Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1278

Chapter 1278
Dark clouds covered the sky and blocked out the sun.

"Your Majesty, you can't go there!"

Zhao Muren was guarded on the main seat by his personal guards, staring at the two gods outside the pavilion.

The first person to discover Dongfang Yi's mutation was a Soochow Immortal Official.Dongwu Fang has always been on guard against the Xirong people. He Lianyan suddenly rushed to the battle stage, and the immortal officials immediately asked Dongfang Yi for instructions, only to find that Dongfang Yi was standing still, her eyes were frozen, and her fingers froze. Trembling in mid-air.

"National teacher... my lord?"

Dongfang Yi seemed to be controlled by someone, but there was nothing around him.

This appearance is almost like being stuck in thick air.

The fairy officials were horrified, and quickly looked at the other god son. Xu Canghai was in better condition than Dongfang Yi. Looking at the fairy officials who wanted to touch Dongfang Yi and Xu Bingqing who rushed towards him, his lips trembled slightly. Open your mouth, "Don't... move!"

Xu Bingqing hesitated, and the Soochow Immortal Official who met Dongfangyi had already flown out.

"Really... Yuan?"

The fairy official vomited blood on the ground and got up, looking at the two people who couldn't move in front of him in astonishment.

Dongfang Yi and Xu Canghai were suppressed by the extremely thick true essence at the same time!

But who did this?

There are no more powerful practitioners than these two in a radius of tens of miles!

"Your Majesty!" Zhao Muren got up and wanted to see it, but was stopped by his subordinates desperately, and even begged with his life, "Your Majesty, if you want to go, you will have to step on the body of the humble minister!"

Being able to control two god sons of the second rank at the same time is unheard of in the Shanhai Continent, and it seems to be a power that only a god of the same rank possesses.

But there are no human gods in this world anymore!

In such a dangerous situation, how dare Soochow officials let Zhao Muren approach.

Even after experiencing strong winds and waves, Zhao Muren could hardly restrain the trembling in his heart at this moment.On the battle stage in the distance, Ying Baoyue and Li Ji, who had lost their fighting ability, were facing He Lianyan, who was full of real energy. Xu Canghai was trapped, everything was so perfect.

If he didn't know that they were caught in a series of tricks by now, he would be a king in vain.

But Zhao Muren didn't understand that since Xi Rong had such power, how could he allow the Great Wall of Eternal Night to be peaceful for seven years?
What can't be done with this power?

Why wait until now to make a move?

Zhao Muren could vaguely guess that the Xirong people were waiting for the thing inside Li Ji's body to be exposed before making a move, but what was it?
Even if he knew Li Ji's real identity and who his biological parents were, he didn't know when Li Ji had hidden something in his body that the Xirong people wanted to get at any cost.

But one thing Zhao Muren knew very well, that thing must not fall into the hands of the Xirong people.

"All heavenly cultivators go to the battle arena, smash that formation for me! Protect Mr. Zhaohua!"

Zhao Muren shouted loudly, but neither the Jinwu Guard nor the Celestial Officials were willing to leave him.

"No, Your Majesty, the murderer who attacked the Master of the State Teacher has not been caught, and the ministers must protect His Majesty."

Zhao Mu's heart was on fire, and his eyes swept around.Where is the person controlling Xu Canghai and Dongfangyi?When did Soochow get mixed in?

At this time, the trapped Xu Canghai said again stiffly, "Far...distance..."

Is it a long-distance attack?Zhao Muren's eyes widened. Isn't this a trick that only mountain ghosts can do?Could it be that the mountain ghosts colluded with the Xirong people?

The thought made his hair stand cold.

Another dark cloud.

Zhao Muren looked up, he remembered that when the chief commander Lin Shubai passed away, the sky was also full of dark clouds, stretching from south to north, endlessly.

Is this a coincidence?
"Embrace the moon!"

Ji Jiashu's voice came again, and Zhao Muren looked at the stage.

Ying Baoyue stood in front of Li Ji, and He Lianyan approached her little by little like a cat playing with a mouse.

"Your courage is really admired by me, but don't do useless work. It's the first time I've seen a ground rank want to protect a sky rank." He Lianyan raised his blood-stained five fingers, pulled out the short spear at his waist, and smiled slightly , "Or do you want me to split you apart?"

Ying Baoyue didn't retreat, but slowly touched the red lotus sword on the ground.

"This sword..." He Lianyan narrowed his eyes and smiled, "The Liuhuo just now is very beautiful."

If possible, he would like to watch it again.

But I'm afraid there is no chance.

"I'm afraid you don't have the strength to ignite the sword fire again, right?" Helianyan sighed, looked at Ying Baoyue whose fingers holding the sword were convulsed, shook his head slightly, and looked at her steadily, "Get out of the way."

It is rare for this person to have such serious eyes, and Ying Baoyue's heart trembled slightly.

"I don't need to tell you, you should know that if you really block here, it's just an extra corpse that I stepped under."

He Lianyan spoke lightly, pointing the tip of the gun between her eyebrows.

This woman was the biggest accident on his mission.

"Step aside."

This voice was not He Lianyan, but Li Ji.

Ying Baoyue felt that Li Ji was breaking her shoulder behind her, her pupils shrank slightly, but she didn't move.

cannot be taken away.

At this moment, the emotions that surged in her heart seemed not to belong to her. She was not at all familiar with the breath of that thing in Li Ji's body, but there was a voice in Ying Baoyue's heart that kept ringing.

cannot be taken away.

It cannot be taken away, it cannot be discovered, it cannot be exploited.

Otherwise it's over.

What's over?
Ying Baoyue didn't understand, but the last moment had come, Helianyan's green pupils became as cold as ice, just when Ying Baoyue thought he was going to stab her, a thin hand held her shoulders, firmly moved to the side.

It was He Lianyan, he didn't stab her with a single shot, but grabbed her by the shoulder and wanted to tear her away from Li Ji.

Ying Baoyue was stunned, she also grabbed Li Ji's shoulder and put in all her strength.

"Helen, what are you doing?"

A cold voice from Xirong people came from under the stage, Ying Baoyue remembered this voice, it was King Zhai of Xirong who claimed to be Chunyuye.

He Lianyan's arm trembled slightly, he closed his eyes, raised the gun in his hand, and slashed at Ying Baoyue's arm.

Seeing that the sharp gun was about to stab down, the stunned people and practitioners in the audience screamed.

Xu Canghai's aura fluctuated all over his body outside the viewing pavilion, feeling the pressure on his body became heavier again, and the power hidden in the dark was concentrated for a moment.

Looking at the girl who was about to be stabbed in the distance, his eyes darkened slightly.

No one can save her.


However, at this moment, a loud noise interrupted the screams of the crowd.

Xu Canghai's one eye that was still able to move widened slightly.

There was a loud bang, and a huge black shadow soared into the sky from beside him and Dongfang Yi.

It's the black box that no one can open.

Lin Wangong, who came from a distance, stopped under the stage and looked up at the box in astonishment.

"elder sister?"

The huge black box flew into the sky, a crimson light appeared on the surface of the box, and the next moment the box was in midair.


 The next chapter is not about anti-theft, just watch it when it is updated today.

(End of this chapter)

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