Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1282 Caught

Chapter 1282 Caught
When the bell rang, many people felt lost.

Is the Intermediate Ceremony over?
Looking at the girl standing in the sunlight, many people couldn't believe their eyes.

From the mutated Taizu manuscript during the opening ceremony, to the sudden appearance of Yinglong God during the water battle, to the fierce battles during the wrestling battle during the riding and shooting battle, and then to countless accidental real sword battles.

In this month's time, too many things really happened.

Even the faces of many well-informed old people couldn't hide their emotions.

This is an intermediate-level ceremony with the strongest lineup, the most tortuous process, and the most special on the Shanhai Continent.

Even the leader who won in the end is so special.

No one expected that such a woman would stand at the pinnacle of all the participants.

When the final result was announced, Ying Baoyue looked very calm, but the next moment she seemed to relax all over, her body swayed and fell backwards.

"Embrace the moon!"

Ji Jiashu, who was still in a daze, was startled, and stretched out his hand to help him, only to find a flash of light, and the scabbard was ahead of him and pushed against Ying Baoyue's back, but it was just a scabbard after all. Being crushed by Ying Baoyue, at the critical moment Ying Baoyue reached out and grabbed the scabbard, supporting her body like a crutch.

The glow on the Tai'a sword scabbard disappeared.

Ji Jiashu's eyes widened, "Hold the moon, this scabbard..."

"It's okay, it's just that the real energy poured into it is exhausted." Ying Baoyue sat down slowly while supporting the scabbard, "It doesn't move by itself."

After all, it's just a scabbard, and it's not really a spirit.

Although I don't know whether it was made by Lin Wangong or the mountain ghost, when it was sealed into the black box, the scabbard of the Tai'a Sword was filled with real essence, and at the critical moment it responded to her call and blocked Helianyan's attack. attack.

Ying Baoyue didn't understand why the mountain ghost gave the Tai'a sword scabbard as a prize, but now she almost understood.

The mountain ghost probably had anticipated that there would be accidents in the decisive battle, so he sent the Tai'a sword scabbard with powerful protective power in advance, and the last wind of ice and snow chasing the dark clouds should also be the mountain ghost's. Strength, he may have caught some clues in that confrontation.

The praying mantis catches the cicada and the oriole is behind them. The Xirong people think they are the oriole, but the real oriole is actually a mountain ghost hiding in the Xiling Snow Mountain.

What Shan Gui was doing was actually the same thing she had been doing all along.

All along, Ying Baoyue didn't hide her abilities too much.

She joined the Jixia Academy along the way, participated in the elementary ceremony and the intermediate ceremony, and became famous in the entire cultivation world. Apart from improving her own strength, she also had another purpose.

That is to use the body as bait to attract the mastermind behind the scenes.

She doesn't know who is behind the scenes, but the attack on her and the master is probably because of the power of the powerful female cultivator.

Since at least ten years ago, there has been a plan for powerful nuns.

The person who can plot against her and the master without making her think of the slightest clue must have been planning for many years and is extremely good at hiding himself.

Just breaking off a few minions will not have any effect on that person. She must catch the real mastermind behind the scenes and eradicate them.

But she only has one year, and she doesn't have time to dig out someone who has been hiding for at least ten years.

But she has other options.

She didn't know what that person wanted the powerful female cultivator to do, but since she didn't show up after making two moves, she might make a third move.

The practice world does not allow women to practice, and even Xu Bingqing's mother, Tuoba Rong, has lost her realm. With Tuoba Rong's shrewdness, Ying Baoyue suspects that she has noticed something, or even a part of the mastermind behind the scenes, but let's put these things first side.

For the time being, there should be no powerful female cultivators in the current practice world.

Then she makes one.

Ying Baoyue clenched her left wrist tightly, no one is more suitable to be the bait than her.

It would be better if that person could tell that she was Shao Siming Lin Baoyue, and it would only make her bait more fresh.

In fact, she did gain a lot.

From the former Qin Dynasty to Southern Chu to Eastern Wu, Ying Baoyue felt that he had collected many fragments, but there were still many things he couldn't figure out.

The Xirong people should have participated in that plan, but Ying Baoyue didn't think he could arrange so many things with the Xirong people alone.

She originally suspected that there was something wrong with Beihan Pavilion, but many of Xu Canghai's actions were somewhat inconsistent, and she needed to investigate further.

But even adding Xirong people and Beihan Pavilion is still not enough.

In her recovered memory, the Qin soldiers and practitioners instructed by Ying Hao played a large part of the role, but Ying Baoyue remained suspicious of Ying Hao's ability.

She saw who was hiding in the dark and peeping at her and Chunlan, including the child behind the tree?
And that person... Ying Baoyue touched her cheek and pursed her lips.

He Lianyan... No, it's the ghost Huajun Chunyuye.

It turned out that he was the real Ghost Huajun.

According to legend, it is the devil who killed his elder brother and ascended to the Twelve Kings of Xirong.

"I'll wait for you in the north."

The man was sure she would go north.

So the north... what's waiting for her?
Ying Baoyue still remembered that when she forced Ji Mo to ask where her master's body was, Ji Mo said with a complicated expression, "You can go to the Great Wall of Eternal Night to find out."

In the Great Wall of Eternal Night, what will she see?
What has the mountain ghost been planning, and what exactly does he know?
If she remembers correctly, the mountain ghost is in charge of the right to hold the last ceremony, but unlike the elementary and middle-level ceremony, the holding of the high-level ceremony seems to require special conditions.

Countless information was crowded in Ying Baoyue's mind, her body had already reached its limit, and she was a little dizzy for a while, so she supported her with one hand.

"Are you OK?"

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes and met a pair of black eyes.

She moved her eyes down and looked at the hand supporting her, which was not Li Ji's hand.

Zhao Guang, who stood beside Li Ji and supported Ying Baoyue, looked a little embarrassed.

It was obviously Li Ji who had been watching Ying Baoyue, and he leaned forward to make fun of him, but was pushed forward by Li Ji.

"Help me."

Li Ji's sound transmission sounded in his ears, but Zhao Guang just wanted to scold him bloody.

Even if you caused the injury on this person, you should make amends. You have no hands!
However, the next moment, Zhao Guang's scolding stopped when it reached his lips. He felt that something was wrong with Li Ji.

The disordered aura on Li Ji's body has recovered. He Lianyan's sudden attack did not touch him before. He seems to have adjusted himself and recovered the aura of a heavenly cultivator. The wound on his back has also healed. Zhao Guang He didn't even have time to see what was wrong with Li Ji's back.

But Zhao Guang still felt that something was wrong with Li Ji.

Especially when looking at Ying Baoyue, I can't tell... something is wrong.

Even the eyeballs seem to be darker than before.

Ji Jiashu, who was supporting Ying Baoyue on the other side, looked up thoughtfully, and found that Li Ji seemed to have been burned, and immediately looked away.

Ji Jiashu was startled slightly, and his fingers holding Ying Baoyue tightened slightly.

The atmosphere under the sweet-scented osmanthus tree was a little strange for a while, and Chen Zichu and others also realized the strangeness of the atmosphere. At the moment of strangeness, Ying Baoyue broke the silence.

"I'm fine," Ying Baoyue smiled and looked at Li Ji, "What about you?"

She still remembered the scene where Li Ji's aura suddenly became violent on the stage.

"It's all right now, the wound has healed." Li Ji looked at her, his eyes fell on the wound that He Lianyan grabbed on her shoulder, and his eyes deepened, "Your injury is more serious, it's me..."

"It's normal to be injured in a battle on the battlefield," Ying Baoyue smiled, "You don't need to feel guilty, but if you really feel sorry, can you do me a favor?"

Li Ji was startled, "What's the matter?"

"Can you catch someone for me?" Ying Baoyue narrowed her eyes with a smile, "He's an acquaintance of mine, but he doesn't want to see me for some reason."

Ying Baoyue pointed to a direction not far away, Li Ji looked over, and for some reason only saw Meng Shi with an embarrassed face and Mo Hua supporting her.

"It's right there. I just jumped past Meng Shi, and I shouldn't have run far. He is now at the top of the sky, and I can't catch up with him."

"Please catch up with him, and tell him that he is invited to drink the good wine that Shanhaiju has stored for ten years at the Shi'an Courtyard tonight, and he must come."

Ying Baoyue showed a kind smile.

"If he is disobedient, just tie him up."

 Hahahahahaha, someone is going to be miserable

(End of this chapter)

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