Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1331 Hidden

Chapter 1331 Hidden
After hearing Aunt Luo's words, Xiao Lian's face turned pale.

"Why? Think it's impossible?" Aunt Luo sneered, "You really have never seen the world."

"What haven't those princes and nobles done? At the same time, there are too many sisters and sisters, and there are more things you dare not think about!"

Facing the little girl who was standing there in a daze, the middle-aged female officer patted her on the shoulder.

"Okay, remember your mission, and keep an eye on His Highness, Lord Sima will not treat you badly."

"Don't forget that your brother is still in prison waiting for you to rescue him."

Xiao Lian trembled all over, knelt down again and kowtowed, "Also... please take care of me, auntie."

"Understood," looking at the humble maid, the middle-aged female officer had a look of color on her face, and left with a few perfunctory words.

After she walked away, Xiao Lian slowly raised her head and looked at the picturesque scenery around her.


She murmured softly.

Few people know that Lord Guanghua, Yeluhua, said that he was recuperating in Tangquan Palace, but he was actually imprisoned in this courtyard.

Among these beautiful flowers and plants and elegant pavilions, occasionally shadowy figures can be seen.

And in the depths, there are still many people that she cannot see.

I heard that it is a practitioner.


For Xiao Lian, this is a person far away in the sky.

Women cannot become practitioners.

"Meng Shi..."

Xiao Lian stood up, patted the dust on her knees, and looked back at the silent attic.

Guanghua Lord Yeluhua was imprisoned here, but he was not as angry and irritable as everyone had imagined at first.

Because of Guanghua Jun's strong martial arts, Aunt Luo and the others thought he would try to escape or fight against the guards in the yard. When they sent her up, they were prepared that she would be beaten to death by Guanghua Jun.

But nothing happened.

Yeluhua just accepted everyone's surveillance indifferently, and he didn't even resist the body search.

The only time he got angry was when someone approached Meng Ge. He smashed the tea bowl and almost cut his face.

Everyone was taken aback, and no one moved Meng Ge's mind after that.

After all, although Meng Ge was a natural practitioner, he didn't have a trace of spirituality in him. For the sake of an ordinary person, Yeluhua hurt his face. In the end, it was everyone who would bear the wrath of Da Sima.

Yeluhua accepted all surveillance and control, and the only request was to let Meng Ge stay by his side.

But other than that, he just stood motionless on the attic and looked into the distance every day, as if waiting for the enthronement ceremony without any resistance.

It was his father's enthronement ceremony, his canonization ceremony, and also the execution ceremony of the two women.

Xiaolian sighed, turned and left.



Very few people could visit Yeluhua.

During the more than ten days of living alone in Tangquan Palace, Yeluhua hardly saw other outsiders except for the maid who delivered food and water every day.

But just as he was quietly looking at the No.20 notch on the railing, there was a sudden sound behind him.

Yeluhua turned around, looked at the man standing at the door of the room with a blind stick in his hand, his eyebrows twitched slightly.

Sitting in the corner of the room like a rock, Meng Ge opened her eyes and looked at the man with ecstasy at first, but the next moment she saw the guard standing behind him, the hope in her eyes faded inch by inch.

"You are quite powerful." Yeluhua looked at the white silk tied around the eyes of the visitor, "These days, even the people in my county's palace can't see me, and they will let you in."

"Maybe it's because I'm a blind man not worth watching out for."

Tuoba Xun opened his mouth lightly, then used his blind stick to explore the way little by little, and walked into the room.

"your eyes……"

Seeing his movements, Yeluhua's pupils shrank suddenly. Although Tuoba Xun had eye problems, he remembered that this person never needed to use a blind stick. Rather, using a blind stick was huge for Tuoba Xun's self-esteem. hit.

"Ah, there's nothing wrong with the eyes." Tuoba Xun stretched out his hand to touch the white silk on his face, "It's not too bad either."

Yeluhua came to his senses, felt the aura of this person, and his expression suddenly became complicated, "You sealed the realm of the whole body?"

At this time, Tuoba Xun had no aura belonging to a practitioner.In the past, he was able to walk freely without relying on a blind stick, relying on the true energy emitted from his body to perceive everything. Now that he has no true energy, no wonder he can only know the obstacles in front of him in this way.

"Yes," Tuoba Xun followed the direction of the voice and smiled, "Otherwise, why do you think they let me come to see you?"

"After all, I'm a practitioner of the Divine Dance Realm," he shrugged, "What if I help you escape?"

"Even if the heavenly steps come, they won't be able to save me," Yeluhua smiled wryly, looking at the hands of the person in front of him fumbling around, feeling a little sad.

He strode up to Tuoba Xun and held his hand.

Tuoba Xun lowered his arms and reached for his pulse gate with his backhand, "The pulse is not bad. I heard that you are on a hunger strike. I thought you were too weak to die."

"I'm not on a hunger strike, but I'm eating less every day." Yeluhua said calmly, "If I really want to go on a hunger strike, those people will attack those around me."

Tuoba Xun sighed and turned towards Meng Ge's direction.

"The one sitting there is Miss Meng Er, right?"

Meng Ge trembled slightly, "You..."

"You don't need to talk to me, and you don't need to trust me," Tuoba Xun stretched out his hand to stop Meng Shi from speaking, and he said calmly, "Miss Meng Er should know what my last name is, right?"

Meng Ge's pupils contracted violently, "Tuoba..."

These days, the last name has become a haunting nightmare for her.

"That's right," Tuoba Xun said, "So I'm with the group of people who locked you here, you have to tell me anything."

Yeluhua stared at him quietly, took his hand and walked to the railing where he watched the scenery every day.

He took Tuoba Xun's hand and placed it on the notch.

Tuoba Xun stroked the notch on the railing with his hand, "Are you engraving the day every day?"

Yeluhua nodded, "Yes, I don't have anything to do every day, so I can only write these things and drink tea..."

The two began to chat about their respective lives these days. Tuoba Xun's expression remained the same, but he carefully touched the notches on the railing, with the palms facing inwards. He and his fingertips quickly swipe across their palms, writing a series of words.

"There are ears on the wall?"

"Three of them are all ranked fourth."

"How is your realm?"

"Only Tier Nine, Ruanjin Powder, specially made by Beihan Pavilion, from the Pharmacopoeia, need to check whether there is an antidote."

"The guards on the perimeter?"

"My realm is restricted, and my perception is unclear. There are at least ten people above the Divine Dance Realm."

"People from my county palace?"

"All were sent to Zhao Prison for the crime of bewitching the Lord."

"Your master?"

"There is no news so far, and now the cabinet affairs teacher is in charge."

Maybe the two of them stood for too long, a figure appeared faintly in the flower bushes outside the pavilion, Tuoba Xun was gossiping, and finally asked the last question in his hand.

"Why are you not moving? How are you preparing?"

Guanghua Lord Yeluhua entered the palace almost without any resistance, and he didn't try to contact any of his subordinates. If Tuoba Xun hadn't volunteered to the Patriarch after hearing that Yeluhua was weak, If he can persuade Lord Guanghua to eat, he is afraid that he will never see Yeluhua's people again.

What does he want to do?
Even though he was forced to give in, Tuoba Xun had always believed that Yeluhua was not such a person who could be easily captured, but he had been doing nothing these days, and even Tuoba Xun couldn't understand what he wanted to do.

Yelu Hua loosened Ba Xun's hand and left the last words in his palm.

"I'm waiting for her."

 I feel like I'm writing Mission: Impossible
(End of this chapter)

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