Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1259 Expose

Chapter 1259 Expose
The huge sword fire hit the Northern Wei girl's body, and the sword that pierced Ying Baoyue's shoulder was pushed away by the huge force. Meng Shi took three steps back and knelt down on one knee.

She lost.

Obviously when she started this battle, she felt that this was a battle that she could never lose, but at this time she lost convincingly.

Because even in the end, her princess wins with dignity.

She has never really mastered the Fire Art No.13 sword and No.16 sword. She has always known that although the moves have been imitated and the score is not bad, the sword intent has not even reached half. Very helpless.

"Sorry, Ashi, I can only teach you moves as a teacher, but I don't know the true mystery of this sword move."

This was the sentence she heard most often when she practiced sword, but she didn't blame her master at all.

There is only one person in the whole world who can truly master Yueman Xilou and Yuehua.

To be able to memorize all the moves in her heart just by watching from the sidelines year after year, her alcoholic master is already very remarkable.

Well, she definitely didn't mean to dislike him.

I'm afraid Lian Lin Baoyue didn't know that there was such a person who could remember her sword moves back then.

It was not until today that she saw clearly what the real Yueman West Building looked like.

Meng Shi looked at the remaining sword fire in the air and held her breath.

Although the moves are still young, the sword intent is already very strong.

The person in front of him is the true owner of Yuemanxilou.

When the wild goose returns, the moon is full of the west building.

That person is back.

Defeated by Ying Baoyue's real Fire Technique Thirteen Swords, Meng Shi felt no regrets.

She lost.

She slowly lay on her back on the ground, looking at the faint blood stains on the long sword in her hand, she felt that it was extremely dazzling, she slowly let go of her fingers, just wanting to discard this sword that hurt her important person.

However, at this moment, the sound of the sword falling to the ground came first, and the next moment a figure of a person rushed over from a distance to cover her body, and a warm hand squeezed her five fingers tightly, allowing her to hold her hand again. Tighten the sword in your hand.

"Your Highness?" Meng Shi's eyes widened in a daze.

"Don't let go, Xiaoshi," Ying Baoyue turned her back to Zhaoyang, the sun slid across her face, she held the girl's hand tightly and smiled, "Your sword is not wrong."

If Meng Shi put down her sword at this time, her Dao heart would be destroyed.

Meng Shi's sword just now was just a false stab of conditioned reflex, but she denied her hard work in the past ten years because of this. Ying Baoyue could not tolerate this.

"But I just..."

"That's my fault, not yours," Ying Baoyue said, "If I hadn't pointed the sword at you, you wouldn't have raised the sword to block it."

It was she who forgot to put down the sword when she heard Meng Shi's cry and realized Xiao Shi's identity, and forgot to dodge because she was too shocked.

Meng Shi's sword strike was purely a practitioner's fighting instinct. If she didn't have this instinct, she would have died long ago.

And this sword also made Ying Baoyue understand what Meng Shi had experienced in the past eight years.

If one hadn't experienced too many pursuits, one would not have formed such a conditioned reflex.

Because there is also the risk of being killed while asleep, and when you open your eyes and see someone pointing at someone with a sword, you will stab out with a sword.

Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the little girl who had grown up on the ground.

She still remembers the shock when she first met a five-year-old girl struggling out of the flames with her sister in her arms.

At that moment, she seemed to see herself when she was five years old.

She saw the great talent in that Northern Wei girl, and at the same time, she wanted to protect her from any wind, frost, and sword, and she didn't want her to take the same cruel path as her.

"It's Master, you helped me fulfill that promise," Ying Baoyue looked into Meng Shi's eyes and said softly, "You made a choice."

Meng Shi nodded in a daze, her voice choked with sobs, "Yes."

"Then don't doubt yourself," Ying Baoyue smiled, "Your choice is not wrong."

As long as it was Meng Shi's choice, there was nothing wrong with it.

Ying Baoyue slowly looked at the fourth-rank practitioner on the ground, and smiled slightly.

"Xiaoshi, you have become stronger."

So powerful that she almost didn't recognize it.

"I'm proud of you."

Meng Shi stared blankly at her, at this young girl bathed in the scorching sun, her heart seemed to be filled with countless warm emotions, and big tears poured out of her eyes bit by bit.

12 years of watching, eight years of waiting, five years of hunting, and three months of desperate efforts.

Countless swings of the sword.

Those winds, those snows, those injuries, those pains, those slandering those helpless.

She never felt bitter when going through these, and she never hypocritically wanted to complain or cry with anyone.

Meng Shi's eyes were blurred, she felt that everything was not bitter.

Maybe what she has been chasing and waiting for for so long is such a sentence.

Everything in front of him was like a miracle.

And she finally fulfilled the agreement with another awe-inspiring woman.

Meng Shi whispered in her heart to the woman she also admired the most.

"My lord, I'm waiting for her."

At this moment, Meng Shi seemed to see the woman in white sitting behind the desk took off the bronze mask from her face and smiled at her.



"Can you stand up?"

Ying Baoyue wiped away the tears from Meng Shi's face, and reached out to her.

Meng Shi nodded, but looking at the blood on Ying Baoyue's shoulder, she still hesitated, her outstretched hand froze in mid-air.

"Enough is enough for me," Ying Baoyue's voice was suddenly serious, "This is a battle between practitioners. Since you have become a practitioner, on the battlefield, no matter who your opponent is, you must go all out, no matter who you are injured. It doesn't matter if you get injured, it's a normal thing, if you can't accept it, then you don't respect your opponent, do you hear me?"

Meng Shi shook her shoulders and nodded immediately.

She put the sword back into its sheath, and the knot in her heart had disappeared.

She respects her opponent, and even more respects Ying Baoyue's decisions.

In short, everything the princess said was true.

The knots between the two people on the stage have been untied, and only the practitioner watching the battle off the stage stared blankly at this scene, unable to react.

"Am I dazzled? Is this level five training level four?"

"Speaking of which, what happened to this battle? Who won?"

Looking at Meng Shi standing in front of Ying Baoyue on the stage, who suddenly behaved like a small animal, Mo Hua felt a little blind, sighed and walked to the high stage to pick up the person. The result of this battle was already obvious.

Seeing Meng Shi standing up, the examiner on the sidelines was a little surprised, "Meng Jizi, the result of this battle..."

"I lost," Meng Shi said bluntly, taking a step back, not giving the examiner a chance to overturn the verdict.

There was an uproar in the audience.

"The stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty lost?"

"The former princess of Qin...won?"

The teenagers under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree opened their eyes wide, staring blankly at the former Qin girl on the stage.

Ying embraced the moon and entered the decisive battle.

"and many more."

Now that Meng Shi had conceded defeat and everyone believed that the result had been decided, a cold male voice sounded from the audience.

It's Helianyan.

Ying Baoyue looked at the stage, met a pair of green pupils, and suddenly felt a little cold in her heart.

What does he want to do?
"Compared to admitting defeat, does the stepson of the Northern Wei Dynasty have another matter to explain to everyone?" He Lianyan walked out of the crowd, looked at Meng Shi on the stage, and smiled like a wolf staring at its prey.

"Steps of the Northern Wei Dynasty, you have deceived everyone for so long, don't you have to pay the price?"

He Lianyan sneered, "Are you a woman?"

(End of this chapter)

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