Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1320 Collapse

Chapter 1320 Collapse
The Northern Wei Dynasty established the country by force, and all the adult princes were brave and good at fighting, and they kept many customs that could be called barbaric.

Zhao Guang's mouth felt a little dry when he thought that the Northern Wei Palace might already be bleeding like a river.

"Then...then who will be the next king of the Northern Wei Dynasty has not yet been decided?"

"Not necessarily," Ying Baoyue said, "If Yeluhong's mind is still clear, even if it's too late to establish a crown prince, he will definitely leave a will to designate who the next king of the Northern Wei Dynasty will be."

Ying Baoyue reached out to catch a handful of cold rainwater, her eyes were as cold as ice.

Based on her understanding of that hero in the north, even if she only had a moment of sobriety before she died, and knew that her time was approaching, she would make a will.

Otherwise, once the Northern Wei Dynasty fell into a situation where a group of princes without a leader competed with each other, it would only consume the national power of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Ji Jiashu nodded when he heard that. Under the guidance of his father, he has been studying the state affairs of various countries. At Yeluhong's age, it is really impossible that he did not leave a will to prevent his sudden death.

However, it can also be seen from this point that Yeluhong's death was indeed sudden. After all, as the Northern Wei State Teacher, Xu Canghai is a well-deserved Minister of Gu Ming. If Yeluhong really knew that he would die in advance, he would definitely recall Xu Canghai back to the palace in advance. middle.

and many more……

At this moment, Ji Jiashu realized that something was wrong.

Xu Canghai is not with the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty, who is in charge of the regime change in the Northern Wei Dynasty?
Ying Baoyue just said that Xu Canghai might be on the run, could it be that...

"But since there is a will, why did the Northern Wei Dynasty conceal the news of the old king's death?"

At this moment, Zhao Guang's voice interrupted Ji Jiashu's thoughts.

Zhao Guang stared at Ying Baoyue and asked puzzledly, he suddenly had an idea, "Could it be that the heir appointed by the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty can't convince the public?"

Before the rumors that the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty ignored the eldest son and favored the youngest son had been rampant, could it be that he suddenly decided to make the youngest son king before he died?
It is also because of this that a palace change occurred in the Northern Wei Dynasty, which concealed the news of Yeluhong's death.

It is indeed possible.

Ying Baoyue hadn't seen Yeluhong for ten years. According to the information she collected after she came back, Yeluhong had indeed become a faint old king who doted on his young son.

But favors belong to favors, and Ying Baoyue felt that if Yeluhong hadn't lost his mind before his death, it was really impossible to directly designate the youngest son to succeed him.

After all, even if he wanted to lose his mind, the veteran officials in the Northern Wei Dynasty would probably disagree.

If Yeluhong really loved a certain young son so much, he could have made him the crown prince during his lifetime, spent several years building up momentum for him, and won the support of the ministers, so that the young son would not be punished by his elder brothers after his death. Torn to shreds.

But Yeluhong did not do that, which proves that he is still rational.

Even though he dotes on his youngest son, he hasn't even named a county king.

The only two county kings in the Northern Wei Dynasty, one is his eldest son and the other is his eldest grandson.

In this case, even if there is no will, as the eldest son of the former king, Yelulang's ascension to the throne is a matter of course.

"From this point of view, Yelulang, the king of Beiding County, will be the next king of the Northern Wei Dynasty." Li Ji's eyes narrowed slightly.

Although Yelu Hong didn't want to see the eldest son, judging from the title of "Beiding", he was indeed planning to pass the throne to the eldest son.

"If Yeluhong left an edict, then it should be written like this in the real edict." Ying Baoyue said.

Zhao Guang heaved a sigh of relief. The Northern Wei, Southern Chu, and Eastern Wu were all three powerful countries. Although they competed with each other, they also relied on each other before the enemy Xi Rong.

If the well-known Yelulang really came to the throne, then the Northern Wei Dynasty should be able to avoid the mistakes of the former Qin Dynasty, and this corner of the Iron Triangle will not collapse for the time being.

But at the next moment, he suddenly noticed something wrong with Ying Baoyue's words just now.

"Wait, you said... the real will?"

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded, she looked at Zhao Guang and smiled, "Didn't you just ask me why the Northern Wei Dynasty concealed the news of the late king's death? If the edict was really carried out smoothly, the court of the Northern Wei Dynasty should be stable now. "

"In the matter of the succession of the new king of the Northern Wei Dynasty, there must have been an accident."

Zhao Guang's brain is not enough, he thinks that he, the county king, should be given to Ying Baoyue.

If Ying Baoyue is a man with the right to inherit, Zhao Guang deeply doubts that ten Ying Xun and Ying Han days are not enough for her to play.

"You suspect..." Li Ji took a step forward, staring deeply into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "Is someone correcting you?"

"Otherwise it's hard to explain why Xu Canghai hid his whereabouts," Ying Baoyue said.

Xu Canghai's military power was unmatched in the Northern Wei Dynasty. If Yelulang really succeeded, he must be the Minister of Gu Ming in the imperial edict, so what would he have to hide?

According to the rules formulated by Emperor Ying, as long as it is a normal succession to the kingship, it must be a king of flowing water and an iron-clad national teacher.

Just as Zhao Muren inherited the throne of Soochow, Dongfang Yi continued to be the new king's national teacher.

Ying Baoyue's eyes turned cold, "If I remember correctly, Mo... Yeluhua is in his team."

Yelulang succeeds to the throne, Guanghuajun Yeluhua is a well-deserved crown prince.

As Xu Canghai's successor national teacher, he should be able to openly reveal his identity and use the station along the way of the Northern Wei Dynasty to protect the future prince all the way to Luoyang.

But Xu Canghai didn't do that.

Ying Baoyue spoke softly.

"With Xu Canghai's force, there should be no need for him to hide, but what if he doesn't want to hide himself?"

Feeling the aura rising from Ying Baoyue's body, Zhao Guang suddenly trembled.

"Your Highness, you mean..."

"Xu Canghai is probably trying to hide Yeluhua's whereabouts." Ying Baoyue said, "Someone wants his life."

The most direct way to weaken Yelulang's influence is to kill Yeluhua.

Because everyone knows that the old king of the Northern Wei Dynasty valued Yeluhua, and the aspirations of the people in the Northern Wei Dynasty to Yelulang were largely due to Lord Guanghua.

Without this son, Yelulang's advantage would be greatly reduced.

At the same time, if Ying Baoyue guessed correctly, there should also be people in the Northern Wei Dynasty coveting Xu Canghai's position as a national teacher.

But all this is just her guess.

After all, if you don't become the Son of God, you won't be able to secure your position as a national teacher.

"In the palace of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the new king should be suppressing the rebellion now." Ying Baoyue said.

"Who do you think will win?" Li Ji looked into her eyes.

"I believe in Yelulang's ability," Ying Baoyue said, "but I always feel that this time, he will not sit on the throne so easily."

After all, the current situation in the Northern Wei Dynasty is really confusing.

"Then we can only wait now?" Ji Jiashu frowned.

"Before the new king ascends the throne, we can only collect information first." Ying Baoyue said.

After all, who is the last person to sit in that seat will have a great impact on the situation in the Shanhai Continent.



Zhao Guang was very convinced by Ying Baoyue's series of speculations.

However, what everyone did not expect was that the situation in the Northern Wei Dynasty did not develop as Ying Baoyue speculated.

Just three days after the death of the old king of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the news of the new king of the Northern Wei Dynasty's enthronement spread throughout the Shanhai Continent.

Yelulang, the eldest prince of the Northern Wei Dynasty, will hold a grand enthronement ceremony in one month after succeeding the Northern Wei Dynasty.

Looking at the information on the table, everyone in the World Security Court was a little surprised.

"I didn't expect Yelulang to ascend the throne so smoothly," Zhao Guang sighed, "This king of Beiding County has a good plan."

Originally, according to Ying Baoyue's speculation, it would take at least ten days for Yelulang to stabilize the situation.

Finding that Ying Baoyue looked at the information on the table and did not speak, he smiled and stepped forward to comfort him, "Your Highness, there is no need to be embarrassed if you guess wrong, after all, the Northern Wei Dynasty is so far away, it is normal for some information to be ignored. ..."


Before he could finish speaking, Zhao Guang noticed that Ying Baoyue's face suddenly turned pale.

"What's wrong?"

"What's wrong with you?" Li Ji looked at her, his eyes moved slightly, "What's wrong? Is there something missing?"

Ying Baoyue looked up at him.

"There is no mention of Yeluhua in this letter of credence."

Not a single word was mentioned about the prince.

"Maybe it will be later?" Zhao Guang frowned, he felt that Ying Baoyue was really suspicious.

In his opinion, isn't it a good thing that Yelulang ascended to the throne so smoothly?
"Don't worry," Li Ji handed Ying Baoyue a cup of tea, and at this moment, Ji Jiashu walked into the room with a letter, his face pale and frightening.

Seeing Ying Baoyue sitting at the table, he even subconsciously hid the letter behind him.

"Jia Shu, what happened?"

Ying Baoyue grabbed his wrist, "Is this the second letter of credence?"

"Baoyue, you better stop watching." Ji Jiashu took a deep breath.

"Open it," Ying Baoyue said, "If you don't give it to me, I can find out through other intelligence lines."

Ji Jiashu closed his eyes, opened the letter, and spread it on the table.

In the winter of the seventh year of the Warring States Period, Yeluhong, king of the Northern Wei Dynasty, died and was succeeded by his eldest son, Yelulang.

After Yelulang succeeded to the throne, he sent two letters of credence to the whole continent.

The first letter, the Northern Wei Dynasty will hold a new king's enthronement ceremony in one month.

In the second letter, the new king enthroned, and the eldest son, Yeluhua, was made the crown prince. According to the will of the previous king to kill his mother and set up a son, the queen Feng will be bestowed to death at the enthronement ceremony, and another person will be bestowed to death at the same time.

Meng Shi, the step-son of the former Northern Wei Dynasty, has been arrested at the border of the Northern Wei Dynasty for the crime of deceiving the emperor and seducing the prince. He has been imprisoned in Ninggu Tower and will be executed in Ninggu Tower together with Queen Feng one month later. To serve as a warning to others.

Looking at the black and white words on the letter paper, the teacup in Ying Baoyue's hand fell to the ground.

smashed to pieces.

 [-] words
(End of this chapter)

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