Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1273

Chapter 1273
When the flowing flame started to burn, everyone lost their voices.

The high temperature evaporated the water droplets, and a little bit of water vapor hit the icy breath in front of Li Ji, and turned into tiny water droplets again.

What Ying Baoyue didn't know was that when she was knocked down, her whole body started to heat up, like a piece of soldering iron, watching a glaring bright red spread from her wrist to her face, at that moment, Li Ji's heartbeat stopped.

He already knew that her poison was already deep in his bones. He thought it was respect for her to fight her with all his strength, but he completely ignored her physical condition. No, he thought he was very clear, the blow just now at most made her faint , but he didn't understand why Ying Baoyue had such a reaction.

Maybe this is God's punishment for the ruthless him.

He can't hold anything in his palm.

Like sand between fingers, the more he wants something, the more he will leave him.

It was only a short moment when Ying Baoyue fell down, but Li Ji felt that he had experienced a long time, so long that he returned to the little boy running in the dark forest again.

"catch him!"

"Eat him!"

He ran desperately, fell down countless times, and was dragged by the long hair behind his head like a drowning dog countless times. He desperately cut off the hair that he had never cut since he was a child, but every time he lost a strand of hair, he did not know why. I felt that it was hard to breathe in my chest.

When he reached the depths of the forest, he felt that his muscles and bones were about to be broken. Looking up at the thick black fog above his head, he felt as if he had fallen into a sticky abyss and could not climb out.

He couldn't get out of that forest, he couldn't get out of that darkness.

He ran desperately, only to feel that countless hands stretched out in the darkness to drag him back, but just when he was about to be unable to open his eyes, he saw light.

Bright red flames.

Li Ji thought he had fallen into the nightmare of the past, but the next moment, he felt the scorching heat.

The pair of black eyes under the mask slightly widened.

Flowing flames rose from Ying Baoyue's limbs and bones, enveloping her and lifting her up. The girl's white face emerged from the flames, like an epiphyllum blooming on a rainy night.

It was an indescribable flame for Li Ji. It was different from the magma he had seen in the north. The magma was viscous and reddish lava, but the flame on Ying Baoyue's body was flowing and burning, like water, Like clusters of soft flames.

"This is... fire method? What fire method?"

"Never seen flames like this, lava? No, not..."

The stunned voices of the people came from the audience.

No one can describe such a flame.

With such a flame, Li Ji could only think of one sentence at the first moment.

Fire flows in July, and clothes are granted in September.

On the one hand, the hair grows on the day, on the other hand, the chestnut is strong; no clothes, no brown, why die at the age of death?

Flowing fire does not refer to flowing flames. The original meaning refers to the westward movement of the big Mars, the summer turns to autumn, and the weather turns cooler.

But that's because people haven't seen real flowing flames.

Under the stone platform, the corners of Ji Jiashu's eyes were burning red, but he just opened his eyes wide open desperately, looking at the figure of the girl standing up slowly in the hazy mist.

It is like a witch soaked in blood, and like a mysterious bird reborn from the ashes.

But more than that, it was her, the real her.

So beautiful.

But Ji Jiashu didn't expect that he could see a more beautiful scene.

"what is that?"

People's screams came from the side of the stage, feeling the familiar atmosphere, Li Ji suddenly looked back, the next moment, the black eyes in the bronze mask suddenly widened, as if seeing an unbelievable scene.

Zhao Guang couldn't even imagine the scene in front of him.

Just as Ying Baoyue was ablaze with flowing flames, the long sword in the muddy water flew high and floated into the air.

Originally, everyone was focused on the stage and didn't notice it, but at the next moment, the sword began to glow.

"What is that? Is there something flying in the sky?"

"Sword? Whose sword?"

The screams of the people sounded from the audience.

The cloth strips on Gu Jian's body had been completely burned. Zhao Guang remembered that the scabbard of this sword was covered with rust, and it was almost difficult to pull it out, but the blade inside was also covered with rust from the gap.

However, at this moment, there is a red light leaking from under the thick rusty shell, like some living thing, sending out the agitation of life.

With a click, the thick layer of rust cracked.

A dazzling red light shines from the depths of the long sword in the black scabbard. The next moment everyone saw something flying out of the scabbard, like a small sun, the dazzling red light suddenly stimulated everyone to close their eyes .

The scabbard is like the night, and the blade is like the morning sun.

Like day and night, Ji Jiashu's eyes were stimulated to shed tears, but in his blurred vision, he saw it.

It was a bright red sword, with thick rust falling from it, and debris flying all over the sky.

Time and rust hadn't changed it a bit, it had just been sleeping in the dark.

And now, it has been awakened.

Bright and beautiful, as if the old friend is still there.

The last smear of rust had fallen, revealing the pattern of flames at the end of the blade.

Chi Yan.

Or, red lotus.

"Father, the Spring Thunder Sword is in my hand, the Duan Shui Sword is in Jixia Academy, and the Xuefeng Sword is in Fenghua's hands, but where is the Huofa Mountain Gate Sword? Why not entrust it to the younger generations?"

Ji Jiashu's own childhood voice rang in his ears.

"The Huofa Shanmen sword cannot be entrusted to the younger generation," he remembered his father standing behind his back on the mountain of Jixia Academy, and said calmly, "Among the four Shanmen swords, that one is special."

"What's special?"

"The sword will recognize its own master, and it will also accept the entrustment of the previous master, but if the master it recognizes does not show up, it will fall into a deep sleep."

Recognized master?
Ji Jiashu remembered that when he was young, he stared blankly at his father's tall back and didn't ask that question.

His father is already the most powerful fire god son in the world, but that sword doesn't even recognize his father?

Who is the person that Red Lotus Sword will recognize?
After the strong light, a violent gust of wind swept across the stage and off stage, Ji Jiashu's black hair flew wildly, but she just stared at this scene in a daze.

The most special mountain gate sword.

The Huofa Mountain Gate Sword, the legend that countless Huomage practitioners want to pursue, the long sword named Red Lotus in the hands of the previous generation of masters, has awakened.

"That pattern... is the Red Lotus Sword?"

"Why does the Red Lotus Sword appear here?"

"Who is the sword master? Who brought this sword?"

However, this question no longer needs to be answered.

Looking at the sword burning in mid-air, Ji Jiashu couldn't take his eyes off, his eyes moved with the sword, and the next moment he saw the girl who was bathed in the flames stood up in the middle of the stone platform.

She raised her head and looked at the sword in the sky.

Gently stretched out his hand.

The divine soldier wandering in the long night found his direction.

back into her hands.

 "July is full of fire, and September is bestowing clothes. On the first day, the hair will be cut, and on the second day, it will be chestnut. If there is no clothes and no brown, how can you die?" -- "The Book of Songs·Guofeng·Binfeng·July"

(End of this chapter)

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