Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1306

Chapter 1306
Middle Tang and Former Qin.

Zhao Guang held his breath and looked at Li Ji's map. Li Ji had already marked many lines on the map. Zhao Guang recognized that they were all the trails they found when traveling between countries.

After all, he and Li Ji used to sneak across the borders of various countries most of the time. If it was just the two of them, even if the Northern Wei Dynasty blocked the borders, Zhao Guang believed that Li Ji could bring him into the Northern Wei Dynasty quietly.

"Are these all paths that can avoid checkpoints?"

At this moment, Ji Jiashu and the others had already rushed to the small courtyard. Looking at the map on the table, Ji Jiashu was inevitably a little surprised.

"The Soochow faction did not spare any expense," Murong Feilan smiled, "The Duke of Dongling and Mr. Zhaohua seem to have been to many places."

Zhao Guang let out a breath and looked at the person who revealed his identity last night.

Last night when they decided to sneak into the Northern Wei Dynasty together, they actually excluded the two Liao people. Although Murong Feixing and Ji Jiashu are old, they are not as good as those who came from Southern Chu to Eastern Wu together. But it's all fateful friendship, Murong Feixing and Murong Feixu are obviously not up to this level.

What they are going to do is very dangerous. Once someone leaks the secret, everyone will be in bad luck. Murong Feixing seems to have no intentions, but the second prince of the latter Liao Dynasty is unfathomable and hard to be trusted.

But to Zhao Guang's surprise, the person who guarantors Murong Feixu is actually Ying Baoyue.

Just when everyone questioned why Ying Baoyue chose to believe in the second prince of Hou Liao, something even more shocking happened.

"Little Ayue trusts me so much, it's not appropriate for me to conceal my identity any longer." Zhao Guang remembered that the Hou Liao man smiled like a fox, and then his expression suddenly changed as if he was a different person.

"Everyone, let me introduce myself again. My name is Murong Feilan, and I am the eldest son of King Hou Liao."

When this statement came out, the whole audience was shocked.

No one expected that the person standing in front of them was not the second prince of Hou Liao, but the famous prince of Hou Liao, the famous prodigy Murong Feilan in the Shanhai Continent.

But putting aside the surprise, Murong Feilan revealed his identity, which is equivalent to handing over the handle to everyone. Once he betrays everyone, everyone will be able to expose the fact that the prince of Hou Liao came to Soochow to attend the middle-level ceremony with his identity concealed. The next is also officially joined.

As for what kind of gang he joined... Zhao Guang couldn't tell.

The steward has delivered the letters that everyone had accumulated when they fell asleep in the morning. As expected, the intelligence agencies of various countries were mobilized last night, and the Imperial Prayer Departments of various countries have begun to issue recall orders to high-level practitioners who participated in the middle-level ceremony outside.

This morning, Zhao Guang fell asleep and complained of illness and did not attend the Soochow King's court meeting. It wasn't that he didn't want to participate and collect some information. He was really afraid that he would be detained there if he went to the palace.

In order to save face for the court of the Northern Wei Dynasty, countries will definitely not allow their well-known practitioners to go to the Northern Wei Dynasty to grab bricks.

So if it’s not clear, let’s keep it in the dark.

Last night, Zhao Guang, Chen Zichu and others had reached a preliminary agreement. Everyone wanted to participate in the high-level ceremony. Since the imperial prayer provinces of various countries would not allow them to go, they would change their method.

They are going to the Northern Wei Dynasty, but not going to the Northern Wei Dynasty in their current capacity.

A certain king of the Northern Wei Dynasty who was hiding beside Meng Shi gave them inspiration. Since the Northern Wei Dynasty sealed off the border and ordered high-level practitioners from all countries not to approach, they went secretly.

He changed his appearance with a human skin mask, did not follow the official path, hid his state, sneaked into the territory of the Northern Wei Dynasty without anyone noticing, dug a brick and ran away.

Although this behavior is very risky, as long as they don't get caught, then this plan is perfect.

It will neither cause trouble for one's own country, but also be able to participate in high-level ceremonies smoothly.

Zhao Guang told everyone about this plan last night and got a unanimous response.

But the only thing that shocked him was that after hearing their plan, Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "Most practitioners should adopt this plan."

Yes, he can think of it, and others must also think of it.

Smart people like Ying Baoyue Ji, Jia Shu and Li Ji must have thought of it a long time ago... The reason why they didn't say it must be because there is something wrong with this plan.

After all, it is not so easy to get a human skin mask that can completely cover people's ears, otherwise the practice world would have been in chaos.

But to Zhao Guang's surprise, Ying Baoyue looked at them who were dejected and smiled, "The reason why I didn't say it before is because this plan is easy to fail under the current conditions, but now it seems that it can be successful .”

Zhao Guang and the others were taken aback for a moment, but Ying Baoyue smiled and said.

"If this plan is carried out by several people, it will be easy to be caught, but it will be different if many people work together."

Zhao Guang didn't understand, but he suddenly understood after hearing Ying Baoyue's explanation.

Because practitioners have to hide their identities and are afraid of being betrayed, most of them should travel alone, or two or three people are mixed in the team of ordinary people. This situation can easily be predicted in advance by the checkpoints on the border of the Northern Wei Dynasty and specially guarded against.

But if there is a whole team of practitioners from various countries disguised as a caravan, it will be difficult to detect.

Because it is difficult for practitioners from different countries to trust each other, and there are no new foreign visitors in the entire caravan, they may be fooled by them instead.

This plan may be successful because of the large number of people.

Everyone hastily reached a consensus last night and agreed to make a detailed plan today.

Ying Baoyue, the source of the human skin mask, said that she would find a way, so the first problem to be solved was the smuggling route.

"How wide are these trails?" Murong Feilan asked looking at the map on the table.

"I have removed the ones that were too narrow," Li Ji said, "Considering the possibility of splitting up, I left thirty."

"However, there are only five roads that can take a carriage."

Everyone looked in the direction Li Ji pointed, and found that two of them passed through the former Qin Dynasty, and three passed through the middle Tang Dynasty.

"This..." Song Qian looked at the three roads leading to Zhongtang that can bypass the checkpoint with a complicated expression, "This should be the road opened by those merchants to smuggle goods."

To put it bluntly, it is a smuggling route.

Ying Baoyue looked at the road map with a delicate expression.

However, it is not difficult to explain why the middle Tang Dynasty is not as chaotic as the national conditions of the former Qin Dynasty, so there are more private ways to bypass checkpoints.

After all, Zhongtang emphasized business, so the privately opened business roads that can avoid border checkpoints can save a lot of tariffs.

"This way, Zhongtang has the most paths, so shall we use Zhongtang?" Chen Zichu stared at the road map with burning eyes.

Ying Baoyue named their team this time the Smuggling Squad. Although he didn't understand what smuggling meant, he somehow found it very exciting.

"No," Ying Baoyue shook her head.

Just looking at the map, although the smuggling routes in Zhongtang are wider and easier to walk, Ying Baoyue feels that these three routes should be controlled by Zhongtang merchants. Although they are private routes, the secret organization may be more orderly. sequence.

After all, this is tantamount to smuggling goods under the eyes of the state. Every caravan that can pass through the business road should have been pre-managed, and maybe even high-ranking officials in the middle Tang Dynasty were involved.

In this case, their foreign caravan would be discovered once it entered, which violated the purpose of their operation.

Ying Baoyue's eyes fell on the country where everything started.

After being out for so long, she should go back and have a look.

"Let's go this way."

Her finger landed on the map of the former Qin Dynasty, "If I remember correctly, an acquaintance of mine lives not far from this road."

(End of this chapter)

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