Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1354 The Mu Family

Chapter 1354 The Mu Family
The cold wind blew on her face, Ying Baoyue looked at the familiar scenery in front of her, her eyes were slightly blurred.

This is the fog she passed through when she came in, and Li Ji is leading her through this fog.

They are leaving this world.

In Li Ji's arms, she turned her head slightly, looked through his shoulders, looked at the shattered fragments, and looked at the shattered small courtyard among the fragments. It seemed that the young man's voice and smile still remained in the small courtyard.


Li Ji's voice came from above her head, Ying Baoyue raised his head and found that he was looking at her with a complicated expression.

"Do you like him that much?"

Ying Baoyue was taken aback, "What did you say?"

"It's nothing, you pretend I didn't say it," Li Ji stretched out his hand to hold the mask on his face, and shook his head violently, as if he was having a headache at his state, and the next moment he let go, his black eyes had recovered. .

"I mean, do you like me when I was a kid?"

Why is this question getting weirder?

Ying Baoyue smiled wryly, "But I didn't see your face clearly."

I won't mention the deity, she didn't even see Xiao Li Ji's face clearly, what was she talking about when she was a child?

"Really?" Li Ji was stunned this time, and touched the mask on his face, "People who met me when I was young all said that I look good."

I'm afraid it's not okay, is it?

Ying Baoyue couldn't help thinking of Zhao Guang's description of "beautiful than girls".

"I heard from Zhao Guang that you were very cute when you were young," she said with a smile. In the illusion, she could only see the outline of his face from a distance, and she could think of Yuxue's cute appearance.

"Cute?" Li Ji repeated this unfamiliar word with a strange expression, and he could probably guess what it meant by looking at Ying Baoyue's expression.

"But I think they are all lying to me," Li Ji let out a long breath.

"Shouldn't it be?" Ying Baoyue felt that this speech was too unconfident.

If it's fake, what mask are you wearing?
Li Ji fixedly looked into her eyes.

"If it's true, why didn't she like me back then?"

Ying Baoyue was at a loss for words for a while, she knew exactly who the "she" in Li Ji's words was referring to, but is it really good to ask other women this question?
But she couldn't bear to think of the young man who kowtowed desperately to Dongfang Yi in the illusion.

Ying Baoyue let out a long breath and spoke softly.

"I think she should like you very much."

"Really?" Li Ji asked in a daze, Ying Baoyue felt that the eyes of the person in front of him lit up for a moment.

"Yes," Ying Baoyue nodded, "You were so cute and cute when you were young, how could anyone not like you?"

Like a swelling bubble being punctured, Li Ji's black eyes dimmed, and his voice returned to calm the next moment.

"Yeah," he looked down into her eyes, "I know."

"I've always known," Li Ji said quietly, "She likes me."

"It's just that her liking is different from my liking."

Ying Baoyue was startled, she was the one who just burst the blister, but she didn't expect Li Ji to be so sober.

"I once thought about what I am to her," said Li Ji wearing a mask, but Ying Baoyue could sense that he was smiling.

This is a kind of understanding but bitter smile.

"To her, I should be just a supplement in the blank time, and a loving brother."

"Of course the filler is not a derogatory term, it's just that she met me when she happened to be alone."

Li Ji stared at the girl's eyes that were as bright as the sea of ​​stars, "In fact, I always knew that she would have many friends outside the forest."

With such a gentle and strong person, people will continue to be attracted to her.

He didn't know what kind of person she had married, but it must be the top man on this continent.

He was the one who took advantage of the void. When she was alone, he occupied a place beside her, and even occupied her last time exclusively.

If she had met someone else that night, she would have saved him, so let's protect him and grow up.

After all, that's who she is.

Li Ji stared fixedly at the girl in front of him. In fact, there was still a memory in his mind that hadn't appeared just now.

Just one year after returning to the Soochow Palace, he broke through the Divine Dance Realm and returned to the small courtyard in the forest again.

He went to the tree house where he left her, and originally wanted to look for the hair tie that he never found again, but accidentally found a note under his pillow.

There was only one line written on the note.

It's her handwriting.

"When I come back this time, you can ask me again."

Ask her, what?
Li Ji's fingertips dug into his palms. When she came back, what was she going to ask him to ask her?

It was a year late for him to see this letter, but she never came back.

He sat in the tree house, read the note silently for a day, and then went to Nanchu with his sword to challenge the Nanchu Guoshi.

After that, the meridians all over his body were interrupted, and the memory of the past was completely blurred.

Not looking back on the past, looking at the figures of Ji Jiashu and others who had faintly appeared in front of him, Li Ji softly said the last sentence.

"What am I to her?"

Ying Baoyue said, "Maybe she doesn't know either."

"I don't know?" Li Ji was taken aback.

Ying Baoyue felt a little regretful, but still nodded, "Yes."

In the small courtyard, Li Zhao always treated Li Ji like a sister caring for her younger brother.

As for Li Ji's proposal, she never seemed to take it seriously, nor was she moved.

But maybe, she really didn't know.

Just like some people don't know the difference between liking and liking.

Ying Baoyue felt a little empty in her heart, she would feel this way, maybe she didn't know it.

In her previous life, Ying Su never told her, and she also felt that she didn't know this feeling.

Different likes, what does it feel like?
Ying Baoyue lowered her head slightly.

She likes Master, Ange Qingyuan, and the people around her.

But in her previous life, when she told her master that she was willing to marry Ying Su, the master just let out a long sigh.

"Ah Yue, is this really good?"

"You still don't understand, do you?"

She knew that Master was referring to the relationship between a man and a woman, and indeed she had never touched a real relationship between a man and a woman.

"How does it feel to be tempted?" she asked.

The master just patted her head, "You ask that, it proves that you don't."

"When you get there, you'll understand."

By that time...

"Embrace the moon!"

Ying Baoyue woke up suddenly when Ji Jiashu's call came from his ear, and Li Ji's hand was also quickly released before the cloud and mist cleared.

Ji Jiashu, Chen Zi, Chu Tengshe and others gathered around the stone table. The stone table was broken and Mu You disappeared without a trace.

"Where's Old General Mu?"

Ying Baoyue asked in a daze, then raised her head suddenly.

The cave sky and the stone door are open in the sky.

The surrounding clouds began to dissipate completely, and a huge gatehouse appeared in front of everyone.

There is a plaque hanging on the gate tower, and there are two large characters written on the plaque.

"Mu Mansion."

(End of this chapter)

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