Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1277 Guard

Chapter 1277 Guard
Southern Chu Danyang City, National Teacher's Mansion.

"Master is back?" Mrs. Ye stood in the main room, looking back at her niece behind her in surprise, "So soon? I still remember him saying that this retreat will take at least ten days."

"Yeah," Ye Jingshu, who received the family letter last night that Ye's children were annihilated in the middle-level ceremony, looked a little haggard, but she still managed to squeeze out a smile when she looked at this aunt who was the most flattering wife of the national teacher.

"I saw Second Uncle Ji picking up people at the gate. I remember yesterday that the concierge said that there was no one coming to visit today. Uncle Ji is probably the only one who can pick him up there."

"Hey, why didn't you tell me in advance when you left the customs, so that the family can make preparations," Ye's hair was jingling, her son was not at home these days, and she was so busy every day that she was going crazy. She got up happily, and while walking outside, she told the woman beside her, "Quickly, tell the kitchen to add steamed eggs with crispy cheese tonight, to make it tender, no, I'd better go to Tianxianglou to order a table... ..."

"Jiashu is not at home, and no one can have a drink with his father, but today's mid-level ceremony is over, and Jiashu will be back next month. At that time, I have to prepare well, so many daughters are still waiting for him Going to see each other..."

Ye Shi babbled and walked out, Ye Jingshu stretched out a hand to her back in the room, "Auntie..."

She wanted to say that when Ji Mo left the gate and returned to the mansion so suddenly, even she could guess that there must be something important and would not pay attention to others, but this aunt didn't realize it at all.

But it wasn't a day or two since her aunt was shut down. Ye Jingshu stretched out her hand halfway to the threshold and let it go.

Forget it, her persuasion is useless.

Ye Jingshu was about to turn around, but she felt that the light around her suddenly dimmed.

She raised her head, and found that the originally clear sky suddenly became gloomy, the sky was extremely low, and the dark clouds stretched from south to north, and she didn't know where they were leading.

It's not that Ye Jingshu has never seen the sky before the rainstorm, but looking at the endless dark clouds today, she suddenly felt a little trembling in her heart.

"What's going on here?"



"Master, this way."

While kicking away the stones on the road, Ji Er led Ji Mo back up the mountain.

He was startled when Ji Mo suddenly said that he was going to leave the customs. Before when Ji Mo left the customs, he would set a good date. When the day came, he would go to Zihua Mountain to meet him. Even if he wanted to leave the customs early, he would often send a letter in advance through the carrier pigeon. Come, but this time it was the rock in his room that fell.

There is a rock in Ji Er's room, and there is the same rock in Ji Mo's retreat, as long as Ji Mo pushes that rock, the rock in his room will fall too.

This meant that Ji Mo had to leave the customs urgently.

The stone is ominous, Ji Mo has only used this method of sending messages twice in ten years, the last time...

Ji Er's wrinkled throat swallowed.

The last time Ji Mo sent a message to leave the customs in this way was seven years ago when the Chief Commander Lin Shubai died.

When standing at the door to greet Ji Mo, Ji Er was full of apprehension, thinking that there would be some bad news again, but Ji Mo hurried back and only said one word.

"Go to the back mountain."

The Nanchu National Teacher's Mansion was built on the mountain, but this mountain is not a famous mountain, it can only be said to be a small slope, because no one takes care of it, it is full of weeds and trees, and there is no elegance at all. Places to go.

When Ji Jiashu was grounded, he would often visit the back mountain, but Ji Er couldn't figure out why Ji Mo was going to the back mountain at this time.

Ji Mo hurriedly climbed up the back mountain, stood still under a big tree, and reached out to caress the trunk.


Ji Er asked hesitantly, and Ji Mo turned to look at him, "Is there any latest news from the middle class?"

"The names of the top four were sent this morning. The semi-final match should be over, but the news is still on the way, but the leader of the next match will probably come out, and our people may send a message together."

"Really?" Ji Mo took a deep breath, and took out a bright red wing feather from his bosom.

"This is..." Ji Er's eyes widened. This is something Ji Mo and God Suzaku used to communicate, and it is extremely precious. Through this winged Suzaku God Son, he can use the power of God Suzaku, and it is a magic weapon for the Son of God to attack, but this There was no other living person on the mountain except him, what was Ji Mo doing with such wings?
Ji Mo pressed the bright red wing feathers on the tree trunk, closed his eyes, and the next moment Ji Er felt that Ji Mo's shoulders, which had always been solid, trembled slightly.

"Season Two."

The man raised his head with a solemn expression.

"The sky has changed."

Ji Er opened his eyes slightly, and found that the originally clear sky suddenly became cloudy.

"What's the matter?" the old man asked in astonishment.

"It's been seven years, have you finally come out of the lair?"

Ji Mo clenched the wings in his hands, raised his head, and looked east.

"This is what the mountain ghost was waiting for."

Mountain ghost?

Ji Er couldn't restrain the trembling of his heart, what is Master Shangui waiting for?
He looked at the direction Ji Mo was looking at. This direction was... Soochow?
What happened in the middle class ceremony?


Soochow Hanshan, on the battle stage, blood splattered.

"Embrace the moon!"

It all happened so fast, it was too fast to catch people off guard.

He Lianyan's body was like a ghost, and before everyone realized that there was a light shining on Li Ji's back, he stretched out his hand. The young man's hand was pulled out like a claw, as if he wanted to take out Li Ji's heart Come out average.

Li Ji's body was hot and cold, and his consciousness was chaotic. He felt a threat coming from behind him, but there was a bigger threat breaking out of his body, and he couldn't move at all.

Among the practitioners present, apart from the original him, no one should have been faster than He Lianyan, who was close to the heavenly rank, but the next moment countless blood beads flew from his dark pupils, Li Ji was stunned. He stared blankly at the scene in front of him.

Ying Baoyue's torso was covering his back, and Helianyan's fingers were deeply pierced into her back, blood spattering everywhere.

She blocked the blow for him with her body.


Li Ji's voice was a little hoarse, and his brain was in chaos, but the scene in front of him overlapped with the memory in his mind again the next moment.

"Brother, don't look."

A woman with bleeding forehead hugged him gently.

"It will be over soon."

"You can take off the mask when you reach level two. Before that, don't get too close to the heavenly practitioners, try not to hurt your back, and don't let them feel the breath in your body."

What's in his body?
Li Ji didn't know, but he knew that when he was young, he would suffer from pain at fixed moments every day, but since he met her in the cloud forest, he never felt pain again.

The figure of the woman in front of him overlapped with his memory a little bit.

Just like nine years ago, she protected him.

But, in this world, is there such a thing?
"why is it you again."

At this moment, He Lianyan looked at the woman standing in front of Li Ji and smiled slightly.

Watching He Lianyan pull out his bloody five fingers, Li Ji's pupils shrank slightly.


What does Helianyan know?
Ying Baoyue turned around slowly, looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar person in front of her.

"who are you?"

He... what exactly did the Xirong people want to dig out of Li Ji's body?
"It doesn't matter who I am," Helianyan smiled and licked the blood from his fingertips. This action made the practitioners' scalps tingle. In the big array.

"how can that be?"

Ji Jiashu looked around at the formation masters who had already dispelled the formation, and his mind went blank.

When was this formation rebuilt?Who built it?
A more powerful formation than before unexpectedly appeared around the stone platform, locking the three of them firmly on the platform.

Everything was too unbelievable, but Ji Jiashu was not confused, and immediately looked towards the viewing pavilion in the distance.

The Xirong people were really ambitious, but even if something unexpected happened, there were still two sons of gods on their side.

But at this moment, Ji Jiashu was shocked to find that Dongfang Yi and Xu Canghai were standing outside the viewing pavilion, but they seemed to be imprisoned by some force.

Two people, motionless.

(End of this chapter)

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