Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1289 Li Zhao

Chapter 1289 Li Zhao ([-])

For 13-year-old Li Ji, that morning was no different.

To be honest, he doesn't know whether he is 13 years old or not, because no one has ever told him when his birthday is.

The basis for him to judge his age was the whispers he overheard when he was five years old among the palace servants who filled the clock with water and delivered meals every day.

"The master inside is five years old and hasn't awakened yet. I'm afraid he has no future. The palace hides people here and thinks it's a rare commodity to live in. Now it seems that we are sent to take care of this little monster, and there is nothing more lucrative. Hurry up and change places!"

"You're crazy! The person who delivered the food before was shot because of talking too much! Although we don't know what is locked inside, but since we have seen this thing, we don't want to do anything else in this life."

The voice of the person talking secretly outside was extremely frightening, Li Ji just sat on the steps inside the house and listened indifferently.

At that time, he just thought that he was already five years old.

Knowing how old you are now, age is easy to handle.

He started to remember things about two or three years ago, but because he was so chaotic when he was young, he never knew how old he was.

From then on, he carved a line on the pillar in the house every day. After more than 300 days of carving, he knew that another year had passed.

Although he was locked in the yard alone most of the time, and only occasionally a few nuns who could read and write came to confirm that he could still read and speak, but his life was not muddled, and he knew every day is a day.

Because every day when the hour comes, there will be an hour of pain waiting for him.

As he grew older, the pain that started from the wrist gradually spread throughout his body. Every time it hurt, it felt like something was about to burst through his body. He hated this pain when he was young, but when he was alone The days are getting longer and longer, and he is also grateful to have this pain, which makes him feel every day clearly.

The sun rose and the moon set, and the notch on the pillar was engraved. In the fifth year, his life changed.

A small group who called himself Zhao Guang squeezed through the gap in the gate and came to him.

With Zhao Guang, life became more lively.

But hearing his surname was Zhao, Li Ji didn't really want to talk to him at first.

Li Ji didn't like this surname.

But whether he ignored it or not, Zhao Guang always happily told him what he had seen and heard in the palace today. Gradually, the time when Zhao Guang came every day became the time he was most looking forward to.

The hopeful days passed quickly, and one day three years later, Zhao Guang suddenly asked, "Hey, second brother, when is your birthday?"

Li Ji remembered shaking his head, "I don't know."

His childhood memories have become very blurred, but he vaguely remembers that his mother was by his side in the first days of his life, and his mother's body was full of blood, but it was very warm.

But suddenly one day, that warmth became icy cold.

He has no mother.

He only remembered that a big rough hand dragged him away from his mother's cold body, and then he was pushed into this dilapidated courtyard in the dark.

"This is... Master Ji? It's really..."

He heard two old voices talking outside the courtyard.

"I don't know if it is, but now it seems that it is no different from an ordinary person."

A cold voice sounded.

"Anyway, the widow doesn't want to see this evil thing. If you want to keep him, then lock him here until the day he wakes up."


Sitting on the roof of the library, Li Ji touched the bun on his head, where the original cloth band that he used to tie his hair as a headband was no longer there.

He didn't lie to Zhao Guang back then, he did have a name.

When he was young, he didn't know which character it was. Later, a nanny came to this small courtyard to teach him to read and write, and brought him the swaddling clothes he had when he was a child. He opened the swaddling clothes and found an embroidered hairband inside.

The strip of cloth seems to still carry the mother's body temperature, and a word is embroidered with blue silk thread on it.


Thinking of what the man outside the wall said, Li Ji immediately understood.

This is his name.

At that time, he already knew how to read. Looking at the word on the hairband, he was silent for a long time.


In the books he had read, the words related to this word did not have any good meanings.

Send, foster, parasitize...

And... a trip.

In the book he read yesterday, there happened to be a sentence called "fate is like a journey", the mother explained, which meant a short life.

short life.

It's like he shouldn't be born at all, shouldn't stay in this place, like he's some kind of monster occupying a magpie's nest and will die early.

He hates the name.

It was his father who gave him this name, but this headband was a relic left by his mother. Li Ji remembered that he stared at the headband silently and carefully hid it in his arms.

This is the first treasure that he owns when he has nothing.

"Hey, second brother, I'm asking about your birthday!" Zhao Guang's words interrupted Li Ji's thoughts. He touched the hairband in his arms and said indifferently, "I don't know."

"Oh." Faced with his indifference, Zhao Guang was not discouraged, but said happily, "Then you celebrate with me tomorrow, tomorrow is my birthday!"

Is tomorrow Zhao Guang's birthday?
Li Ji was a little surprised, but his expression was still dull, "How to celebrate? I can't get out."

He still remembered that the words he heard at the beginning were "let him go out after he awakens". He already knew that this awakening refers to the awakening of a practitioner. Generally, a talented practitioner will awaken at the age of five, but when he arrived The 13-year-old has not shown the slightest sign of awakening.

Even Zhao Guang, who was four years younger than him, had already awakened at the age of seven. I heard that the great prince of Soochow awakened earlier.

Li Ji reckoned that he was not a natural practitioner at all, and he might be imprisoned in this small courtyard until he died of old age.

"Well... If you can't get out, I'll bring you pastries!" Zhao Guang scratched his head, smiling blindly, "There will be a lot of people coming to the palace for a banquet tomorrow, and there will definitely be a lot of good friends at that time." food!"

A lot of good food?

So it proves that Zhao Guang's birthday banquet is quite grand, and there are still many people who care about him.

Looking at the always happy little boy beside him, Li Ji suddenly couldn't bear to pour cold water on him.

"it is good."

He remembered sitting on the steps and nodding, "I'll be waiting for you."

I am waiting for you.

The next day came quickly.

Sitting alone in the small courtyard, watching the sun rise little by little, it was almost time for Zhao Guang to come, Li Ji remembered that he was suddenly a little nervous.

What gift should I give my friend for her birthday?

He suddenly got up and rummaged in the courtyard.

He doesn't know what Zhao Guang likes, should he dig an earth dragon for him?Zhao Guang did make a noise before saying that he wanted to go fishing in Yuhu Lake.

Li Ji turned his back to the courtyard door and used his hands to scrape away the dirt to search for it. At this moment, there was a soft sound of wind behind him.

And then, the man's laughter.

"There is."

"So it's really hidden here."

Li Ji knelt in the mud without turning around, his body stiffened inch by inch.

There are people behind him.

But come on.

There were no footsteps.

 Earthworm, also known as earthworm

(End of this chapter)

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