Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1323

Chapter 1323
The room is as dark as splashed ink, but the girl's silhouette is like a star on the black screen.

Ji Ange looked at Ying Baoyue in a daze. She felt that the other party seemed to have made up his mind, but she couldn't quite understand what the other party wanted to do.

"Pushed...the tower?"

"Well," Ying Baoyue smiled, "Just stealing a few bricks is too cheap for that tower."

That's right, thinking about the tower that imprisoned female cultivators being knocked down, Ji Ange felt happy.

But it’s fun, she’s still clear-headed. Ninggu Pagoda is said to be built with extremely solid stone, and there are layers of guards, with a full nine layers. Such a huge tower is not a place for playing house The pile of sand can be overthrown if it is said to be overthrown.

Ying Baoyue's words are like the angry words that a little girl would say when she was angry. No, she is indeed a little girl, but she has always been the most sensible of them. How could she say that at this time? Such an angry talk?
Did the fact that Meng Shi was going to be executed really have such a big impact on her?
"Sister, are you okay?"

Ji Ange took a deep breath, and said without a word, "I know you are sad, but you can't do it secretly to overthrow a tower..."

It's all right to sneak in and steal a few bricks while the guards aren't looking, but how is it possible to knock down a tower without being noticed?
In addition, Meng Shi was imprisoned in Ninggu Tower and was to be executed in public a month later. Under such circumstances, the Northern Wei Dynasty must have strengthened the defense around Ninggu Tower.

Even she can think of this kind of thing, why does Ying Baoyue suddenly seem to understand nothing?

"When did I say that I was going to push that tower secretly?"

"How is this possible."

The girl's laughter came from the front.

Ying Baoyue heard the words and walked in front of her. At this moment, Ji Ange suddenly found that there was no fanaticism or anger in her eyes, but only calmness like a deep pool.

At the same time, there was a majesty that she couldn't describe.

Ji Ange's heart beat faster.

Ying Baoyue didn't say that sentence just now in a fit of anger.

"What are you going to do?"

At this time, a male voice came from behind Ji Ange, and she turned around to find that Ji Jiashu was already standing behind her.

Ji Jiashu's expression was also calm, as if Ying Baoyue wasn't saying something unbelievable.

Ying Baoyue looked up at him, smiled slightly, "I want to attack."

Ji Jiashu didn't respond yet, but Ji Ange was taken aback.

She suspected something was wrong with her ears.

storm?Forcibly attack?Is this what she understood?

Because his elder brother loves to read military books, Ji Ange glanced at them a few times when he had nothing to do. Words like strong attack usually only appear when attacking forts and cities. words that will be used.

However, Ji Ange did not expect that Ji Jiashu, who was more familiar with military books than her, would react much calmer when he heard this sentence.

"Really?" Ji Jiashu nodded, "The only way to destroy that tower is to attack it by force. As long as the gap is opened at the right time, other practitioners who are waiting and watching will take a share of the opportunity."

The conditions for participating in the high-level ceremony proposed by the mountain ghost are placed there. To be honest, each practitioner who wants to participate in the high-level ceremony digs a brick, which is enough to tear down the tower, but most people are afraid of the high tower. I just don't want to be the first to stand out.

In this case, as long as someone is willing to create chaos and cut the first gap in that tower, the people behind will probably attack in groups.

It's just that it's not easy to be an early bird.

Those who came behind would definitely hide their identities, and all the hatred of the Northern Wei Dynasty would be concentrated on the first person to attack.

This is tantamount to completely tearing apart the face with the Northern Wei court.

What's more, a direct conflict with a national fortress is no longer something that a dozen or twenty people can do.

This is something that can only happen when a large army crosses the border.

"Even if there will be uninvited helpers behind, an army is needed to accomplish such a thing." Ji Jiashu looked at Ying Baoyue calmly, "Can someone help you achieve such a thing?"

Ji Ange is completely confused, the army?How did it involve the army again?

Could this storm really be the storm she understood?

Did Ying Baoyue actually want to lead troops to attack Xianing Guta?

Looking at the 15-year-old girl standing in front of him, Ji Ange felt ridiculous.

"I'm not too sure," Ying Baoyue smiled, "But I've been warned before that I'm afraid I won't be able to sneak to the Northern Wei Dynasty this time."

Thinking of the conversation with Chamberfang last time, she slowly let out a breath.

She doesn't believe in God's will, after all, the one who makes the decision is always herself.

"An Ge," Ying Baoyue looked at the woman standing in front of her stupidly, and smiled slightly, "Sorry, I can't go to the Northern Wei Dynasty with you this time."

"No, Baoyue, what on earth do you want to do?" Ji Ange panicked completely.

Ying Baoyue took a step forward and touched her cheek.

"I'm not going with you."

She looked seriously at Ji Jiashu who was standing behind Ji Ange, "I will make all the masks according to the agreement, and then you can put on the masks and go with the caravan according to the original plan."

"And then?" Ji Jiashu looked at her noncommittally, "Leaving you here alone?"

"I won't stay here either," Ying Baoyue smiled, "I have other things to do, you don't have to follow the route I drew before, if Zhao Guang and Li Ji lead the way, you will definitely be able to choose find a suitable path."

"We just don't go the same way, but we will definitely meet in the Northern Wei Dynasty."

"Really?" Ji Jiashu still didn't smile or get angry, and said lightly, "Then what day did you set for the attack?"

Seeing his younger brother's appearance, Ji Ange became even more flustered.

"Estimated to be one month later," Ying Baoyue also noticed Ji Jiashu's abnormality, and hardened his heart, "on the day when the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty will execute Meng Shi."

Didn't the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty want to execute Meng Shi Liwei on Ninggu Pagoda?

Then she pushed the tower that day.

So that means she is going to go to war with the Northern Wei Dynasty in an all-out way.

It sounds like a fantasy for a mere princess to do such a thing, but Ji Jiashu knows very well that Ying Baoyue can really do it.

I heard that Lin Baoyue, the owner of Zhaoyang County, dared to command a team of tens of thousands of people when she was only 13 years old. Now it seems that her fiancée is as brave as that strange woman.

She locked herself in the house for three days, and maybe even arranged the layout of the front line.

"You know what you're doing, right?" Ji Jiashu stared fixedly at Ying Baoyue.

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded, "If the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty really wants to attack the former Qin because of this, he will go and fight."

She didn't think that Yelulang would dare to provoke a foreign war given the current chaotic situation in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

If he really wants to provoke, it also proves that this battle is inevitable. Something happened in the Northern Wei Dynasty. If the cancer is not removed as soon as possible, the defense line of the Great Wall of Eternal Night will collapse completely, and the people of the whole continent will suffer.

Regardless of whether Yelulang is really crazy or fake, places like Ningguta should no longer exist.

"So, Jiashu, this is a war between me and him, don't interfere."

This is the first war in her life, and it is also a war where a pebble hits a rock.

She could bet her own life, but she didn't want to implicate them.

 Sister Yue is going to have a big fight
(End of this chapter)

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