Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1326 Perseverance

Chapter 1326 Perseverance
After listening to Ying Baoyue's introduction of the situation of the Mu family, Qian Bofang let out a sigh of relief.

Fight brothers, fight father and son soldiers.

A family is an army.

As long as the Mu family has the heart, they can make a comeback.

He had never imagined that the Mu family, which had withdrawn from the stage of Daqin history, would still have such strength.

It is even more terrifying for Mu You's foresight.

How much strength do the strong men of the previous era still hide?

Old and spicy, this sentence is really not a lie.

Those who can survive from the previous era are indeed not easy.

It's just that Chamberfang is still a little worried.

Looking at Qian Bofang who was frowning, Ying Baoyue said, "Duo Duo, if you have anything else to say, just say it. After all, it is related to our life and death."

"Your Highness, I don't doubt you." Qian Bofang's Adam's apple moved slightly, but he couldn't help but ask, "Will the Mu family... really help?"

The Mu family is not Yinchanwei, and Mu You's age is Ying Baoyue's elder.

Judging from the act of sacrificing the eldest son, it is known that Mu is acting wisely and protecting his own life. Will such a person really help Ying Baoyue?
It is true that Ying Baoyue saved Mu You's grandson in this life, but it is not difficult to know from her narration that there may be hundreds of Mu You's grandsons. Does a mere Gui Chen really have any weight in Mu You's heart?

"You're right," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "I'm really not sure."

"Not only am I not sure whether he will let his descendants see me," she said lightly, "I am not even sure whether I will be able to see him."

Chamberfang's eyes widened.

He originally thought that Ying Baoyue was going to meet Mu You in person to lobby, but she didn't even know if she could see Mu You?

"Your Highness, but you said that you know where the Mu family lives..."

"I know, but knowing and being able to go in are two different things," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "You also know that the people of the former King Qin couldn't find the Mu family after wandering around the mountains for three days, right?"

Qian Duoduo nodded, "But isn't that because Guichang found the wrong place?"

At the beginning, the Mu family had a great reputation for returning to seclusion. It took only a little investigation to find out that the Mu family lived in a place called Misty Ridge, but no one could find out where the Mu family was. News, the whole family should live in another place.

After all, although the Misty Ridge is desolate and vast, it is still not as good as the Cloud Forest. If there is really a big family hiding there, how can no one find it for so many years?

Ying Baoyue shook his head, "The Mu family lives in Miwu Ridge."

Although it lived there, no one could find it.

"Duo Duo, have you heard the story of Peach Blossom Spring?"

Qian Bofang nodded. This is the story brought by the Chief Commander Lin Shubai back then. It was about a fisherman who strayed into the Taoyuan Wonderland, but couldn't find where he was after that.

"The real location of the Mu family is like this peach blossom garden," Ying Baoyue smiled, "It's there, but you may not be able to tell where it is when you walk up to it."

A shudder sprang up in Chamber Fang's back.

"But...but how did you do it?"

"You should have heard that Mu You is the descendant of the Mohist family, right?" Ying Baoyue said, "He is very good at Qimen gossip. He was almost chosen as a giant, but later he refused the matter when he became the head of the Mu family."

"He has been operating in Misty Ridge for many years, and it is not difficult for him to hide the traces of the whole family."

Qian Bofang took a deep breath, and said with difficulty, "Then..."

"I'm not sure that I can meet Mu You," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "but if I can meet him, I'm afraid I can borrow soldiers."

If he could find Mu's family and see Mu You, it must be because Mu You wanted to see her.

You must know that the idea of ​​the Mohists is not to avoid the world.

The old man was just waiting.

Waiting for a king to whom he is willing to serve.

Qian Bofang's heart was shaken. Although he didn't know how Ying Baoyue would meet Mu You, he believed in Ying Baoyue's judgment.

"Then, Your Highness, I will follow the original arrangement."

Ying Baoyue nodded, "Sorry, I want you to rearrange the caravan."

Now that she has decided not to go with Zhao Guang, Song Qian and others, she can no longer go with the caravan arranged by Zhongtang.

"It's not a difficult task for Shanhaiju," Qian Bofang smiled, "It's better to say that Shisan must be very happy to hear the news."

"He has been telling me before that he wants to be your bodyguard."

Ying Baoyue smiled, "Then I will trouble Fang Da and Fang Shisan this time."

"Can you be ready in three days?"

"No problem, then make an appointment to leave in three days."

Qian Bofang nodded and walked to the door, but the next moment he suddenly turned around and asked hesitantly.

"Your Highness, are you really not going with those people?"

Ying Baoyue was startled, then raised her head with a smile, "What? I hate that I've made unnecessary trouble for you?"

"Of course not," Qian Bofang shook his head immediately, looking at Ying Baoyue with a complicated expression.

"The subordinates know that you have never been willing to implicate other people."

In all fairness, he also feels that Ying Baoyue and Shanhaiju's caravan go with him more at ease. Although he can't rely on the strength of those young people, it can also reduce a lot of messy things.

"But is this really good?"

Qian Bofang looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes.

"Your Highness, do you know?"

"You don't look happy."

Ying Baoyue was stunned, and smiled the next moment, "Meng Shi is locked in Ninggu Pagoda, how can I be happy."

"That's another matter," Qian Bofang shook his head, "Your Highness, do you really not want to go with Chun Huajun and the others?"

"I don't want to," Ying Baoyue clenched her fingers slightly, and stopped Qian Bofang who wanted to say something else, "Duo Duo, don't ask me any more, I have already decided..."

"Your Highness," Qian Bofang interrupted her, "Do you know that you have always clenched your fists whenever you tell a lie?"

Ying Baoyue froze, and let go of her fingers suddenly, "I said I can't go with them, what are you talking about now..."

"Really? Why don't you come with us?"

At this time, a cold male voice suddenly came from outside the threshold.

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, and looked outside the door.

The twilight hit the bronze mask of the visitor, emitting a faint light.

"Second walk slowly, I can't breathe..."

Zhao Guang chased up from behind panting, and grabbed Li Ji's shoulder.

"Why are you here? Didn't His Royal Highness say that he wants to see a guest today?"

Ying Baoyue swallowed her unfinished words, looked at Ji Jiashu and Ji Ange standing behind Li Ji, was slightly startled, and instantly understood.


"I can't convince you," Ji Jiashu calmly stepped into the threshold, "but I just heard from Zhaohua that when the elementary ceremony was over, you were going to sneak away alone?"

Then he ran once and was blocked by Li Ji once.

"How can it be said to be sneaking away..." Ying Baoyue looked a little delicate, looking at Li Ji who was stuck at the door like a stone pillar, feeling a little headache.

"You probably heard what Jiashu said about the matter, so let's leave now."

Li Ji nodded, "If you really wish so, it's fine."

Zhao Guang was taken aback for a moment. He originally thought that Li Ji was here to stop Ying Baoyue, but he actually agreed?

Ji Jiashu was also taken aback, but the next moment Li Ji looked at Ying Baoyue and spoke lightly.

"You don't come with us, that's your freedom."

"But that's okay."

Li Ji's black eyes under the mask showed a calm smile.

"We'll always be together."

 Sister Yue, don't you think that he can follow you all the time?
(End of this chapter)

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