Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1267 Overwhelming

Chapter 1267 Overwhelming

The bells rang together, and even the entire mountain peak trembled slightly.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes that can see and cannot see, Ying Baoyue and Li Ji walked out from the crowd.

Such a highly anticipated battle might be unsteady for ordinary practitioners at this time, but the eyes of both of them are extremely calm, it doesn't look like they are under the pressure of a decisive battle at all.

Just like this moment, they have been waiting for a long time.

"Then, I'll go."

Ying Baoyue smiled and waved to everyone behind him.

Ji Jiashu looked at her with a complicated expression. No matter who the opponent was, she always kept her heart. However, he, who had always been by her side, knew better than anyone else that what she had to face now was the most difficult for her. an opponent.

"Hug..." Ji Jiashu stretched out his hand, but he didn't expect someone to grab Ying Baoyue quickly.

"Junior Sister!"

Xu Yishan grabbed Ying Baoyue's arm and forced the Duan Shui Sword into her embrace.

"Brother?" Ying Baoyue was startled, "This..."

"I have temporarily erased the traces of identifying the Lord above," Xu Yishan was so forceful for the first time, "If you don't want it, you can leave it aside, but you must take it with you."

"This is my brother's order."

"The formation of the middle-level ceremony is not so strong," Xu Yishan said with a straight face, "I can't throw it in when I really need it."

Ying Baoyue laughed and nodded.

She looked at Ji Jiashu who was taking a step forward, smiled, stretched out her hand and fist bumped him, and then glanced at Gui Chen who was standing at the end thinking about it but didn't dare to step forward with a worried expression on his face.

"Don't worry," Ying Baoyue said, "I will win."

Given the gap between her realm and Li Ji's strength, even Ji Jiashu couldn't imagine how she would win.

But at this moment, Xu Yishan, who was usually the least eloquent, nodded his head heavily.

"Of course you want to win," Ji Jiashu noticed that there seemed to be a sparkle in the dull boy's eyes, and Xu Yishan said seriously, "You are a disciple of the Water Academy."

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded and smiled, looking at Li Ji who was sent off stage by Zhao Guang.

Li Ji boarded the stone platform without looking back.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, left without looking back, and climbed onto the stone platform holding the Duan Shui sword.

Standing in front of Li Ji.

This is not the first time they have stood so close, they have been closer before, but this is the first time they have met on the battle stage.

Li Ji is still the same as when we met for the first time, except that he has changed into a formal sacrificial uniform, but unfortunately, the sacrificial uniform that came to change in the first-level ceremony was also torn to pieces in the previous battle rotten.

He has no ornaments on his whole body, and a straw rope is tied around his head.

I don't know if it was the one she braided after his hair fell apart at the time of Breaking the Realm.

When she met Li Ji for the first time in the coffin, the first impression Li Ji left on her was that he was dressed in rough clothes and tied straw ropes on his head.

Ying Baoyue clenched the hilt of the sword by her waist.

From the former Qin to the Southern Chu and then to the Eastern Wu, they finally stood in the opposite position.

But maybe she knew that there would be such a moment, and when this moment really came, she was very calm in her heart.

Li Ji's eyes were also very calm.

It all starts.

Everything will eventually end.

He once wanted to keep a distance from her and the people around him, but he failed in the end, so all he could do was to fight with all his strength.

For his own obsession, for the pride of each practitioner as a practitioner, for the past, and for tomorrow.

Fight to your heart's content.

"The final battle of the Intermediate Ceremony begins!"

The bell and the examiner's voice echoed in the air, but Li Ji's speed was faster than the speed of the sound.

"let's start."

He spoke softly.

Before everyone in the audience saw his movements clearly, he had already drawn his sword.

No one saw his movements clearly, but Ying Baoyue saw it but couldn't move.

Because from the moment Li Ji drew his sword, she couldn't hear any sound.

The pressure of true essence, which was so thick that it was heavier than water, enveloped the entire platform.

drown her.



What are the chances of winning the fifth rank against the fourth rank?

Ji Jiashu didn't know.

Before Ying Baoyue appeared, cross-border killings were extremely rare in the practice world, but since this woman appeared in the practice world, she has been challenging the limits of practitioners. It is her existence that makes cross-border killings a reality.

But even so, it is still a illusory thing to win if the fifth rank is equal to the fourth rank.

"Don't worry, aren't you also ranked fourth?" Under the tree where the practitioners of the Northern Wei Dynasty were, when Ying Baoyue climbed onto the high platform, Mo Hua looked at Meng Shi's hands clenched on his chest and comforted him, "The former Qin Princess If I can defeat you, then I will definitely be able to fight against Mr. Zhaohua, who is only at the fourth rank now."


"It's different." However, Meng Shi's pale fingers were turned red by her, and she spoke in a daze.

She is different from Li Ji.

It wasn't until she reached a high level that she truly realized what the gap between the same level is.

In the realm before the fifth level, the capacity of each level itself is relatively small. If you use stairs as an example, it is the kind of stairs with a short distance.

Then practitioners of the same realm, no matter where they are in that level, the gap will not be very big.

For example, before Ying Baoyue was able to break through two steps in a row, it was equivalent to stepping up two lower steps in one step.

However, starting from the fifth level, the distance between each level is greatly expanded, and the distance between the first level is greatly elongated, and the height of the first level may reach the previous few levels.

And such a long span has caused practitioners of the same level to be at different heights.

Before in Jixia Academy, Meng Shi once heard a saying to distinguish this stage, that is, starting from the fifth stage, there will be early, middle and late stages.

Meng Shi has self-knowledge. Although she has been preparing to save for many years, she has only reached the fourth level in a few days, which is only equivalent to the early stage of the fourth level.

As for Ying Baoyue, who has just broken through the God Dance Realm, although her aura is only at the early stage of the fifth level, it seems that there is another force in her body that will suddenly erupt. The aura has reached the level similar to that of Ji Jiashu, at the late stage of the fifth stage.

It was in this situation that Ying Baoyue defeated her.

But the Soochow man on stage was different.

It is said that Li Ji stayed in the fourth rank for four or five years.

Meng Shi was just guessing at first, but when Li Ji's true energy poured out, she found that the reality was more cruel than she had guessed.

The aura of turbulent waves enveloped the entire high platform, and it was different from the aura displayed by any water magician before. This water-like aura was extremely cold and carried the coercion of death.

As a fire magician, Meng Shi could only tremble in her heart watching this scene.

The youngest cultivator who ascended to the heaven rank after the Azure Dragon God disappeared.

Soochow Zhaohua Jun.

He hadn't fully demonstrated his strength at all in the previous battles.

Because, like Ying Baoyue, he actually possesses the ability to burst out his real energy in an instant.

In Meng Shi's constricted pupils, the figure of the girl trapped on the stone platform was reflected, her chest was out of breath.

The feeling of being pressed on the bottom of the sea on stage and off stage came again.

Can't win.

How could such a cultivator win?
Everything is over before it begins.

After sealing the acupoint, Li Ji was indeed only at the fourth rank.

Meng Shi's heart trembled.

But he is, the strength of the late fourth stage.

(End of this chapter)

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