Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1335

Chapter 1335
In the dense forest, the woman in black seemed to emerge from the darkness, and no one saw when she appeared.

In the forest in autumn and winter, there are countless dead branches and fallen leaves on the ground. Even a mouse can't help stepping on it and making a sound.

This person walks without sound? !

Ji Ange's hair stood on end, and he instinctively wanted to look at the woman's feet.

Late night, dense forest, if there are no more feet...

Ji Ange suddenly remembered the legend about the spirit in the mountains that she had seen countless times in the storybook.

"Do you take me for a ghost?"

A cold voice came from Qing Lingling, and Ji Ange shuddered, and quickly denied, "No, senior, this junior did not intend to offend, this junior..."

Ji Ange was still incoherent, but the woman in black had already approached the fire, sized her up, and quickly looked away.

"The faces are indeed exactly the same, but you are much less courageous than your mother."

Ji Ange was stunned, and a gust of cold air penetrated from the sky.

Not only because the woman in black who appeared suddenly had a pair of vertical pupils that did not look like a living person, but also because the way this person looked at her just now was actually very similar to her father.

They don't want to see her face like eyes. they all feel that they are not worthy of this face?
Ji Ange lowered her head and reached out to grab the veil in her palm.


However, at this moment, a hand knife suddenly struck the head of the woman in black.

The knife in this hand was not heavy, but it still made a bang.

Ji Ange stared dumbfounded at Ying Baoyue who was standing on tiptoe in front of her.

The woman in black is a full head taller than Ying Baoyue, which makes Ying Baoyue look very young in front of her, and the scene where Ying Baoyue hits her head on tiptoe looks a bit funny.

Ji Ange and Li Ji looked at this scene in a daze.

"You used to say that An Ge would spoil her as a princess when she grows up, so why pretend to be cold when you see her? Scare the children, okay?"

Become a princess?

Ji Ange was a little dumbfounded.

The woman in black covered her head, murmured a few times with a subtle expression, and the breath on her body suddenly relaxed.

"I didn't expect that she would grow up so big when I really saw her again," the woman in black whimpered twice.After Ji Qingyuan was born, she hoped that Shubai would have a daughter, and promised that if Shubai had a daughter, she would raise that little princess as well as Lin Baoyue.

But she didn't expect that Ji Ange almost had an accident when he was born. During Ji Ange's growing up, neither her mother nor she could stay by her side.

He has forgotten many things and has been sleeping in deep water.

The promise that was sworn at the beginning has never been fulfilled.

"Give me some mental preparation time..."

The woman in black was still muttering, but Ying Baoyue had already pushed her shoulders to Ji Ange.

"Come on, say hello."

"So is An Ge," Ying Baoyue said with a smile, "This is Aunt Teng Snake, your mother's friend."

Li Ji, who was sitting by the fire and tried his best to hide his breath, shrank his pupils slightly, while Ji Ange froze in place.

Teng snake?

Isn't this the name of one of the Eight Beast Gods?

Looking at the joyful little snake on Ying Baoyue's shoulder and the vertical pupils of the woman in front of him, Ji Ange finally realized the true identity of the "person" in front of him.

This aunt of hers...

It turned out to be God.

"It's probably not a matter of her high level..."

What Ying Baoyue said before rang in his ears, and Ji Ange was a little numb.

She felt that she wouldn't be surprised if anything happened to Ying Baoyue in the future.

If she remembered correctly, Ying Baoyue seemed to have knocked on the head of the Eight Beast God just now.

"I...what should I call you..." Ji Ange asked dryly, looking at the woman in black.

"Well, Aunt Snake?" Teng Snake thought for a while and said.

Isn’t the name Aunt Snake a bit scary?
Ying Baoyue was at a loss for words, so Teng Snake glanced at her, and changed his tune, "Forget it, let's call Teng Snake."

She looked at herself, "I'm not the main body, it's just a clone."

"Clone?" Ji Ange was taken aback.

"If it was the original body of the senior, we should all be bleeding from our seven orifices and fell to the ground by now," Li Ji added a piece of firewood, and said suddenly.

Teng Snake looked down at him, "By the way, I wanted to ask just now, what are you going to do with him here?"

She glanced at Ying Baoyue, "Don't tell me, this is your new man."

"Cough, cough, cough," Ying Baoyue coughed violently, and waved his hands, "What are you talking about? No, he's the one I want to keep."

"I saw that you came out without avoiding him. I thought you didn't mind his presence."

"Really?" Teng Snake gave her a meaningful look, then his eyes fell on Li Ji, and his eyes became cold and serious.

"Speaking of which, boy, we have met several times."

Li Ji raised his head calmly, "Only twice."


Ying Baoyue was stunned for a moment, besides the time in Lancanghai, where else was it? Could it be that time when she was performing the sacrificial dance in Nanchu?
As if he knew what she was thinking, Li Ji glanced at her and said, "Senior also came here once in Soochow's Sea of ​​the Dead, and you passed out that time, so I don't know."

"As expected, you can detect my breath." Teng Snake fixed his gaze on the man sitting by the fire, "Boy, who is your master?"

Li Ji said quietly, "Eastern Wu Guoshi, Dongfang Yi."

"Isn't it?" Teng Snake's vertical pupils flashed coldness, "That old-fashioned Dongfang Yi can't teach someone like you, who else is your master?"

Li Ji was silent for a moment, and suddenly glanced at Ying Baoyue from the corner of his eye.

Ying Baoyue was looked at inexplicably, but Li Ji quickly averted his eyes and said indifferently, "There is no one else. If the senior thinks that I am not like the adoptive father, it is probably because I am very talented."

Teng She choked for a moment, staring at Li Ji's back, "You are indeed a little abnormal."

It's just that she couldn't see what was wrong with this person.

"Seniors don't need to worry too much," Li Ji said earnestly, "This junior will never do harm to Her Royal Highness and the people around her."

"That's the best," Teng Snake said lightly, "You should know the consequences of lying in front of the gods."

"If you don't want to die, you can try."

Ji Ange had goosebumps on his back. Even if it was just a clone, the pressure of the gods in front of him was unfathomable.

"Okay, that's all the gossip." Teng She looked at Ji Ange with a gentle expression, "Can you give us a break? I have something to say to your sister."

Ji Ange nodded, and walked into the forest with Ying Baoyue and the woman in black.

Li Ji looked at the back of them leaving, his eyes were slightly deep.

He stroked his back.

He actually stayed here on purpose today.

Teng Snake's protection for Ying Baoyue is beyond words. He originally wanted to use the eyes of the gods to see what is in his body and whether it will cause harm to Ying Baoyue.

After all, if he would cause harm to Ying Baoyue, Teng Snake God would definitely get rid of him immediately.

However, he didn't expect that even this god couldn't see through his body.

Why did the Xirong people rob his body?
What exactly does Chunyu Ye know?
What are they planning?
(End of this chapter)

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