Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1362 Trading

Chapter 1362 Trading
"kill him!"

The old man's voice was deafening, ringing in her ears like a drum in the evening and a bell in the morning.

The pain on her wrist wound upwards like vines, piercing deeply into her heart.

However, Ying Baoyue raised her head, gritted her teeth and spoke, her voice as cold and firm as ice and snow.

"I reject."

She closed her eyes, "With me here, I won't let him become a puppet."

"What can you do?" Mu You sneered, "He was not sensible when you left, do you know who raised him these years? What did those people instill in him?"

This is why Ying Xun is obviously the best candidate, and supporting the emperor's eldest son Ying Su's son Mu's family will also gain the best reputation among the people, but he can't support Ying Xun against his conscience.

Ying Xun is indeed Ying Su's son, and the reputation from Nanchu is also very good, but Mu You can't trust him.

He had been collecting information about Ying Xun since Ying Xun fled to Southern Chu seven years ago, and he had placed high hopes on this son of the virtuous king.

But the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

That's right, Ying Xun is indeed a rare person in the Ying family who has the ability to practice. In Southern Chu, he is also known as a gentle and gentle corporal. As he grows up, the great contrast between his personality and Ying Hanri makes the former Qin people desperate. In addition, there is hope, and some people even claim that he is the grandson of Emperor Taizu and the future savior of the former Qin Dynasty.

But in Mu You's view, Ying Xun's every move is imitating his father.

No, maybe being forced to imitate his father.

The deeds left by Ying Su in the past, almost every one of the former Qin veterans will arrange the scene for Ying Su to do it again.

Over time, the reputation of Ying Xun's cool likeness to his father, a corporal, spread, but Mu You did not see a trace of Ying Xun's will in these deeds.

Those ex-Qin elders wished that the person they served was not Ying Xun, and tried their best to turn him into a so-called "Yingsu reincarnation", using Yingsu's good reputation before his death to deceive the people.

Although Ying Xun was not as violent as Ying Hanri in temperament, Mu You felt that he was too gentle and rarely resisted the control of people around him, which was not suitable for a monarch.

What's more, the old Qin survivor spared no effort to publicize Ying Xun's virtues, but rarely publicized his talents. Mu You didn't find that Ying Xun had enough ability to govern the country through some gossip information.

It can only be said that compared with Ying Hanri, Ying Xun is indeed outstanding in virtue, but today's former Qin Dynasty needs a hero, not a benevolent monarch.

The untimely seeds of a benevolent monarch are actually harmful to today's former Qin Dynasty.

Mu You sighed heavily, although he felt sorry for the eldest prince who passed away early, but it was related to the life and death of countless people in Great Qin, so he had to be ruthless.

He fixed his eyes on the girl with a cold expression in front of him, he knew that the girl in front of him was a gentleman, but at the same time she could also become a hero.

She is also the only practitioner he has ever seen who has both reason and benevolence.

"I know what you mean," Ying Baoyue looked at Mu You with a cold expression, "You still haven't changed."

Is it true that people who are good at formations will pay so much attention to the overall situation?

Mu You said such words, not because he had any malice towards Ying Xun, but because the existence of Ying Xun threatened the overall situation in his heart.

Take the overall situation into consideration and sacrifice the ego.

This is Mu You's code of conduct, and it is also the survival rule of the Mu family that has survived to this day.

Back then, in order to save the lives of his clansmen, Mu You sacrificed his most promising eldest son.

Even her own son can be sacrificed, so it is not surprising that Mu You would have the idea of ​​letting her ascend the throne to sacrifice Ying Xun.

But Mu You would think so, but she couldn't.

"I can't do it, let alone do it."

"Mu You," Ying Baoyue looked into his eyes, "If you dare to touch Xun'er, our friendship will come to an end, and the Mu family will be my enemy from now on."

Mu You took a deep breath, his chest rose and fell slightly, and the phrase "a woman's benevolence" was stuck in his mouth, but he didn't yell out in the end.

"You're not making atonement at all," the old man closed his eyes, suppressing the anger in his chest, "You're trying to make the First Prince and Young Master Xun eternal sinners!"

"I don't think so."

Ying Baoyue shook her head.

"It's not in the name of the people, everything is right."

Is it really the right way to take the lives of innocent people for the sake of the right way?

"Unlike my current elder brother, Xun'er has no crimes." She said calmly.

She could watch Ying Hanri commit suicide, but she couldn't let Ying Xun let him go.

Ying Baoyue looked at her palm. It seemed that the warmth that Ying Xun had left for her in the primary and intermediate ceremonies was still in her palm.

"His existence and incompetence are sins!" Mu You stared into her eyes, full of disappointment.

Ying Baoyue is indeed the most suitable candidate to be king, but he didn't expect her to be so soft-hearted, so even if she becomes stronger and stronger, it may not be a big deal.

Blood, violence, and ruthlessness are the path that those heroes who climbed to the throne through abnormal means should take, and it is also the only path that has been proven to be successful.

"Xun'er is a good boy, I don't allow anyone to hurt him," Ying Baoyue could see Mu You's disappointment, but she didn't have the slightest intention to bow her head.

"Really?" Mu You said lightly, "The old man has no other conditions."

If she disagrees with the two conditions, then the matter can only be dropped.

"The soldiers of the Mu family will not lend you, you go."

The atmosphere in the study stagnated, but there was no panic on Ying Baoyue's face.

"Really?" She smiled. "Actually, I don't need many people. Twenty or thirty elite soldiers are enough. It is best to be practitioners above the ground level, and they will be able to form an army formation."

Not much, hehe.

Mu You let out a breath from his nose.

"Really, I don't ask too much," Ying Baoyue continued with a smile, "It doesn't need to be all direct, side branches are fine, even if you don't give me your son, just give me a few of your grandchildren."

Mu You turned around, too lazy to look at her.

"It's really not many," Ying Baoyue walked around in front of him, "There are only [-] descendants, and they can still be taken out to practice and practice. It doesn't matter if their level is almost the same. If you bring them back for practice, they will definitely become elite soldiers and strong soldiers." Will."

Mu You turned around again, "Don't think about any of them."

"Really not?" Ying Baoyue looked at the back of his head, resting his chin and pondering, "Anyway, Jinjin came in, should I recruit it myself?"

"How dare you!" Mu You turned around abruptly, gritted his teeth and stared at her, "If any of those bastards dare to go with you without permission, I will break that dog's leg!"

Mu You gritted his teeth.

Many people don't know that before Princess Zhaoyang ascended to the position of general, the most notorious stunt in the army was actually digging walls.

Even though none of the generals is willing to release them, there are still many veterans who sneak back after retiring and want to join the Silver Cicada Guard. There are more people.

Almost all the elites in the Silver Cicada Guard were dug and picked up by herself. Some teams brought her temporarily for a few days. When her term ended, the original generals would receive many letters from their own teams and wanted to follow her. petition.

Mu You gritted his teeth, this man is simply poisonous.

The Mu family has lived in seclusion for many years, and many young people have long been eager to go out and have a look. If this girl is allowed to go to the Mu family's son-in-law to lobby, I really don't know how many people she can recruit.

"Since we didn't reach an agreement, you can leave now," Mu You stared at her closely.

"Outside the Xirong people are still trapped in the formation. It's dangerous for us to go out now. At least we have to wait for this matter to be resolved?" Ying Baoyue smiled, "I'll just walk around the yard, I won't run around."


Seeing Ying Baoyue walking towards the door, Mu You had an ominous premonition.

"You let me in, you can't even let me say a few words."

Before he could stop him, Ying Baoyue had already opened the door with a creak.

Unexpectedly, the moment the door opened, there was a bang, and two figures, one large and one small, lying on the door suddenly fell backwards.

Xu Wenning suddenly stood still, but Mu Qi lost his balance, slipped and fell backwards. His hand stretched forward to grab something, but the next moment he grabbed a cold hand.

Mu Qi froze all over, raised his head, and saw a girl with an unfamiliar appearance.

"It came just fine."

Ying Baoyue, who tore off the mask, smiled slightly.

"Let's start with you."

(End of this chapter)

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