Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1279 Invitation

Chapter 1279 Invitation

The strong wind swept across the world, and the bright red vines on the surface of the huge black box lit up, and the next moment the whole box exploded!
Lin Wangong stared at this scene with roots on the soles of his feet.

The final result of the middle-level grand ceremony decisive battle has not been announced, and the end bell has not yet sounded, but the box seemed to have its own will, soaring into the sky and blasting above the battle platform!

The moment the black box shattered, that ancient thing awoke.

The sky was covered with dark clouds, but in the extremely oppressive blackness, a brilliant white suddenly bloomed.

A ray of light like the scorching sun burst out from the gap and rushed out of the black box. The speed of that ray of light was so fast that everyone couldn't see it clearly, only a clanging sound of collision was heard!

The buzzing of weapons colliding spread like waves, and the practitioners in the audience were instantly dizzy and unable to hear any sound.

His eyes were stinging from the change of light and shadow, his head was buzzing, and Ji Jiashu was also a little dizzy, as if he was hallucinating.

In the field of vision that resembled the alternation of day and night, he seemed to see a slender figure standing in front of Ying Baoyue, but the next moment his eyes were in a trance, and that figure was no longer there.

what happened?
The strong wind brought a large amount of sawdust and blew it on everyone's faces, and everyone looked at the picture in front of them in astonishment.

The storm and the fragments of the black box fell little by little, revealing Helianyan's arm that was three steps away from Ying Baoyue and could not be chopped off.


Ji Jiashu was startled, Helianyan and Ying Baoyue were not so far away before!
What is this...


"Look at the feet of the Xirong man!"

Following Zhao Guang's scream, Ji Jiashu's gaze fell to He Lianyan's feet, and he suddenly discovered that there were actually two cracks on the ground.

He Lianyan seemed to be pushed so far away by life!

But who is it...

At this moment, Ji Jiashu's pupils contracted, because he finally saw that thing.

It's better to say that it has always been there, but because its breath is too strong, people dare not notice its existence.

"Tai Ah Sword?"


A long strip of things floated in front of Ying Baoyue, emitting a faint fluorescence.

It doesn't look gorgeous, it's not sharp, and it doesn't even have any patterns, but it just floats in the air, as if there are thousands of troops fighting past.

Just a scabbard has such a majesty.

Only the scabbard of a sword can do it.

Thousands of troops become illusions against the river.The condensed breath of Tiancheng carries the ancient seal characters.The three talents first gathered to sharpen the princes.The prestige of the world is crowned with spring and autumn.

The kingly sword, Tai'a sword.

Even the scabbard has its own unique ability.

"This is the Tai'a sword scabbard that is said to be able to block the attack of the Son of God?"

The scabbard was not wide, but it stood in front of the girl on the ground like a shield.

"Is this scabbard protecting Baoyue?"

Xu Yishan opened his mouth in a daze. He had also heard that the Tai'a scabbard had a unique defensive ability, but it had always been regarded as a legend, but he did not expect the legend to become a reality.

Li Ji, who put his arms across Ying Baoyue's face, raised his head and stared blankly at the scabbard blocking them.

He had heard Dongfang Yi mention the function of the scabbard of the Tai'a Sword before, and he didn't doubt it, but he had always thought that the scabbard had to be carried by the practitioner to have such a function, but why did he not expect that the scabbard would be so effective? Will break out of the box and take the initiative to protect a practitioner.

"It can only be said that the eight gods are worthy of being the eight gods..."

He Lianyan opened his mouth in a low voice, looking at the scabbard in front of him, Bi Tong narrowed his eyes slightly.

They have calculated thousands of times, but they never expected that this thing would suddenly come out.

Didn't it mean that the mountain ghost will only open the sealing formation when the result is announced?
The mountain ghost's formation was broken just like that?
Is there something wrong with this formation or something wrong with Ying Baoyue, or...

Is it...

Feeling the changes in the airflow around him, Helianyan raised his head abruptly!

Li Ji noticed that the eyes of He Lianyan, who had been blocked from the opposite blow, changed slightly. He raised his head suddenly, and found that the direction of the dark clouds above his head suddenly changed.

The dark clouds that were originally hanging over the head actually began to flow violently.

Clouds of dark clouds are like ink on paper, as if they are being chased by another force, they are frantically fleeing to the north!

"This is..." Xu Canghai felt that the power that trapped him and Dongfang Yi suddenly weakened, as if something was hidden, a gust of fresh wind flowed out from the same direction, mixed with countless ice and snow, Tracing back to the source, chasing after the power that came from afar!
A white light faintly appeared in the clouds in the distance, and a huge object loomed in the white light.

This shadow, Ying Baoyue, had already been seen once at the primary ceremony.

"White Tiger God!"

This scene seems to have returned to the time when Ji Mo and Shan Gui matched their moves in the primary ceremony.

That icy and snowy wind chasing dark clouds, is it a mountain ghost?
Ying Baoyue seems to have caught something somewhere.

The praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind them. The Xirong people think they are the oriole, but are the real orioles really the Xirong people?

At this moment, there was a bang, the wind and thunder collided in mid-air, and there was an explosion of thunder!
The dark clouds in the sky fled to the north, and the breeze mixed with ice and snow disappeared into the sky with it.


Sitting by the ice lake in the snowy mountains in the north, the man in white vomited out a mouthful of blood suddenly, the snow around him was stained red, but there was a happy smile on his face.

The man in white stretched out his hand, clenched his five fingers, and looked in the direction he had just captured.

After waiting for seven years, he finally found that direction.

Just when the group of men in black thought they were about to succeed and mobilized all their power, that power finally revealed its existence.

Then, he grabbed the tail.

"The plan failed."

In Qianqin Qianjin Pavilion, the man in black stood up, staring at the spilled wine on the table with a gloomy expression, "That old ghost hiding on the snow mountain has traced the direction where the Lord's power came from."

The old man beside him stood up in panic and knocked the golden cup on the ground, "The lord..."

"It's just a general direction, and it won't be exposed immediately."

The eyes of the man in black turned cold, and he squeezed the golden cup into a ball, "It seems that I have to go back."

"Where is Young Master Ye..." the old man asked fearfully.

"A waste, such a good time but not a killer, I'm afraid it needs to be beaten."

The man in black threw the crushed golden cup to his feet, "He knows how to finish it, if he can't do it, he won't live to this age."



In the end what happened?
The dark clouds above quickly receded, and the sun reappeared in the world.

Seeing Helianyan standing in front of him holding a short spear, Ying Baoyue felt unreal.

The conspiracy of the Xirong people should have been shattered. There are so many practitioners from the Six Kingdoms that are enough to wipe out all the Xirong people, but the Xirong youth in front of her is still calm and composed.

"Really? Do you want to stop?"

"It's my responsibility, I will go back and plead guilty."

He Lianyan raised his head and muttered to himself, as if he was talking to someone.

"You in the end..."

Li Ji supported Ying Baoyue's shoulders and stood up. He Lianyan looked at the scabbard lying in front of him and Ying Baoyue.

"You are lucky, see you later."

"Do you think you can escape?" Li Ji took a deep breath.

"That's my skill," He Lianyan put the short gun back to his waist, and smiled slightly, "You don't want the mountain to collapse again, do you?"

Is it...

Li Ji and Ying Baoyue were shocked, and the next moment there was a sudden violent scream from the crowd, the sound of cracking rocks sounded from under their feet, the stone platform was also split into two, and the dark clouds that had already left came from He Lian Yan raised his head, and at some point those Xirong people who came with him all stood behind him, and he was the only one who looked forward.

"who are you?"

Ying Baoyue stared fixedly at the young man from Xirong who was already in thick fog, as if he had returned to the campfire in the cloud forest.

"Didn't you guess it long ago?"

A huge crack had already appeared under his and her feet, Helianyan took a step forward, breathing against her ears.

"Tell me, who am I?"

Ying Baoyue stared closely at that face, and said the name that had been in her heart for a long time.


"Chun, Yu, Ye."

Bi Tong, a young man from Xirong with the pseudonym He Lianyan, narrowed his eyes and smiled slightly, "Your voice sounds really nice with that name."

"You..." Ying Baoyue stared fixedly at him, suddenly her cheeks turned cold.

The boy in front of him lifted his mask and kissed her on the cheek.

Kiss and close.

"We'll see you again."

The boy's figure disappeared in the thick fog and dust, leaving only a faint sentence, which rang in her ears.

"I'll wait for you in the north."

【Soochow Volume】End
[Beihai volume] beginning
 Autumn belonging to Soochow is over, and winter in the north is about to begin.

  Another volume is over, if you like these characters, please vote and comment for Sister Yue, they are worth it.

  The next volume will have at least two northern countries appearing, so the title of the volume is not named after a single country.

  If the next volume really has a simple title, it can be called the Northern Volume.

  It turns out that I have been writing for so long, and every time I end a volume, I have mixed feelings.

  Please look forward to the Northern Volume.

(End of this chapter)

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