Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1321

Chapter 1321
"Your Highness."

The girl in men's clothing smiled slightly, "I will come to say goodbye to you before I leave."

"Sister Yue."

"I'll be waiting for you in Northern Wei."

That was the last thing the girl said to her.

Ying Baoyue sat in front of the cold table, staring blankly at the tea flowing on the floor.

Meng poetry.

Spread out on the table was the letter from afar to sentence the girl to death, and countless images flickered in Ying Baoyue's mind.

There was the little girl holding her sister in the heavy snow and watching her; She was trembling masculine girl.

But in an instant, all the pictures were shattered.

"What's wrong? What happened?"

Hearing the sound of the teacup being broken, Ji Ange, Li Jinniang and Guili rushed over from the next door, and as soon as they entered, they noticed the credentials on the table.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the first sentence in the credentials.

"Kill the mother and set up the son?"

More and more people rushed to the house, because the news of killing the mother and setting up the son was written first, and everyone saw the news of the Northern Wei Li Chu at first sight.

Looking at the black and white words on the table, Chen Zichu was almost dumbfounded, "This, this... Is the new king of the Northern Wei Dynasty lost his mind?"

"Yeluhua's biological mother is also his main concubine, right? The first thing I did when I came to the throne was to kill my first wife?"

Even if he was from the royal family, Jiang Yuanyuan couldn't understand Yelulang's actions.

As a prince born in a cold palace, he thought his father was the worst. Now it seems that although his father was extremely indifferent to him and his mother, at least he was not as perverted as Yelulang.

His father actually wanted to execute his mother with his own hands, just because he was established as the prince.

Thinking of Yeluhua's news when he heard the news, Jiang Yuanyuan shuddered.

"Killing the mother and raising the son is a long-standing tradition of the Northern Wei royal family," Zhao Guang took a deep breath, "We don't see it as normal. To the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty, it's just a revival of tradition."

"But the tradition is too perverted, right?" Jiang Yuanyuan frowned, "To die in public is for Yeluhua to watch his mother die at the hands of his father!"

"Really?" Zhao Guang closed his eyes and said calmly, "There are more perverted ones, but you haven't seen them yet."

"Zhao Guang?" Ji Ange heard Zhao Guang's soft words and looked at him in astonishment.

She discovered Zhao Guang's anomaly immediately.

Normally, Zhao Guang would always be the most timid and soft-hearted in response to such shocking news, but now looking at Zhao Guang who was staring indifferently at the credential on the table, Ji Ange felt that the people in front of him were a little strange.

"Sorry." Noticing Ji Ange's trembling, Zhao Guang immediately realized his gaffe, forced a smirk on his face, retreated behind the crowd, out of Ji Ange's sight, "I just lost my mind."

"But compared to the Queen of the Northern Wei Dynasty, everyone should care about Meng Shi first."

From Zhao Guang's point of view, whether Yelu Lang wanted to kill his wife or persecute his son was the responsibility of Yelu's family, but for Meng Shi, it was a disaster for nothing.

Ji Jiashu sighed, and opened the second half of the letter. Just as Ying Baoyue broke the teacup, he immediately covered the second half.

Although he knew that this move was deceitful, but if he let the second half of the letter spread out like this, he felt that it would be difficult for him to control himself and tear up this part of the content out of anger.

"Why, is there anything else?"

"It is true that there is another person who will be given to death, who is it?"

When the black and white words were revealed, the room fell into a dead silence.

"Meng Shi?"

"Xiaoshi was imprisoned in Ninggu Tower? How is it possible?!"

Li Jinniang covered her mouth, not knowing what to say.

The next moment she grabbed Ying Baoyue's hand suddenly, "What about Xiao Ge? How is Meng Ge?"

Ying Baoyue's fingers trembled, she raised her head to look at Li Jinniang, whose eyes were already dripping with tears, and said softly, "I don't know."

Seeing Ying Baoyue's calm eyes, Li Jinniang was slightly taken aback.

The next moment she slowly let go of her grip, "Really?"

Although she was used to Ying Baoyue's indifference, she suddenly felt a little uncomfortable when she saw that Meng Shimengge, who had been with them day and night, was in danger, and Ying Baoyue was still so calm.

"But I don't think you need to worry too much about Meng Ge," Ying Baoyue exhaled suddenly, and said to Li Jinniang, "Meng Ge's only value to practitioners is to threaten Meng Shi to submit. If Ninggu Pagoda is destroyed, then Meng Ge should be safe and sound."

As long as Meng Shi is still alive, no one in this world will do anything to Meng Ge in order to make her submit.

And if Meng Shi died, then no one in this world would need to do anything to Meng Ge.

Even if it was out of guilt, Yeluhua and the others should take good care of Meng Ge for the rest of his life.

The Meng Shi that Ying Baoyue knew was the elder sister who took all malice on her and would always protect her younger sister.

She was Meng Ge's patron saint in life, and also in death.

But the girl who called herself an older sister was obviously only a few minutes older than Meng Ge.

"That's it..." Li Jinniang responded dryly, and at the same time she was relieved, but for some reason she felt a little disgusted with her reaction just now.

"Wait," Ji Ange felt very uncomfortable, she stared at the letter on the table, "Is Meng Jizi really imprisoned in Ninggu Pagoda? What is Mo Hua doing? And my uncle also went with him ?"

Yes, this is also the biggest doubt about this matter.

When Meng Shi left without saying goodbye with everyone in the Northern Wei Dynasty, Ying Baoyue was indeed worried, but after Lin Wangong caught up with them, Ying Baoyue let go of his guard.

Even though the traces of Meng Shi and others had indeed disappeared for a long time, thinking that Lin Wangong and Mo Hua were by her side, Ying Baoyue didn't think much about it.

However, no one expected that such a thing would happen.

"Meng Jizi has really been captured in Ninggu Pagoda?" Chen Zichu frowned, "She is a fourth rank herself, and she has the Sword Master of the Northern Wei Dynasty by her side. How could she be captured so easily?"

"This news can't be false, can it?"

"Wait, isn't it that the Northern Wei Dynasty arrested Meng Ge by mistake and planned to execute him as a scapegoat?"

"No, I'm afraid it's true that Meng Shi was caught." Ying Baoyue quietly stared at the credentials on the table, "After all, not everyone can enter Ninggu Pagoda."

If she guessed correctly, there should be formations around Ninggu Pagoda specially targeting high-ranking female cultivators. If she can't tell who is a real female cultivator, with the high bounty offered by Ninggu Pagoda in the past seven years, there should be Countless ordinary women would be sold there.

After all, this is much higher than the price at Qinlou Chuguan.

But nothing like this happened, which proves that Ning Guta can tell who is the person they are looking for.

Although she didn't understand what happened during the arrest process, and Meng Shi would be arrested, it should be a fact that Meng Shi was imprisoned in Ninggu Pagoda.

"What are uncle and Mo Hua doing?" Ji Ange couldn't restrain the anger in his heart, "Are they just watching Xiaoshi being taken away?"

"No, An Ge, you're wrong," the silent Ji Qingyuan suddenly said, "I didn't take him away, I'm afraid they watched Stepson Meng being taken away."

There was a sudden silence in the room, and everyone looked at him in astonishment.

Ying Baoyue understood what Ji Qingyuan meant.

With the strength of those three people, if they really resisted, the border of the Northern Wei Dynasty would definitely be turned upside down, especially Lin Wangong.

But everyone did not find out the news of the Heavenly Tier War broke out on the border of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

This proves that Meng Shi's arrest process was very smooth, at least Meng Shi was under control before the fierce confrontation occurred.

"What's going on?" Ji Ange's heart suddenly turned cold, and a terrible thought came to him.

"Could it be that Mr. Guanghua just handed over the little poem in order to become the crown prince?"

(End of this chapter)

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