Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1369

Chapter 1369
When Ying Baoyue turned her head, Ji Jiashu stared at her, with unconcealable worry in her eyes.

"What's the matter with you?" Ying Baoyue smiled, "It's just to compete with the opponents in the same realm first."

Compared with the middle-level ceremony, this is just a small wind and a small wave.

But Ji Jiashu didn't let go, and tightened his fingers inch by inch.

"Mr. Chunhua, what's wrong?"

Many people from the descendants of the Mu family looked over and pointed, and Chen Zichu, Zhao Guang and others also looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Jiashu, what's the matter? Your Highness's injuries have healed, and it's another battle in the same realm. Are you over it?"

Chen Zichu walked up to Ji Jiashu, very puzzled.

He has long seen that Ji Jiashu has been tempted by Ying Baoyue, but along the way, Ji Jiashu has never been so overprotective of Ying Baoyue, and has always maintained enough trust and respect.

what is it today?
The Mu family is not considered murderous, at least they are more polite than the Xirong people.

Zhao Guang was also confused, but he glanced at Li Ji, who was silent beside him, and didn't say much.

Li Ji was standing not far away, seeing this scene with complicated eyes, but he didn't stop him.

Sensing Li Ji's acquiescence, Ji Jiashu became more and more sure of the guess in his heart.

Ying Baoyue hadn't used her true energy since the final battle with Li Ji in the middle-level ceremony.At the same time, since they set off from Ruyang City and headed north, the aura on her body became weaker day by day.

Ever since I met her, Ying Baoyue's aura and true energy pressure are not strong among practitioners, and most of them are used to her being at a lower level than them, and almost no one notices that Ying Baoyue The strangeness of the month.

But Ji Jiashu still felt that something was wrong.

The right wrist felt the pain of being clenched, Ying Baoyue looked at the serious boy behind him, and was slightly taken aback, "Jiashu, do you know?"

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, he didn't know what happened to her, at least he couldn't be as clear as Li Ji, but he knew that if she used her true energy rashly, she would definitely get hurt again.

On the day of the decisive battle of the middle-level ceremony, and the night before, Ji Jiashu didn't know how Ying Baoyue broke through the God Dance Realm, and how she defeated Li Ji almost miraculously, but she must have paid a lot. Big price.

The situation at that time was too dangerous, he respected her as the only leader, but he also knew that she almost sacrificed her life for that victory, and he felt that she could use the strength obtained by overdrafting her body in a safe and sound way.

"Baoyue," Ji Jiashu said in a deep voice, "You don't want to go, I'll do it."

"My ranking is lower than yours," he took a deep breath, "I am your defeat, if I can beat them, you can also beat them."

"That's not what I said," Ying Baoyue looked down at her clenched hands and smiled, "This way no one will convince me."

Ji Jiashu was stunned, and there was already a chill in his hands.

Ying Baoyue gently opened his hand.

"Thank you," she said softly, "but trust me, that day wasn't a flash in the pan."

Ji Jiashu was taken aback, Ying Baoyue smiled at him, turned around abruptly, and strode up the stone platform.

Li Ji stared at her back and exhaled slowly.

"I thought you were going to ask Chunhua Jun to help you," Mu Qi watched her coming, with a hint of sarcasm on his lips, "After all, you have already got the leader, and you can lie on that ranking for the rest of your life."

"How could it be?" Ying Baoyue stood in front of him and pulled out the sunset sword at his waist, "I am the one you disobey, I know very well."

Even though she was ranked higher than Ji Jiashu and Li Ji, no one in the room thought she would be better than Ji Jiashu and Li Ji.

Seeing her drawing the sword, the descendants of the Mu family around were slightly moved in their eyes.

There was a buzzing all around.

"It's surprising that someone in the Divine Dance Realm dares to attack Seventh Brother..."

"Hi! I heard that Her Royal Highness has challenged the fourth-ranked class in the middle-ranked ceremony before!"

"But that's desperate, isn't it? It's just a gamble and I won. Maybe it's just that the person who was fighting her made a mistake!"

Mu Qi fixedly stared at Ying Baoyue in front of him, all emotions on his face disappeared.

The sarcasm and disdain disappeared, and the only thing left was the calm and cold expression of the practitioner.

"Seventh Boy is serious."

A hundred feet away from the stone platform, there is a pavilion at the highest point of the Mu family. Mu You stood in the pavilion with his hands behind his back, and a female voice came from his ear.

He looked sideways at his eighth daughter, "Qing'er, have you met her just now?"


Mu Rongqing walked to his father's side, the expression on his face was still neither happy nor angry.

"The breath is very strange," she fixed her eyes on the girl who drew her sword in the center of the stone platform in the distance, "It's no wonder that Seventh Boy can't see it."

Practitioners without any experience may not be able to see the specialness of Ying Baoyue.

Mu Rongqing said lightly.

"That girl, she has hidden at least half of the breath in her body."

Mu You's eyes flickered slightly, "She probably didn't do it on purpose."

He actually couldn't see through what happened to Ying Baoyue in this life, just like he didn't know why she changed from a fire mage to a water mage.

No, to be precise, he didn't understand how she could still be a water mage.

Mu You opened his mouth slowly.

"That girl should never have been able to become a swordsman in her life."

"What?" Mu Rongqing looked at his father in astonishment.

"I can't tell you exactly what happened, but there is a curse on that girl," Mu You said quietly, "That curse can kill people, but few people know that its real purpose is not to kill practitioners .”

The lines on Ying Baoyue's arm appeared in front of Mu You's eyes. Killing someone's life was only the end result, and the real intention of the curse was not like this.

"What is that cursing?" Mu Rongqing was shocked when he heard that.

Mu You looked at Ying Baoyue who was standing in the middle of the stone platform, and said the content of the curse word by word.

"The gods hate it, and there will be no reincarnation."

"Resented by the gods?" Mu Rongqing couldn't believe his ears, let alone that the girl standing on the stage with no haze on her face had such a curse.

She doesn't understand reincarnation or reincarnation, but as a practitioner, she knows exactly what the four words detested by the gods mean.

It can be said that the talents of a practitioner depend on the blessings of the gods. If they are rejected by the gods, it means that this girl does not have the talents of any school of the Fenghuoshuilei Four Swords School from the beginning.

Mu You took a deep breath, "That's right, Jixia Academy went to the fourth palace screening, and she shouldn't have passed any of them."

What Ying Baoyue was deprived of was not only Huo Fa's talent.

She should have none of the talents.

But what is puzzling is that she finally passed the screening of Jixia Academy of Gongshui.

If it can be explained because the Qinglong God disappeared and no longer cares about human affairs, but it is said that on the last day of the Intermediate Ceremony, she also awakened the talent of Fire Art.

This is simply too unreasonable.

Is this a flash in the pan, or can she really do it?
Mu You's eyes were fixed on the two people on the stage, when a young man outside the stage beat the big drum beside the martial arts stage.

The drum sounded, and the cold sword came out.

"Battle begins!"

Seeing the flame rising from the center of the stage, everyone's eyes widened!
(End of this chapter)

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