Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1302 Layout

Chapter 1302 Layout
After listening to Ying Baoyue's explanation, not only Gui Li, but also all the teenagers in the courtyard fell silent.

In fact, apart from bystanders like Ji Ange, Li Jinniang Guili and the others, everyone had more or less noticed the reason for Tuoba Xun, Mo Hua and others to leave just now.

Shan Gui's words actually brought the Northern Wei Dynasty to the forefront.

Ninggu Pagoda has always been guarded by masters sent by Beihan Pavilion disciples and the royal family of the Northern Wei Dynasty. If something goes wrong, the Northern Wei Dynasty will definitely call together masters from all over the country to jointly defend the interests of the country.

Ironically, after the collapse of the Qin Empire, countries crazily plundered the armed forces left behind by the Qin imperial family. The Northern Wei Dynasty took the lead among the three powers. It was not just because the frontier soldiers of the Great Qin Dynasty were mainly from the Northern Wei Dynasty and the Later Liao Dynasty. What's more, the Northern Wei Dynasty took the lead in completing the establishment of prestige after the death of Da Siming through the rise of Beihan Pavilion.

And the way to establish prestige is the establishment of Ninggu Pagoda.

The Northern Wei Dynasty listed Da Siming as a subjugated demon girl, blatantly suppressed a large number of female cultivators, rebuilt Ninggu Pagoda, completely disintegrated and eroded Da Siming's power, occupied nearly seven-tenths of the Great Wall of Eternal Night, and became an absolute military power.

Hou Liao, which was able to share half of the world with the Northern Wei in terms of military strength, was completely at a disadvantage. If it weren't for the fact that most of Hou Liao's land was difficult to defend and difficult to attack, the Northern Wei might have annexed Hou Liao.

Ninggu Pagoda stands on the land of the Northern Wei Dynasty in this way. What it preaches is not only the Northern Wei Dynasty's negation of the era of the chief minister Lin Shubai, but also a symbol of the Northern Wei Dynasty's national strength.

And under such circumstances, the Mountain Ghost of the Later Liao Kingdom, who had been tormented for seven years, announced that he would reopen the high-level ceremony on the condition that he dig a brick from the ancient Ning Pagoda.

In other words, if practitioners from all over the world want to participate in the high-level ceremony, they must first poach the corners of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"Shuzi dare!"

In the restaurant where Beihan Pavilion lived, a white-haired old man slammed the teacup in his hand on the ground, the tea splashed everywhere, and one drop fell on Xu Canghai's instep, and the old man's expression changed.

"My lord, old man..."

"It's okay." Xu Canghai sat calmly by the tea table, and glanced at Xu Bingqing, who was also flushed with anger, "I heard that Uncle Fourth has already written to Ah Rong?"

"That's right," the elder of Beihan Pavilion, and Tuoba Xin, who is also the fourth younger brother of the head of the Tuoba family, stroked his beard, "Although the mountain ghost's sound transmission for thousands of miles probably didn't just inform Ruyang City, but spread all over the world. Mainland China, but the old man thinks it is best to communicate with Rong girl first, after all, Rong girl can directly meet the king if she has something to do."

A trace of coldness flashed across Xu Canghai's eyes, "What does fourth uncle mean?"

"The city of Luoyang is probably in a mess right now," Tuoba Xin gritted his teeth, "There is no limit! The mountain ghost is clearly going to use our Northern Wei warriors to test the participants of the high-level ceremony!"

Tuobaxin's eyes were bitter, he thought he understood the purpose of the mountain ghost when he heard the so-called participation conditions for the first time.

As the younger brother of the Patriarch of the Tuoba family, he has participated in the renovation of Ninggu Pagoda, and he knows very well that the bricks of Ninggu Pagoda are really different from those in other places.

The bricks of Ninggu Pagoda are made of basalt in a mine in the Northern Wei Dynasty, and they are extremely hard.There are many hard rocks in the world, such as the dragon scale rock used by various countries to build battle platforms, etc., but these rocks are only hard and can be destroyed as long as the practitioner is strong enough, but basalt is different, it is extremely difficult to be destroyed by the practitioner's true essence , the swordsmanship of the Fenghuoshuilei Four Swords School is useless against Basalt, and it can be said to be the nemesis of practitioners.

And these bricks were made by Xu Canghai, the God of Basalt, so they were called basalt.

But the Northern Wei Dynasty had already emptied the mine in order to rebuild the Ninggu Tower, so even if other practitioners wanted to forge this stepping stone, they had no choice but to go to Ninggu Tower to dismantle the bricks.

There are seven layers of guards and twelve layers of formations outside Ninggu Pagoda, and there are even Xuanwu Guards, one of the most elite troops in the Northern Wei Dynasty, guarding them. If there are practitioners who can pass through such guards guarding against death, then they are really like dragons and phoenixes. Participate in that high-level ceremony.

However, this high-level ceremony was held in Hou Liao. If there are practitioners who participated and improved their realm, the credit belongs to Hou Liao.

"This mountain ghost is playing well," Tuobaxin sneered, "they don't have the ability to test the ability of practitioners, so they ask our warriors from the Northern Wei Dynasty to stand in the way?"

"What Laoshizi's high-level ceremony is playing tricks!"

Tuoba Xun turned around in the room and got angry, "If you participate, you can ascend to the top? How is it possible! I see what idiots want to participate!"

"That's not what you said," Xu Canghai said lightly, "This is actually a good thing."

"What good thing?" Tuoba Xin frowned.

"In other words, the middle-level ceremony of the Hou Liao Dynasty was specially held for us in the Northern Wei Dynasty." Xu Canghai looked at his palm, "The guards and formations outside the Ninggu Pagoda can't break through even a sky-level practitioner alone. You Do you think any of those boys can get in?"

"Ten thousand steps back, if they can sneak in, they can come out?"

Tuoba Xin opened his eyes wide in a daze, with joy on his face, but frowned the next moment, "But just in case some old guys are tempted..."

The three unrestricted conditions proposed by the mountain ghost mean that as long as a practitioner can participate in the high-level ceremony, it means that in addition to young practitioners, there will be many high-level practitioners who have been unable to make further progress in order to seek promotion. I also want to participate in the high-level ceremony.

"The formation outside Ninggu Pagoda cannot be defeated unless an army of 3000 people or more than ten heavenly practitioners attack together."

Xu Canghai said lightly, "But if we get to that point, the two countries will already be at war."

The army is naturally impossible. The soldiers on the border of the Northern Wei Dynasty are not idlers. It is impossible to enlarge the army to cross the border. On the Shanhai Continent, apart from the royal family, there is no family or any power that can gather even more than five heavenly cultivators at the same time. By.

"Really?" Tuobaxin took a deep breath, "Is there any other possibility?"

"There is another kind." Xu Canghai said quietly.

"What's possible?" Tuoba Xin opened his eyes wide.

"That's when Ji Mo or the national teachers from other countries come in person," Xu Canghai said indifferently, "but is that different from starting a war?"

no difference.

Tuoba Xin was completely relieved.

It can be seen from this that it is impossible for Ninggu Pagoda to be broken by practitioners from other countries, and the wishful thinking of the mountain ghost can only fail.

No, even steal chickens and lose money.

Tuoba Xun laughed, he already understood what Xu Canghai meant when he said that only practitioners from the Northern Wei Dynasty could participate.

It is impossible for practitioners from other countries to break through Ninggu Pagoda, but with the help of Xu Canghai, the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty can tear down dozens of bricks without any problem.

Didn't the mountain ghost want to use the Northern Wei people?
I don't know how ugly his face will be when he sees that only people from the Northern Wei Dynasty arrived at Xiling Snow Mountain with a stepping stone.

"Since the national teacher has a plan in mind, I will write a letter to the king and the head of the family, so that the king and the elder brother will not worry day and night." Tuoba Xin nodded slightly to his elder brother's son-in-law, and prepared leave.

"Wait," Xu Canghai called to stop Tuobaxin.

"The mountain ghost has always been cunning. Although Ninggu Tower is indestructible, we must guard against it."

Tuobaxin's expression became serious, "Master National Teacher is saying..."

"I have received a letter from the king a few days ago," Xu Canghai took out a silk book from the book in his hand, his eyes darkened.

"Your Majesty is very talented, and he has already predicted that the mountain ghost may hold a high-level ceremony this year."

"Your Majesty has an order."

"The border of the Northern Wei Dynasty will be sealed off from now on, and no practitioners other than those from the Northern Wei Dynasty will be allowed to enter."

 It's going to be windy.Winter is coming, and this time will be completely different from the previous two.

(End of this chapter)

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