1334 Mist
"The last time I passed by here was really embarrassing..."

Looking at the tents pitched by the puddle and the carriages surrounding the tents, Gui Li sighed while picking up firewood.

"Yeah," Gui Chen smiled wryly beside her, "Back then it was a narrow escape."

"I didn't expect it to be so peaceful this time."

The two brothers and sisters sighed in unison, with regrets on their faces.

"What?" Ying Baoyue, who was cooking wild animals, turned around, "Are you two feeling that no one is chasing me on the road, aren't you used to it?"

"It's not like..." Gui Chen and Gui Li laughed dryly, and quickly focused on the work in hand.

"What's going on? Are there many people chasing and killing her on the way of Her Royal Highness's marriage?"

Li Jinniang, who was helping Miss Yao, looked surprised.

In her impression, the princess and relatives all brought the dowry of the brigade and were escorted all the way by the dowry team. How could there be any embarrassing experience.

"It's not so much that someone is chasing and killing..." Ms. Yao raised her head and touched the kit bag by her waist, with an indescribable expression on her face.

Returning to this familiar place, she also remembered the situation when she married Ying Baoyue.

At the beginning, she also thought it was a simple wedding ceremony, but who would have thought that a violent explosion near Yunmeng Lake shattered her life and completely changed her way of life.

Thinking back to the scene when Ying Baoyue led her galloping on horseback in the sea of ​​flames, Ms. Yao still feels lingering fear in her heart.

"It was here at the beginning, Her Royal Highness was besieged by hundreds of practitioners, and finally disbanded the wedding team, leading us to kill a bloody road."

Li Jinniang's eyes widened, "Hundreds of them? How did she do it?"

If it was the current Ying Baoyue, she would still believe it, but before she came to Nanchu, she should have only waited for level nine, right?Is it possible for humans to escape with the old, weak, women and children under such circumstances?
What Li Jinniang didn't know was that Ying Baoyue, who had escaped in Yunmengze at that time, was only at the tenth rank.

"Okay, why don't you start recalling the past properly?" Ying Baoyue interrupted the conversation of everyone, "Dinner is ready, go to bed early after eating, we still have a long way to go tomorrow."

After the dinner was lively and lively, everyone gathered around the fire to enjoy the fire.

"His Royal Highness, there is no aura of high-level practitioners within a radius of ten miles."

He Lou Xiaolou, who was in charge of exploring the way along the way, came to Ying Baoyue after dinner.

Ying Baoyue nodded and looked at Li Ji who was sitting opposite the fire.

Li Ji nodded, "I didn't find out either."

Ji Jiashu also spoke, his eyes darkened slightly, "I don't have any here either."

He didn't feel unaccustomed to Ying Baoyue being chased and killed like Guichen Guili, but he did feel that the road was a bit unusually quiet.

The territory of the former Qin Dynasty was not peaceful. Even if they disguised themselves very well, as a caravan with a lot of loads, it was a bit abnormal that they didn't even meet a robber or bandit.

But the closer he got to Yunmengze, Ji Jiashu also found that although there were mostly empty villages around, most of the people didn't seem to leave because someone robbed their homes.

Bandits, the most common bandits in troubled times, seem to be extremely rare here. Ji Jiashu and the others even saw the corpses of several dead practitioners at the head of the village. The common people are domineering, even bullying men and women, but every time they do something outrageous, they will be found dead in the village the next day.

There were no obvious scars on the body, so it didn't look like the government had taken action. Ji Jiashu also felt that the Qin army discipline was corrupt and bullying in the past, and the government and the army were still reluctant to attack practitioners.

Based on this, Ji Jiashu deduced that near Yunmengze, there was a hermit master who was doing justice for the sky.

Just walking all the way, he didn't notice the breath of a high-level practitioner, which made him extremely puzzled.

At the same time, I was extremely worried.

Even Li Ji couldn't detect this person's aura, which proved that this person's realm was really high. If they wanted to harm Ying Baoyue and the others, they might not be able to fight back.

"Okay, since I didn't notice the breath, it proves that no one wants to harm us." Ying Baoyue smiled, "Everyone, sleep at ease tonight."

"If I'm not mistaken," she looked at the dark water in the distance, her expression suddenly trembling, "We are completely safe in the former Qin Dynasty."

Ji Jiashu was taken aback for a moment, wondering where her determination came from.

It is clear that the political chaos of the former Qin Dynasty has reached this point, so Ying Baoyue's prudence should not be so reassuring.


"Believe me," Ying Baoyue looked at him and smiled, "I know who the senior who is helping us is."

The former Qin court has indeed lost its way, but this country is not too dangerous.

Because the gods who guarded the former Qin Dynasty had awakened.



into the night.

Everyone returned to rest in their carriage, only a fire was burning quietly in the center surrounded by the carriage.

Ying Baoyue woke up from the darkness and woke up Ji Ange beside her.

"Arise, it's time for our watch."

Ji Ange had never been in charge of a night watch before because of her low level, so she woke up sleepily, "Should I go too?"

"You don't want to see your aunt anymore?"

Ji Ange shuddered and woke up instantly.

She followed Ying Baoyue and climbed out of the carriage, a little puzzled, "Will Auntie come tonight?"

Why did you come at such a quiet time at night?

As winter gradually deepened, Ji Ange sneezed as soon as he got off the carriage, "Hiss, it's so cold."

Ying Baoyue put his cloak on her body, took her hand and walked towards the fire, "She doesn't like to see outsiders, so I guess she will come at night."

"Are you sure?" Ji Ange looked puzzled, looking at Ji Qingyuan's sleeping carriage, "Aren't you asking Big Brother to come with you?"

"We're heading to Misty Ridge tomorrow, so she should be here tonight."

"As for your brother..." Ying Baoyue glanced helplessly at Ji Qingyuan's location, "I don't know how she will react when she sees your brother's face, so don't call him for now."

"Are we going to Misty Ridge tomorrow?" Ji Ange opened his eyes wide, "Where does Old General Mu live?"

"Well," Ying Baoyue nodded, "He actually lives not far from Yunmengze."

"Really?" Ji Ange felt that the old General Mu was just like the place where he lived, like a cloud of fog.

At this moment, the two walked to the fire, looking at the man sitting alone by the fire, Ji Ange was a little surprised.

"Mr. Zhaohua, it's time to change shifts."

Ying Baoyue looked at the flames on Li Ji's face, and pushed his shoulder.

"Yes, I know." Li Ji nodded, but sat where he was and did not leave.

"What's wrong with you? Don't you go back to sleep?"

Li Ji looked back at her, "Is he coming tonight?"

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, Li Ji's words did not mention who he was, but she somehow felt that Li Ji already knew who was helping them along the way.

"You... don't you remember?"

Li Ji and Zhao Guang were indeed not far away when the one recovered from the water, but under normal circumstances, practitioners below the heavenly rank would lose their memories when they saw the gods.

Ying Baoyue tried it out, but Zhao Guang did not remember what it was.

Although Li Ji is now a heavenly rank, but at the beginning of her marriage, Li Ji had not reached the heavenly rank.

"I have an impression," Li Ji said, throwing a piece of wood into the fire, "the only one who would wantonly kill practitioners in the former Qin Dynasty."

Ji Ange was stunned for a moment, and was about to ask something, when she suddenly found that everything around her suddenly became quiet.

The chirping of insects, the chirping of birds, the sound of wind blowing leaves, the sound of burning wood, all the sounds disappeared in an instant.

The world seems to be frozen.

And at this moment, a small snake suddenly came out of Ying Baoyue's sleeve, climbed to her shoulder, erected its body and hissed excitedly in a direction in the forest.

Ji Ange stiffened all over, looking in one direction in the forest.

A woman in black stood there at some unknown time.

 The beauty in black is here!
(End of this chapter)

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