Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1288 Li Zhao

Chapter 1288 Li Zhao ([-])

From that day on, the six-year-old little prince Zhao Guang had a secret in his boring life in the palace.

He became well-behaved, reading and writing earnestly every day, to please the old woman who took care of him, just to get a few rewards of snacks, and then treasured them in his arms, sneaked to the forbidden area, and gave them to him. That mysterious little brother.

At that time, Li Ji didn't have a name, so Zhao Guang decided to call him Second Brother because Li Ji was older than him and younger than Zhao Mu, so wouldn't that be Second Brother?
Because of his young age, Zhao Guang didn't realize how weird it was to have such a child locked up deep in the palace. He was just excited that he finally had his first friend in his life.

Li Ji doesn't like to talk, because no one has communicated with him for many years, and his articulation is not very good. Most of the time when he is with him, Zhao Guang talks and Li Ji listens. But there is such a person who is willing to listen to him, Zhao Guang It's enough.

Such days lasted for three full years, until the third year, the year of his ninth birthday.

It was Zhao Guang's birthday that day, and a huge banquet was held in the palace, but it was not for him.

At that time, it was said that something happened in the capital of the empire, a shock occurred in the practice circle far away in Guiyang, and something happened to the court. Although the specific information was kept secret, the vassal states began to exchange information with each other.

Although the Qinglong God fell into a deep sleep, he was the head of the four spirits in the sky. At that time, Soochow was still highly respected by the spiritual circle, and all major and minor matters would be gathered in Soochow for discussion.

It's just that Zhao Guang was indifferent to these news at that time.

On that day, distinguished guests from various vassal states came to the palace, the guests of the previous banquet, the harem and the imperial kitchen were in a mess, Zhao Guang took the opportunity to steal a whole bag of dim sum, and excitedly went through the past three years, which he had expanded and hidden. At the entrance of the cave, he happily rushed into the Forbidden Forest.

However, standing in front of the dilapidated small courtyard, Zhao Guang stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and his heart full of snacks fell to the ground.

The gate of the small courtyard that had been locked was turned aside, and the chains on the steps were scattered all over the floor, with blood stains scattered all over the place.

And the boy who always sat on the steps was gone.



Li Ji was kidnapped.

Although there was no evidence, Zhao Guang felt so instinctively.

But the strange thing is that there are no footprints around the courtyard.

The scene of the incident was very strange. The gates outside the forbidden area were locked well. When he drilled through the hole, he didn't find anything unusual, let alone heard any sound. Except for the chains and blood on the steps, there were no traces.

There was no trace of a knife or a sword on the door turned over, but it seemed to be smashed open by a force, and the fist-thick door lock seemed to be cracked open.

Looking at the empty courtyard, Zhao Guang felt his mind go blank.

Then he did one of the craziest things in his life.

He went to find his father.

"Stop the second prince!"

"Just don't kill me!"

At that time, his father's health was not good, and he was leaning on a low couch to accept the toasts from practitioners from other countries. He, who had already initially awakened his state, rushed to the main hall because the soldiers did not dare to kill him.

He rushed to his father's low couch three steps away, and was pressed down firmly on the cold ground of the hall by the Jinwu guards holding his head.

"Second Prince, why is this crazy?"

"Things that don't make it to the stage will not make it to the stage after all. With so many guests, it's a shame!"

Out of the corner of his eye, Zhao Guang saw his father looking at him with disgust, as if he shouldn't exist in this world at all.

"Hurry up and pull this bastard down!"

"and many more."

However, at this moment, a young voice suddenly came from beside his father, and Zhao Guang stared blankly.

It was his strange elder brother who had already put on the crown of prince.

"Father, Ah Guang does seem to have something to say, why don't you ask my son to ask him first."

The old king was silent for a while, and gave Aiko a face.

Zhao Guang looked at Zhao Muren looking at him with a complicated expression, and said lightly, "What happened?"

"It's gone..."

"What's missing?"

Zhao Guang's mind was also very confused at the time, so he just muttered.

"In the woods, the man with the black gone..."

Zhao Muren was confused, but at this moment, Zhao Guang heard a clang beside him, and the wine glass in his father's hand fell to the ground.

At that time, Zhao Guang suddenly realized that his father knew who the little boy was.

"Still ran out?"

The old Wang, who was depressed, closed his eyes and said something that Zhao Guang couldn't understand.

"Then I shouldn't be able to survive."

Can't survive?

Who the hell is that kid?

Later, what happened in that small courtyard was completely suppressed. There was one person missing in the palace, but nothing happened. Zhao Guang also asked Zhao Muren who the boy was, but Zhao Muren had a complicated expression. Tell him he doesn't know either.

The prince of Soochow didn't even know about it.

The existence of that black-eyed boy was a secret that only belonged to their father.

This person disappeared without a trace as if he had never existed in the palace, as if he had really been transformed by a spirit.

But Zhao Guang didn't believe it. For the next year, he frantically searched for the boy locked in the yard, but found nothing.

And in that year, his father passed away, his eldest brother Zhao Muren ascended the throne of princes, and Dongfang Yi was re-elected as the national teacher.

A year later, the frontier was in an emergency, and news of the deaths of Emperor Taizu and Shao Siming Lin Baoyue came almost one after another. The entire mountain and sea continent was shaken. What was even more frightening was that the Qinglong God, who was just sleeping, completely disappeared. Respond to revelation.

At such a chaotic moment, Zhao Guang never expected that he would see the boy again.

Not to mention that he would become Dongfang Yi's adoptive son.

This time the boy has a name.

On that day, Zhao Guang only remembered that Dongfang Yi found him and said quietly, "Second Highness, the person you were looking for has returned."

Zhao Guang only remembered that his mind was blank, he dropped what he was doing and ran away, but when he rushed to the small courtyard on the outskirts of Dongfangyi, he seemed to see a strange person.

It was the pair of black eyes he was familiar with, but there was a hideous mask on his face, the eyes looking at him were extremely strange, the aura of the whole body was also extremely cold, and the eyes were like a wounded little animal.


Zhao Guang remembered getting closer to him, "Do you remember me?"

"Remember," the boy sitting on the bed nodded, "You are Zhao Guang."

"Well," Zhao Guang cheered up and nodded, "I am, I remember you don't have a name, I call you..."

"I have a name," but the black-eyed boy interrupted him.

"My name is Li Ji now."

"Muzi Li, the Ji of Sheji."

"Oh, good," Zhao Guang nodded blankly. He remembered that when he first met Li Ji, he said that his father had given him a name but he didn't like it. So this new name sounds like he likes it?
Zhao Guang said his thoughts inadvertently.

Li Ji's cold eyes softened.

"It's the name she gave me, and I love it."

Zhao Guang later found out that she was a woman named Li Zhao.

Li Ji was indeed kidnapped a year ago, and he was chased all the way to the cloud forest on the border. It was the woman named Li Zhao who rescued him and lived with him in the forest for a year.

But the woman named Li Zhao left without saying goodbye a year later. Li Ji went out of the forest to look for her, but saw her being killed.

Dongfang Yi accidentally picked up Li Ji who had fainted outside, and brought him back to her small courtyard.

That's all Zhao Guang knew at the time.

Because Li Ji was not very willing to talk after he came back.

That year Li Ji was like a wounded little beast, always huddled in a small room and practiced day and night. Zhao Guang would visit him every day, but he hardly said a word to him.

Because Li Ji didn't leave the small courtyard arranged by Dongfang Yi for a whole year, the guards around him also relaxed their vigilance.

No one expected that just one year after Li Ji walked out of the forest, he would ascend to the fifth rank without anyone's protection.

However, he ran to Nanchu to find Ji Mo, the Nanchu national teacher who had become the strongest son of God.

Later, I don't know what kind of conflict happened between him and Ji Mo, he was interrupted and was rescued by Dongfang Yi again.

The first thing Li Ji said after seeing Zhao Guang after waking up was.

"Zhao Guang, I don't remember."

Li Ji forgot the details of getting along with Li Zhao, and didn't even remember her face, but only remembered some fragments and the scene when she died, remembering that he wanted to avenge Li Zhao's Shao Siming who killed Li Zhao.

Seven years passed like this.

But now, Li Ji told him that he remembered.

The night wind blew over Zhao Guang's red cheeks, and he looked at the masked man beside him, "What exactly did you remember?"

"I almost remember it all," Li Ji said slowly after a moment of silence, "How did I meet her, and what happened between me and her?"


Zhao Guang swallowed nervously, "Can you talk to me?"

"I told you my secret a long time ago, so you don't have to be afraid that I will reveal it."

It's uncomfortable to keep a secret in your heart. Zhao Guang thinks that Li Ji dragged him to the roof at night, maybe because he wants to drink in a bar?
It wasn't something that couldn't be said.

Li Ji closed his eyes.

"it is good."

 [-] words
(End of this chapter)

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