Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1352

Chapter 1352
"Don't look back!"


That person's voice sounded so strange to his ears for some reason, and there was a smell that disgusted him.

Why, he hates this voice?

But even so, will he still run forward obediently?
The figure behind him was engulfed by the shadows in the forest, and Xiao Li Ji ran forward in a stumbling manner, with sticky blood under his feet, and every step he took brought an unpleasant fishy smell.


Little Li Ji ran forward rolling and crawling, but at some point his body was already covered in blood.

Blood and unknown water droplets fell from under his mask. As he ran, he found that the breath he exhaled became scorching hot, the breath in his body became extremely chaotic, and the memories of the past began to fade in his mind.

The hand that pushed him, and the voice that told him not to look back, were the first to disappear from his mind.

Li Ji stared at that scene, and he remembered the whole sequence very clearly.

Then, there is Li Zhao's face, the scene when they met, and the details of life in the small courtyard.

He watched little Li Ji run forward desperately, and wailing came out of his mouth.


It turned out that his memory began to disappear from that time, not after Nan Chu was interrupted by Ji Mo's meridians all over his body.

I'm afraid it was because he was too sad at that time, and his whole memory began to be disordered.

But there is one thing that has been stuck in the depths of his mind like a root. Even though he almost forgot everything after his meridians were severed, he still can't forget it.

That was the scene where Li Zhao was stabbed in the heart by that man and fell into a pool of blood.

As if he wanted to plant hatred firmly in his heart, he dreamed back at midnight, and he relived this scene countless times in his dreams, only this memory was never blurred, and it was unusually clear.

And thanks to this memory, he never forgot Li Zhao and his enemy.

A long-lost pain arose from Li Ji's wrist, and whispers seemed to ring in his ears.

"This breath... can't it..."

"That kid..."

As if someone was staring at him in the dark, strands of sight almost seemed to be real, shooting at him like needles, Xiao Li Ji's whole body tensed up, his mind almost collapsed, his mind went blank, and he just murmured and repeated. With a paragraph.

"If you feel pain all over your body, go east and find Dong Wu Guoshi Dongfang Yi..."

"Go to Dong Wu Guoshi Dongfang Yi..."

The passage that Li Zhao asked him to recite repeatedly in the past came in handy at this time.

East, where the sun rises.

He ran eastward desperately, but when he reached a large grass field, he finally exhausted.

Before he passed out from a coma, he seemed to see a stone platform in the shape of an altar in a trance. On the stone platform, a giant dragon with its teeth and claws was carved.

"here it is……"

"Where is your enemy? Who is your enemy?"

It was as if someone was whispering in his ear.

On the altar, a storm suddenly rose.

There were dark clouds gathering in the sky in the distance, before fainting, Xiao Li Ji murmured.

"Young Commander..."



Huge clouds gathered above his head, forming three large characters.

Because he had heard about this incident before, Ying Baoyue looked at this scene, but he didn't feel too much trouble in his heart.

It turns out that the so-called Apocalypse who caused the disappearance of the Qinglong God because of his lack of command, does he look like this?
She looked around.

The place where Xiao Liji fell happened to be the ancestor of Soochow, the Longxing Altar.

But next to this altar, Ying Baoyue remembers that there is also an extremely complicated formation, and outsiders can't even see where this place is.

How did little Li Ji break in?

It is said to be an apocalypse, but it may be a coincidence that all this may not be done well.

Ying Baoyue supported the forehead, the Longxing Altar was originally the place where the dragon spirit of the Azure Dragon God lived, maybe the Azure Dragon God really had only one breath left, and was lying on it sleeping, but when Xiao Li Ji ran in, Maybe Qinglong God just passed away.

She let out a long breath.

By now, Ying Baoyue didn't know who to blame.

Looking at the blood-soaked teenager in the middle of the grass, she felt extremely complicated.

The only thing she knew was that all of this, whether it was a misunderstanding or fate, had nothing to do with this young man.

The instigator is not him.

Ying Baoyue saw the happy smile of the young man in the small courtyard. When he woke up again, would he become the current Li Ji?

She looked at the people around her, while Li Ji stared at the boy who fell on the ground.

Xiao Li Ji didn't know how long he had been unconscious on the ground. When he opened his eyes, he saw a pair of old eyes.

"You are……"

"You are..." And the old man standing next to him in the green dragon sacrificial attire was also looking at the black eyes of the young man on the ground.

"You're back."

The old man let out a long sigh, "The Second Highness has been looking for you for a long time."

"Zhao... Guang?"

Little Li Ji got up slowly, and suddenly grabbed the hem of the old man's clothes in front of him, knelt on the ground and knocked his head on the ground, "You... are you the Eastern Wu Guoshi?"

"Please save my sister, she is just outside the cloud forest, in..."

"Please save her, I will repay you even if I am a cow and a horse, please save her, please save her..."

There was a faint sound of thunder in the sky, and Dongfang Yi lifted the young man up on the ground.

"I can't afford you to kneel down, this old man. As for the Cloud Forest..."

The old man's voice was low and deep, resounding in the young man's ears like thunder.

"Inside and outside the Cloud and Mist Forest, the Jinwu Guards of Soochow just went to explore it yesterday, and there is no one left alive."

There is not a single living person left.

Xiao Li Ji stood still, as if he couldn't hear anything.

The past passed like smoke.

Ying Baoyue watched Xiao Li Ji follow Dongfang Yi away like a walking dead, walking in the long river of time.

He grew up little by little, became taller little by little, became stronger extremely quickly, and then became taciturn.

Only on nights with a bright moon would he raise his head and look at his empty palm.

Why didn't he send that hair tie out that night?

"Second brother!"

The young man who was already dressed as the prince of the county slammed the door open, and said excitedly, "You have been selected as the Sixth Prince of the Warring States Period!"

The young man standing behind the desk turned around calmly, with neither sadness nor joy on his face, "What is the Sixth Master of the Warring States Period?"

"Oh, it is the most powerful young practitioner in the six countries, and there is only one person in each country!"

Zhao Guang was still chattering excitedly, but Li Ji had already looked up at the old man standing behind Zhao Guang, "Father, do you need me to do something?"

"It's not a big deal," Dongfang Yi smiled kindly, "I just need you to think of a name, two characters, ending in Chinese."

"I heard that the first son of Ji Mo's family is called Chunhua, which word do you want to choose?"

Pick a word?
The grown-up Soochow boy raised his head in a daze, looking at the moonlight outside the window.

In the Youren bamboo mulberry garden, there is no noise when I lie down.The situation has been seen now, and I am speechless from now on.

He spoke softly.





Ying Baoyue raised her head in a daze.

The moment the name sounded.

A clatter.

It was broken.

 The orthographic Yunxiang Pavilion passed by like yesterday.In the Youren bamboo mulberry garden, there is no noise when I lie down.Tall birds can choose trees, and sheep are full of feudal lords.The situation has been seen now, and I am speechless from now on. -- Tang·Wang Changling "Ji Shi Zheng Zi"

(End of this chapter)

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