Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1328 Departure

Chapter 1328 Departure
Different from the elementary ceremony and the middle-level ceremony, the high-level ceremony has never been held, and most people in the world have only heard some illusory rumors and do not know the specific process.

They only know that they will eventually climb the Xiling Snow Mountain, but before climbing the Xiling Snow Mountain, no one knows how many rounds of the high-level ceremony, what is the content of each round, and how they will be compared.

"Baoyue, have you ever thought that the high-level ceremony has already started?"

Li Ji's voice echoed in Ying Baoyue's ears, and she was instantly enlightened.

Although there were many dangers on the way to participate in the elementary ceremony and intermediate ceremony, it was mainly caused by her own special situation. Most people's journey before arriving in the participating country was quite smooth.

But this is not the case for the high-level ceremony. Taking the ancient pagoda bricks is quite dangerous for most practitioners, and it is an absolute test.

What's more, with the drastic changes in the Northern Wei Dynasty, the domestic environment may also be in chaos, and the danger is even more serious.

Even in terms of getting the qualifications to participate in the high-level ceremony, it is too strict.

As an observer of the entire continent, it is impossible for Shan Gui not to notice the instability of the situation in the Northern Wei Dynasty. Rather, he may have done it on purpose.

"You mean..."

"That's right," Li Ji nodded, "Going to the Northern Wei Dynasty to fetch bricks from the Ning ancient pagoda is probably the first round of the high-level ceremony."

The high-level ceremony has actually begun.

From the time when he went to the Northern Wei Dynasty to fetch bricks from the Ning Ancient Pagoda, the test set by the God Son of the White Tiger for everyone had already begun.

How to reach the Northern Wei Dynasty and obtain Ninggu Pagoda bricks, this is the first round of knockout.

"Since the competition has already started, no one can stay out of it." Li Ji looked into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "I know you want us to avoid danger, but can we really avoid it?"

He said lightly.

"Take a step back, even if we can avoid it, can we really get the recognition of that son of God and get a good ranking?"

"Don't forget, he knows we're by your side."

At the primary ceremony, when Ying Baoyue was in danger, the mountain ghost did not hesitate to fight Ji Mo across the air.

Although the main reason may be the personal enmity with Ji Mo, Li Ji suspects that the son of God with great powers has already figured out the relationship between them.

"Baoyue, we can't hide," Li Ji said seriously, "I don't want to hide either."

He would never let her face danger alone again.

Knowing that there are dangers and tests ahead, and your important people are in crisis, but as a practitioner, you can't avoid it. This is a taboo in practice.

"Baoyue," Li Ji stared fixedly into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "Don't break my heart."

Ying Baoyue's shoulders trembled slightly, and she stared at him in a daze.

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, grasped the hilt of the sword at his waist, and returned those words to her.

"Baoyue, this is not a war between you and the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty alone."

The boy said every word, "This is a war for all of us."

"Let's go and bring Meng Shi back together, shall we?"

Ying Baoyue lowered her head, everyone couldn't see her expression clearly, Li Ji and Ji Jiashu looked at her worriedly.

However, the next moment she raised her head, the corners of her eyes sparkled, but the next moment a little bit of water scattered, everything was just like everyone's illusion.

"it is good."

She smiled slightly.

"Together we will."



Three days later, on a starry night, the roof of the library building of the Shi An Yuan was full of young people.

"This building won't be crushed by us, will it?"

Zhao Guang sat up on it in fear.

"No." Sitting beside him, Li Ji said pompously, "Even if you roll down, I can pull you up."

"Okay," Zhao Guang glanced at Ying Baoyue beside him. Ji Jiashu was sitting next to her, and beside Ji Jiashu were Chen Zichu, Xu Yishan, Song Qian...

A group of people were sitting side by side like candied haws, making the originally small roof overcrowded.

"You can bring Her Royal Highness up here," Zhao Guang said speechlessly, "Why are you all here?"

Who told Ying Baoyue to move the whole body by pulling a hair?
It was almost impossible to bring her up quietly.

But it's so lively, but it's also very good.

Li Ji smiled wryly, listening to the twittering of the people around him, and looked at the lights of thousands of families in Ruyang City in the distance.

The stars are above the head, and the lights are under the feet.

Two different starry skies, blurred and dreamy.

And this scene was the last time they saw it.

Tomorrow, they will set off for the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"Oh, I really wish I could stay here forever..." Zhao Guang sighed, "The thought of going to that poor mountain again gives me a headache."

Every time he set off from the south to the north, he would be reluctant, but this time the reluctance seemed to be stronger.

"The north is not so desolate," Ying Baoyue smiled, "Guiyang and Luoyang are both prosperous."

But most of the places they passed by on this road probably won't be any prosperous places...

Zhao Guang was a little apprehensive, but he felt relieved when he thought that Li Ji and Ying Baoyue would be by his side.

"It's really sad that the young master will bid farewell to my handsome face tomorrow."

Zhao Guang took out a human skin mask from his pocket, shook it and put it on his face.

When the others saw it, they took out their masks one after another and tried them on.

"Hahaha, everyone should remember their respective faces, so that you don't know each other tomorrow." Seeing the completely different faces of the people around him, Zhao Guang laughed out loud.

Originally, he was surrounded by countless handsome men and beauties, but after putting on the mask, everyone became indifferent in an instant.

Ji Ange also found it fresh, moved to Zhao Guang and looked at it carefully, then frowned slightly the next moment.

"I didn't think it before, Zhao Guang, the color of your eyes is a bit special."

Zhao Guang was stunned for a moment, noticing his stiffness, Ying Baoyue smiled and said, "So I carved him with the face of a northerner, and when the time comes to pass the checkpoint, it might be most effective to let him do it."

Wearing a mask, Zhao Guang has a high nose and deep eyes, like a foreigner in the far north.

"Really?" Ji Ange looked curiously, without thinking too much, but with a look of high interest.

Zhao Guang breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at Ying Baoyue with a complicated expression.

Fortunately, at this time, everyone started laughing and joking about their new "faces", and many people looked at Li Ji, who was the only one without a human skin mask.

Li Ji still wore the bronze mask, sitting on the roof motionless.

"You really don't want me to make you a mask?" Ying Baoyue frowned and looked at Li Ji.

Their human skin masks have all been finished under her rush, with the exception of Li Ji.

In fact, she still has a secret expectation in her heart. After all, when making a human skin mask, Li Ji needs to take off the mask, and she may have a chance to see his true face.

But Li Ji said that he didn't need a human skin mask.

Li Ji looked at the curious girl beside him and shook his head.

"I'm already wearing a mask, so I don't need another one."

"But Mr. Zhaohua, your mask is familiar to others, right?" Ji Ange leaned over, "Won't you be recognized?"

"There are quite a few people wearing similar masks in the north," Li Ji said, "It's actually not very eye-catching."

Besides, a mask is a mask, not his real face.

"No matter how bad it is, I can take off the mask if necessary."

His face is also unfamiliar to the world.

No one can know him.

Ying Baoyue was startled, and opened her mouth slightly. She wanted to say something, but she didn't know where her impulse came from.

And at this moment, a ray of morning light hit her face.

She stood up.

The morning light is dim.

The day of departure has arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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