Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1287 Li Zhao

Chapter 1287 Li Zhao ([-])

The night breeze is blowing, the sky is full of stars, and thousands of houses are lit.

But sitting in such a lively night scene, Zhao Guang broke out in a cold sweat, and was half sober from the wine in an instant.

"Think, remember?"

The tongue still didn't work well, Zhao Guang asked a little stammeringly, "Remember, what do you think of?"

Looking at the lonely figure sitting on the roof drinking to the moon, Zhao Guang swallowed his saliva.

When growing up, people will always lose a lot of memories. What happened when they were young, what they encountered accidentally, they are always forgotten as they walk.

It's not a big deal for anyone to think about it, but for Li Ji, it's not.

Because Li Ji has an extraordinary memory for him.

There was a person in that memory that Li Ji could not forget.

His name is Li Zhao.

Li Zhao.

Whenever he thought of Li Ji's expression when he mentioned the name to him, Zhao Guang felt complicated.

The year he lived with Li Zhao was the memory Li Ji wanted to remember the most, but he had forgotten all the details of that memory, only remembering a name and a vague fragment.

This is not because the impression is not deep, but in a sense, it is because I want to remember too much, but forget it.

Zhao Guang still remembers Dongfang Yi explaining to him the impact of the mental disorder.

Every ordinary person will have his own memory and personality, which can also be called the soul of that person. This is something that everyone has, so what is the soul of a practitioner?

This is actually a mystery that has not been solved in the practice world.Most practitioners only know that once they reach the condensed level of the five gods and souls, there will be an extra part in their body, relying on this part to use the true essence will become handy, tearing at critical moments can also burst out a large amount of true energy. Yuan, but if you don't collect those things in time later, it is easy to forget some things, and most of the forgotten things are related to practice.

But after listening to Dongfang Yi's explanation, Zhao Guang realized that this is not the case. The loss of soul does not mean only the loss of memories related to practice.

What will be lost when the soul is lost is important memory.

It's just that for practitioners, the subconscious will regard things related to practice as the most important memory.

Zhao Guang still remembers Dongfang Yi making an analogy when facing her ignorant self.

If both the true essence and the soul are equivalent to the blood of a practitioner, then the soul is like the most important part of blood for a person's survival.

Zhenyuan is like the blood that everyone will lose when they prick their fingers. Even if a person loses his limbs, as long as he can stop the bleeding in time, he can still survive.

But the soul is equivalent to the blood of the heart.

Bleeding from the extremities does not kill a person, but if the blood runs out from the heart, a person dies.

"If the soul cannot be condensed, the more unforgettable the memory, the easier it is to forget."

Dongfang Yi's old voice echoed in Zhao Guang's ears.


"The soul leaves the body, and what you strip away are those things that you have hidden deeply, engraved on your bones and want to remember."

"At the same time, the soul leaves the practitioner's body, and the practitioner will suffer the pain of knocking bones and sucking marrow."

Hearing this statement for the first time, Zhao Guang was terrified.

He has never torn his own soul, but he has heard from practitioners who have torn his soul to save his life that the moment he was torn apart was a slap in the face, and if it wasn't for the short time, he would have fainted from the pain.

But tearing the soul will only lose fragments, and Yang Yang may recover it. It is really hard for Zhao Guang to imagine how a person would feel if he lost the entire soul.

He remembered asking himself, if it is a person who is emotional, wouldn't he not remember anything if he lost his soul?
In the end, Dongfang Yi explained to him carefully that although the soul will cause the loss of unforgettable memories, even if all of them are lost, the ones that will be lost are usually those in the last year or two.

Because long-term memories that have nothing to do with practice will enter everyone's own soul, and the higher the level of practitioners, the more they will constantly adjust their soul state to avoid the impact of accidents.

That's it.

Zhao Guang remembered that he was relieved when he heard that, and seeing Li Ji who was lying on the bed rescued by Dongfang Yi from Nanchu, he said with a big heart, "Then even if the second brother wakes up, he won't forget too many things."

That year, Li Ji was 14 years old.

Zhao Guang was ten years old.

Four years have passed since Zhao Guang first met him.

But in one of these four years, Zhao Guang didn't know where Li Ji was.

Zhao Guang vaguely remembered the first time he met Li Ji, it was in a remote small courtyard at the corner of the palace.

At that time, he was six years old and Li Ji was about ten years old.

Because of his young age, his relevant memories are a little fuzzy. He didn't know who Li Ji's parents were. After finding out that there was a child locked up in the corner of the palace, he asked everywhere, but few people believed him.

The place where Li Ji was imprisoned was a forbidden area in the royal palace. There were ten locked gates outside. If it wasn’t for the fact that there was a big hole in the crack of the gate due to years of disrepair, he was so small at that time that it was impossible for him to get through. go in.

At that time, he was also a marginal person in the palace. Although he was a prince, because of his biological mother's background, no one in the palace wanted to pay attention to him.

The eldest prince, Zhao Muren, is a phoenix surrounded by stars, but he, the second prince, is a little frozen cat that no one cares about.

Zhao Muren is always surrounded by many people, but he doesn't even have a companion. There are only a few old nuns in the palace who take care of him. His royal father hardly sees him a few times a year. The care of him has become less and less meticulous, just asking him not to starve to death, and not paying attention to other things at all.

He didn't have any playmates in his childhood.

He really wanted to talk to the palace people, but after touching the wall a few times, he knew that no one in this palace wanted to talk to him at all.

The palace people have their own affairs, and it's too late to please their masters. Who cares about a prince who is not favored?

Zhao Guang once even heard the palace people say that when the eldest prince ascends the throne, the second prince's life may be over. Who wants to keep a younger brother with impure blood and who may threaten the throne to protect him?
He is not welcome in Soochow Palace.

Zhao Guang knew about this since he was very young, but he was not reconciled, no one took care of him, so he ran wildly in the whole palace, wandering around.

Then one day he accidentally found a hole in the gate outside the forbidden area of ​​the palace. He got into the hole, and accidentally found that an elderly palace man walked into the forbidden forest in the palace with simple meals.

It was a grove in the most remote part of the palace, because no one took care of it, it was full of weeds.

Zhao Guang didn't know why there was such a place deep in the palace, he only knew that if the palace people were found to approach this place, they would all be killed with a stick.

Over time, this place became a forbidden place in the Soochow Palace.

In such a forbidden forest, who are the palace people giving food to?

After observing for a few days, Zhao Guang finally couldn't restrain his curiosity, and sneaked into the wild forest while the meal delivery man left.

Then he discovered that deep in the Forbidden Forest, there was actually a dilapidated small courtyard.

In that small courtyard, he met Li Ji for the first time.

At that time, Zhao Guang didn't know that his name was Li Ji. When the boy with long black hair sitting on the steps looked up, Zhao Guang only felt that he saw a monster in the mountain.

Even with ragged clothes and grassy hair, that boy...

Too pretty to be real.

 Li Ji and Zhao Guang's childhood first encounter, you can look back at the first volume Chapter 290 IX First Encounter
(End of this chapter)

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