Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1392 First Formation

Chapter 1392 First Formation
"Fifth brother, you're in the wrong place!"

"Brother Fifteen, keep your guard up!"

On the mountain behind Mu's house, there was a constant sound of clashing swords and swords, and the blades of grass on the hillside were soaked in blood, giving off a stench.

"These bloody bastards!"

In the screams and the sound of swords cutting flesh, mixed with the angry curses of the Xirong people.

Ji Jiashu wiped the sweat and blood that flowed down his chin, and stared at the scene in front of him in a daze.

There are only a hundred Xirong people guarding the hillside here, and the number of people in the martial arts battalion is twice that of the opponent, but the opponent is a warrior who has experienced many battles, and the other side is just a young man raised at home. Ji Jiashu has already prepared for a hard fight. preparation.

Although he hadn't entered the military barracks when he was in Southern Chu, his father arranged for generals to give him lectures on military law and how to use soldiers since he was a child.

Among them, the first lesson he took was the casualties of recruits in the first battle.

According to the military officer who taught him the art of war, even with well-trained recruits, the survival rate of the first battle on the battlefield is only half.

Half of the recruits will die in the first battle.

No matter how long the recruits have been training, the first time they go to the battlefield, they will be so frightened by the momentary fear of life and death and the flying flesh and blood that they cannot move their hands and feet, and they will not be able to perform at their usual level at all.

And this problem can't be solved at all, it can only depend on luck, as long as the recruits can survive the first battle by chance, then the survival rate after that will greatly increase.

Therefore, Ji Jiashu was very unacceptable when Mu You asked these young students to charge as bait.

He didn't believe that Mu You didn't know that half of the recruits died. How could Mu You watch half of his descendants die like this without blinking?

When the Xirong people surrounded them, Ji Jiashu couldn't bear it even more when he saw the young men in Yanwu camp trembling with fear.

Having experienced so many things with Ying Baoyue, he already knew very well that the real fight and the battle on the battle stage are fundamentally two different things.

When there are people who want to kill you from all directions, the calmness you can still maintain must be washed out of blood.

Once the melee started, these teenagers might not even be able to hold their swords steadily.

At this moment, Chunyu Ye gave an order, and the two sides began to fight, and everything was exactly as he expected, many teenagers in the martial arts camp were so frightened that they didn't know where to put their hands and feet, and everyone's team was almost dispersed.

However, to Ji Jiashu's surprise, just when the team was about to fall apart, Mu Rongqing whistled and let out a sharp whistle from his lips.

"Number one formation!"

These three words are like a panacea. The eyes of the panic-stricken Mu family teenagers were still dull and confused, but their hands and feet moved mechanically, and they quickly formed a formation, holding different weapons in their hands.

When the youngsters in the Martial Arts Camp came out of the secret path, apart from swords, each of them carried a different weapon on their backs, and they all took them out at this time.

The teenagers moved extremely fast, and everything seemed to have become instinctive, without any thinking.

Ji Jiashu stared blankly at the formation they formed.

Every 11 people gather in a group, the first practitioner with the highest level is the captain, the next two hold rattan shields, and the other two hold medium-length sabers, followed by four long spearmen with long spears, two on the left and two on the left and right. People, to take care of the shield hand and saber hand on the left and right sides of the front respectively, followed by two short soldiers who still hold swords.

The 200 people in the entire martial arts battalion have been transformed into [-] teams. The teenagers in each team perform their own duties to protect each other. Not only are spears and shields, long and short closely integrated, they give full play to the effectiveness of various weapons, and they also have high-level cultivation skills. The degree of cooperation between practitioners and low-level practitioners is astonishingly high.

Mu Rongqing used whistle as her call, and all the descendants of the Mu family were familiar with the meaning of each of her whistles. Under Mu Rongqing's command, the formation changed flexibly, and the eighteen teams changed from column to column according to the situation. , can move freely in the mountains and forests, and can even transform into some army formations that Ji Jiashu is familiar with.

When the Xirong people wanted to outflank the left and right, they changed into a "two-talented formation" with two small formations on the left and right. The left and right shieldmen followed the left and right sabers, spearmen and short soldiers respectively to protect their attacks; when the Xirong people entered complex terrain At the same time, it is transformed into the "three talented formations" of three small formations on the left, middle and right.

Under Mu Rongqing's command, the flustered Mu family teenagers gradually calmed down. No matter how the Xirong people attacked, they just acted wholeheartedly according to the formation they had practiced since they were young. Just kill, the action is methodical.

Ji Jiashu, Ying Baoyue, and Mu Qi wandered aside, specializing in dealing with Xirong killers who were alone or threatened the formation.

Under such circumstances, the aggressive Xirong people actually fell behind.

"Your family's formation..."

After killing another Xirong killer, Ji Jiashu looked up at the small formation that had already blocked another wave of killers for him, and was amazed.

"Isn't it very powerful?" Mu Qi laboriously chopped down a big man beside him, wiped the blood from his face, panted but proudly puffed up his chest, "It's a pity that I can't enter the battle after becoming a god dancer, otherwise I don't have to work hard beside me."

For the descendants of the Mu family, staying in the formation is the most comfortable.

Starting from being able to walk, every Mu family boy will imitate the formations of his uncles while playing house, and after the age of five, he will form a "baby soldier" to obtain his own position in the formation. It is performed during birthday banquets and Chinese New Year festivals.

The adults in the Mu family don't go to the theater during the holidays, they just watch the children walk in the army.

Mu Qi still remembers how sweet it was when he won the first place in the army for the first time and his friends in the same group got pastries.

When they grow up, their grandfathers and uncles will set up obstacles when they walk in the army formation, or deliberately knock over things, throw sandbags at them, or deliberately find frightened horses to rush in, etc.

Over time, every descendant of the Mu family has practiced that no matter what happens, as soon as they hear the whistle of the commanding army, their bodies will move spontaneously.

Repeated exercises from childhood to adulthood have created memories in their muscles and bones, and they can complete those movements even if their brains are blank.

Mu Qi didn't understand the purpose of this kind of training at first, but at this moment, he finally understood.

"Ah Qi, do you know how to increase the survival rate of new recruits in the first battle?"

His grandfather's old voice rang in his ears.

"any idea?"

"Your grandfather and I couldn't find a solution for most of my life, until one day, a little girl who became my superior told me that, in fact, as long as the recruits don't get scattered when they go to the battlefield for the first time, and they can maintain a good formation, More than half of the recruits can survive."

If a recruit does not go to the battlefield, he will always be a recruit, but if he goes to the battlefield, he will lose more than half of his losses. This problem has always troubled countless generals.

But there is a way to keep them alive. ,
Keep in shape.

This is the formation of defense, this is the formation of attack, this is the formation of life-saving, and this is the formation of defending their homeland.

Mu Qi looked at the fighting brothers around him and raised his long sword.

"Follow me!

"This is our home!"

"Get this group of people out of our house!"

 The prototype of the No. [-] formation of the Mu family is the mandarin duck formation of Qi Jiguang, a famous general of the Ming Dynasty. If you are interested, you can search for it.

(End of this chapter)

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