very suitable for you, but it is a pity that it has been given to my brother. See you again when you have a chance."

"The time is up, I will send you away, and you will have to walk the road ahead by yourself, but I hope you will not forget your original intention of becoming a practitioner today."

"Go forward and don't look back."

Meng Shi took her sister's hand and walked out of the big tent.

"Don't forget her."

"Wait for her to come back."

This was the last sentence that Chief Commander Lin Shubai said to her before his death.



Wait for her to come back.

A year later, the news came that Lin Shubai and the second emperor died on the Great Wall of Eternal Night at the same time.

On that day, it snowed for a long time in the south.

Meng Shi remembered that she was standing quietly in the heavy snow all night in the martial arts arena of the Fire Academy of Jixia Academy holding a sword.

At that time, she had become Meng Shi.

But whether it was Meng Shi or Meng Shi, they still remembered what the woman who was sitting alone in the depths of the big tent watched and said when she took her sister's hand and left the big tent.

The person who most wants to wait for the return of that girl who is as clear and beautiful as moonlight should be that woman.

But the woman was nowhere to be seen.

What happened next was just as the woman expected. The Xirong cavalry who had been pushed to the Great Wall of Eternal Night suddenly disappeared. The huge Qin Empire disintegrated, and the major vassal states became independent one after another.

Among the eight gods, Ji Mo, the second-ranked Eastern Emperor Taiyi, became the ruler of the practice world, and Southern Chu became the country with the most powerful inland national power.

Under the protection of the Southern Chu State Teacher, Jixia Academy became a holy place for practitioners.

But all of this has nothing to do with the nun.

Half a year after the death of Da Siming, a group of high-ranking female cultivators headed by the wife of the owner of Beihan Pavilion abandoned their cultivation. The Ninggu Pagoda was built in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and the female cultivators who refused to abandon their cultivation were arrested.

When hearing the news, Meng Shi added one-third more herbs to her own boiled medicine.

Gradually her body changed and her voice began to change and become hoarse.

The whole world changed because of the death of those two women.

But from the beginning to the end, there is one thing that Meng Shi has not changed.

That is sword practice.

After learning all the fire and sword skills in Jixia Academy, she returned to the Northern Wei Dynasty and met a man.

"Do you want to learn Shao Si Ming's swordsmanship? It's just that you may be hunted down by many people."

She nodded without hesitation.

At that time, the fire sword created by Shao Siming and Da Siming was almost forgotten.

When talking about those two women, young people will almost always start off with a curse on the evil girl who is a disaster for the country.

Every time Meng Shi heard it, she would silently think of Da Si Ming's prophecy that this is not the worst time.

The woman had long expected that she would suffer infamy after death.

But she went on and didn't look back.

Meng Shi still remembered another sentence Lin Shubai said.

As long as no one forgets that girl, she is still alive.

She does not allow anyone to forget that girl.

Meng Shi has found the goal of her practice
She will use the sword technique created by that girl on the stage where everyone is watching to reach the pinnacle.

Let the whole world remember her.



Soochow Intermediate Ceremony battle platform.

Lin Baoyue opened her eyes wide from the scorching sword fire, and suddenly saw a Northern Wei woman who was also standing in the sword fire with her, shedding tears in the raging fire.

A low-pitched cry rang in her ears.

"Why do you forget her?"

"Why do you call her a witch indifferently?"

Meng Shi was crying.

Big tears welled up in her eyes,

"Why, you didn't come back?"

"I have become stronger than anyone else, and I will definitely be able to protect you well. I have learned a particularly difficult sword technique."

But why.

Are you not coming back?
In decline, Hu Bugui?

I am willing to bear all the malice that the world treats you, only for you to come back.

 "Weakness, decline, Hu Bugui?"--Pre-Qin "Guofeng·Beifeng·Shiwei" means that it is dark, why don't you come back?
(End of this chapter)

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