Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1298

Chapter 1298
There is silence on the roof, only the faint chirping of cicadas can be heard, but this may be the last cicada this year, because tomorrow will be cold dew.

Autumn is over, and early winter is coming.

Sitting on the roof, Zhao Guang felt chills all over his body.

"Second brother, what do you mean?"

Although this incident did not happen to him, Zhao Guang felt a dull pain in his heart.

It may be because he and Li Ji have been together for too long. He has seen his pursuit for nearly ten years, seen his tossing and turning countless days and nights, and seen countless drops of sweat he shed for his revenge in practice. A rare smile under this cold mask.

So he can't accept it.

"What do you mean?" Li Ji smiled, "Isn't that very clear, have you forgotten why we met her?"

Zhao Guang was taken aback.

That's right, everything started with that marriage.

It was precisely because of Ying Baoyue's marriage contract with Ji Jiashu that she was kidnapped from the palace to Lishan, where the Emperor Qin's Mausoleum is located, where she met Guichen, was sent back to Afang Palace by Guichang from Lishan, and traveled all the way to the south. Chu, all this happened.

Everything started with the marriage between her and Ji Jiashu.

It can be said that when he and Li Ji met Ying Baoyue in the former Qin Dynasty, Ying Baoyue was already going to marry Ji Jiashu.

"But her engagement is..." Zhao Guang widened his eyes, and suddenly remembered that after the primary ceremony was over, when Ji Mo wanted to dissolve the engagement for his son, Li Ji took the letter of credence to propose marriage for him.

"Since this marriage contract can be established, it can be resolved," Zhao Guang scratched his head, "Second brother, you are already a heavenly rank, and if you can become a national teacher in the future, your status is enough to match His Highness, definitely... definitely..."

Li Ji smiled, "Zhao Guang, did you forget something?"

"This time and the other."

Zhao Guang was taken aback for a moment, and an idea flashed through his mind.

That's right, if it was three months ago, would he have wondered whether Li Ji could match Ying Baoyue?
It is true that the status of the former eldest princess of the Qin Dynasty is noble enough, but the status of the former Qin Dynasty is almost destroyed by Ying Hanri, and this status is really just a show.

But now Ying Baoyue has a new identity.

She is only 15 years old this year, but she is already the leader of the Soochow Middle Class Ceremony every six years.

Moreover, he is also the first-level and middle-level double leader.

This time, Xi Rong is coming so fiercely that the practice world has already sensed the turmoil outside the pass. Zhao Guang has a premonition that troubled times are not far away.

And in troubled times, the status of practitioners with absolute power will rise in a straight line, just like the big commander and the young commander back then.

Both of them died precisely after the unification of Qin Dynasty.

As Li Ji said.

Today's Ying Baoyue is no longer the previous Ying Baoyue.

"Do you think Nan Chu will give up this engagement easily after she gets the middle-level leader?" Li Ji said lightly.

will not.

Zhao Guang said in his heart.

Even if Ji Mo was out of his mind and unwilling, the King of Nanchu would not agree.

There is no pressure for Soochow to fight against the former Qin, but if it wants to fight against Nanchu, it will definitely hurt both sides, and no one will strike first.

The marriage contract between Ying Baoyue and Ji Jiashu is no longer something they can control, not even Ying Han Ri who is far away in Guiyang.

Nan Chu will hold it firmly in his hands as a bargaining chip.


"But even so, do you think that girl will be bound by the marriage contract?" Zhao Guang searched his brain and couldn't find any other way. He stared at the light under the roof, but suddenly choked out such a sentence.

He didn't know what kind of person Li Zhao was, but after getting along for so long, Zhao Guang already knew what kind of person Ying Baoyue was.

She is someone who will never be bound by anything.

Fate, power, adversity, slander.

Everything, she will break through one by one, and never back down.

A mere marriage contract is definitely nothing to her.

"Yeah," Li Ji laughed under the mask, "the marriage contract really can't bind her, so if she really doesn't want to, how can she maintain this marriage contract for so long?"

Zhao Guang was terrified by his laughter, but he felt that Li Ji's statement was not quite right.

"Second brother, do you still remember why she was willing to come to Nanchu?"

According to his and Li Ji's previous observations, Ying Baoyue originally planned to leave Guijia Xiaoyuan alone and go to Nanchu incognito, but met Guichen's brother and sister in distress, and revealed his identity to save them.

Not only her, Ji Jiashu was also grounded by Ji Mo in Nanchu for refusing the marriage contract.

In the beginning, neither she nor Ji Jiashu should be happy about this engagement.

Only later...

"That's right, neither of them should be willing at first," Li Ji said calmly, "but Chunhua is a good person."

Ying Baoyue is also a special woman.

Zhao Guang covered his head.

In all fairness, Ji Jiashu is definitely an excellent marriage partner. Although Ying Baoyue has caused all kinds of troubles, she is also an extremely attractive girl.

The two are attracted to each other after getting along, and there seems to be nothing wrong with them.

No, it's better to say that Zhao Guangneng was sure that Ji Jiashu's thoughts were already on Ying Baoyue. Back in Nanchu, Ji Jiashu also insisted on not rescinding the engagement.

But Ying Baoyue...

Zhao Guang always felt that something was missing from Ying Baoyue.

It's not so much unrequited love, it's more like she's focused all her attention on things that are more important to her.

and many more……

Zhao Guang suddenly remembered an important thing.

Li Ji couldn't recognize Li Zhao because of amnesia, but what happened to Ying Baoyue himself?

"Second brother, since you recognized Miss Li Zhao, but Her Royal Highness, she..."

"Well," Li Ji knew what Zhao Guang wanted to ask.

He looked up at the bright moon in the sky and spoke softly.

"Zhao Guang, she doesn't remember."

Zhao Guang felt as if he was in an ice cellar.

Li Ji was very calm.

He knew it when he recognized her in the final battle of the Intermediate Ceremony.

He remembers her, but she doesn't remember him.

From the first time she met him on the former Qin Li Mountain, she looked at him with strange eyes, as if he had never appeared in her life.

''Second brother, you..." Zhao Guang's voice trembled, he had never experienced such a thing, and he didn't understand why Li Ji was still so calm.

The person I have been chasing after finally met again, but I don't remember myself at all.

Zhao Guang felt that if he encountered such a thing, his heart, liver and lungs would be in pain.

"It's okay, Zhao Guang," Li Ji was still in the mood to comfort him.

"Actually, it doesn't matter if she remembers me or not." Li Ji said indifferently, "I guess the story I told before gave you an illusion."

Li Ji's voice was very calm.

"Zhao Guang, in fact, she never once liked me."

Zhao Guang was stunned when he heard this.

Li Ji looked at him and smiled bitterly.

This is not a story of mutual love, but an infatuated love when he was young.

From the beginning to the end, Li Zhao should just treat him as a somewhat silly child.

But he won't force it.

He likes her, it's his business.

He remembered her, and it was his business.

He didn't want to cause any burden to her now.

"So do you understand? Don't go to Baoyue and talk about nonsense," Li Ji's eyes became serious, "If I find out, we won't be brothers anymore."

Zhao Guang felt sore and nodded indiscriminately.

"Second brother, what are you going to do next?" Zhao Guang gritted his teeth.

"Me?" Li Ji stared blankly, then smiled.

"I want her to live."

Zhao Guang was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered what Li Ji had asserted about Ying Baoyue's lifespan, and his heart tightened.

Li Ji had been chasing for so many years before he found his beloved, but Ying Baoyue only had half a year left.

How cruel this is.

"But second brother..." Zhao Guang remembered that Li Ji said that Ying Baoyue's curse cannot be undone by a son of God, but only by an extraordinary son of God. How can he save Ying Baoyue's life?

But before Zhao Guang finished asking, Li Ji suddenly stood up.

It was not only him who stood up, but also other practitioners in the courtyard downstairs.

Under the night, everyone suddenly saw countless clouds like silver belts across the sky, and under the moonlight, it was like countless dragons flying back and forth before the moon.

"This is……"

This vision shocked everyone in the city, and more and more people went to the street to watch.

Ying Baoyue, Lin Wangong and others also walked out of the house, standing in the courtyard Lin Wangong looked at the silver belt in the sky, and opened his mouth in astonishment.

"Wanlong opens the door, the high level is coming?"

(End of this chapter)

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