Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1350 Leave

Chapter 1350 Leave
"elder sister?"

Xiao Li Ji was stunned, and Ying Baoyue, who was watching, was also stunned.

Li Zhaoding, who took off the boy's mask, looked at him, as if he wanted to engrave his face into his heart.

"Okay," Li Zhao said with a smile, "This way I won't forget."

Ying Baoyue's onlooker's perspective was standing right behind Xiao Li Ji, and she was about to go around to have a look, when a bright red fire suddenly rose in front of her eyes.

The raging fire instantly engulfed Xiao Li Ji!

Ying Baoyue took a step forward in amazement, but the flames in front of her eyes disappeared instantly, and it seemed that a transparent membrane quickly penetrated into Li Ji's body.

"Sister, what did you just do?"

"It's nothing, just practice your hands."

Li Zhao smiled, and put the mask back on Li Ji's face, "Remember, don't take off the mask until you reach the second rank."

"I know," Xiao Li Ji nodded heavily, reaching out to hold the sword she gave him in his arms, but was scorched and screamed in pain.

Fortunately, Ying Baoyue quickly took it back.

"Okay, I almost forgot that you can't use this sword."

"I'll bury it under the tree later, this sword will protect you, you stay on the tree, no matter what happens outside, don't go out."

"it is good……"

Xiao Li Ji replied anxiously, but Li Zhao said firmly.

"Swear to me."


Xiao Li Ji stared at her blankly, "What are you swearing?"

"I swear you will never go out later."

"I..." Xiao Li Ji showed his intention to refuse, but suddenly saw the worry under the stern expression of the girl in front of him.

Xiao Li Ji's heart seemed to be hit hard by someone.

"I swear," Xiao Li Ji clenched his lips.

"Okay," Li Zhao smiled again, and gave him one last look, "Then I'm leaving."

With her hair scattered, Xiao Li Ji stared blankly at the girl leaving with her sword in hand.

Li Zhao's figure disappeared by the door, and Xiao Li Ji stood still. The next moment there was a vibration under the tree, and he rushed to the window like crazy.

I saw Li Zhao cut a big hole under the tree with his sword, wrapped the long sword that he had never left when he met her, wrapped it in cloth strips, and buried the scabbard under the root of the tree.

After burying it, she clicked several places under the tree and moved the position of several stones.

She stood under the tree and touched her bosom.

Then, without looking back, she walked into the depths of the dense forest alone.

The little boy leaned tightly by the window, watching her leave.

Looking at the girl who left, Ying Baoyue's heartbeat suddenly accelerated for some reason. She didn't know where the girl was going, but watching her leave, a cry of grief suddenly sounded in her heart.

"Don't go!"

This is... Ying Baoyue clutched her chest, only to find that the young boy lying by the window suddenly looked at her.

She was shocked. To him, he should just be in the void now!
Or did the scream just now come from his heart?
Before she could think about it, there was a loud noise outside the forest, and the sound of countless swords and soldiers colliding.

what happened?
Ying Baoyue was about to look in that direction, but found that the little boy in the room shrank into a ball.

can he hear?


Ying Baoyue suddenly realized something was wrong.

When Li Zhao just left, he lingered outside the house for a moment and tapped a few places with his toes.

Ying Baoyue could see clearly that she was strengthening the formation.

As for her reinforced formations, one is a defensive formation that refuses any outsiders to enter, and the other is a soundproof formation.

So it stands to reason that Xiao Li Ji should not be able to hear the sound from outside.

But looking at the young man huddled in the corner of the room, Ying Baoyue suddenly realized that he could hear clearly.

what is the problem?

Could it be that there is something wrong with the formation outside the house?
The sound waves outside became tighter and louder, and even mixed with the howls of wild animals.


Ying Baoyue felt more and more that something was wrong, Li Zhao was unlikely to be attacked by wild beasts.

"Fierce beast?" Ying Baoyue looked at the young boy in the wooden house and stood up in a daze, with a look of hesitation, "For the beast, I should be able to help, right?"

Watching the life of Li Zhao and Xiao Li Ji for a year, Ying Baoyue knew that there were many beasts in the cloud forest that would leave when they saw Li Ji, so Li Ji was very confident in dealing with the beasts.

The roar of the ferocious beast and the screams of the living people mixed together and spread into the hut.

The whole tree seemed to be shaken by these extremely tragic sounds.

Ying Baoyue became more and more uneasy.

She didn't think Li Zhao's skill would make such a big commotion.

These noises outside seemed to be made to stimulate Xiao Li Ji.

Ying Baoyue's heart tightened, and he looked at Da Li Ji beside him.

Li Ji was still standing beside her, as if he was completely unaware of her existence, just staring at the little boy locked in the corner of the room.

There was a burst of shock outside, and a bolt of lightning flashed across the sky.

The whole window is suddenly illuminated!
There was a thunderbolt.

A bolt of lightning fell, and Ying Baoyue was startled suddenly. Xiao Liji's wooden house was on a tree.

But at this moment, she discovered that all the lightning strikes on the tree seemed to be distorted by invisible forces.

Is it the power of the guardian formation and the sword?
That proves that there is no problem with the formation left by Li Zhao, but why can Xiao Li Ji hear the sound?

And that sword...

In the past year in the illusion, Li Zhao has been wrapping cloth strips around this sword, as if worried that someone would recognize this sword, and Ying Baoyue has never seen the appearance of this sword clearly.

The sound outside became more and more frightening, and the branches and leaves were whirling outside the tree house. Looking at Xiao Li Ji's whole body trembling when he heard the sound, Ying Baoyue felt faintly worried.

But fortunately, little Li Ji tightly covered his ears, muttering and repeating.

"I swear, I swear..."

Ying Baoyue was slightly relieved, but she suddenly found that Da Li Ji beside her had clenched his fists tightly.

At this time, a woman's scream suddenly came from outside the house!


Heart-piercing screams pierced everyone's eardrums.

"elder sister!?"

Xiao Li Ji suddenly stood up from the corner of the room, sweating profusely.

Ying Baoyue was startled, that scream didn't sound like Li Zhao's voice to her ears, but could it be Li Zhao's voice to little Li Ji's ears?

The woman's screams kept coming, and Xiao Li Ji was sweating more and more.

He took a slow step towards the door.

No, you can't.

Looking at this scene, Ying Baoyue's pupils shrank.

Can not Go Out!

At this time, a painful voice came from beside her. She looked around and saw Li Ji bowed up, as if she was enduring some pain.

And at this moment, Xiao Li Ji walked slowly to the door and pushed open the wooden door.

The outside world was full of wind and rain, and it was dark. Xiao Li Ji looked out the door in fear.

At this time, another scream came, and he trembled all over, and raised his head.

The wind and rain outside the door are precarious, and the future is unknown.

The boy showed a resolute expression and walked out.

(End of this chapter)

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