Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1396 Dragon God

Chapter 1396 Dragon God
"what is that?"

The speed of the light was too fast, Zhao Guang turned his head suddenly, and Li Ji was no longer where he was.

He didn't even see what had just happened, and there was a roar in the distance.

Teng Snake's vertical pupils contracted slightly, watching a blue light leap over her black fire towards Chunyuye who was in front of Ying Baoyue.

What happened in that instant exceeded the speed of human reaction.

There was a stabbing pain in her arm, Ying Baoyue opened her eyes, and countless fragments of broken swords were flying in front of her eyes.

With a click, there was an ear-piercing cracking sound.

The speed of sound is even slower than the speed at which the sword shatters.

The time around her seemed to be at a standstill, the long sword that Chunyu Ye had slashed on her wrist shattered in an instant, and a blue light circled the shattered blade and disappeared into the air.

Chunyuye's green pupils contracted violently, but before he could react, a long sword slashed into his spine from behind.


General Lang let out a stern roar, and rushed towards Chunyuye, but Chunyuye blocked him with a palm stretched out.

The sound of the sword being pulled out of the flesh sounded, Chunyuye turned his head unsteadily, looked at the man standing behind him, and spoke in a low voice.

"Are you... a human or a ghost?"

Ying Baoyue slowly raised her head, staring blankly at the person standing behind Chunyuye.

Li Ji stood there, and Chunyuye's blood dripped from Juque sword.

Seeing the blue light surrounding the sword in his hand, a glint of darkness flashed in Chunyuye's eyes. He turned his head to look at the panicked General Lang and other subordinates behind him, and gritted his teeth, "Withdraw!"

General Lang shouted loudly, brandished his epee and rushed towards him. He suddenly carried Chun Yuye on his back and rushed into the forest. Other Xirong assassins also fled to the forest. Mu Qi wanted to chase but was stopped by Mu Rongqing.

She looked at Chunyu Ye who was crouching on General Lang's back in the distance, and said firmly, "Don't chase after the poor."

There may be an even more vicious character hiding behind this Xirong Ghost Huajun.

Among them, the only one who could deal with Chunyu Ye was Li Ji, but Li Ji's ability to appear from such a long distance may have exhausted him too much. Chunyu Ye's sword could not be blocked by a living person who was so far away.

What price would a living person have to pay if he wanted to stop him?
Mu Rongqing looked at Li Ji who was standing there without moving a step, with worry in his eyes.

Li Ji was still standing in place at this time, Ying Baoyue looked at him, and found that his eyes were very empty, as if his whole body had been taken out of his soul.

Thinking of his almost miraculous appearance just now, Ying Baoyue's heart tightened, and she clenched her bloody left arm tightly, calling out to him in a low voice.

"Li Ji? Zhaohua?"

The black eyes in Li Ji's mask slowly looked at her, and the eyes gradually focused, "Hug the moon?"

"Well," seeing his familiar eyes, Ying Baoyue felt a little relieved, "It's me, I'm here."

She smiled slightly, "I'm fine."


Li Ji looked at her fixedly, his black eyes blinking slowly.

"It's you, how did you come here?" Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and looked at Li Ji's whole body, "Your meridians..."

She didn't finish her sentence, because she had already crashed into a hard chest, Li Ji dropped the Juque sword and rushed over staggeringly, slamming her into his arms, Ying Baoyue was knocked back a step, She buried her face in Li Ji's arms, struggled to raise her head, "Ah Ji?"

Li Ji was about to tighten his arms, but the next moment his reason returned and his hands stopped in mid-air.

"Sorry, my zhenyuan was a little confused just now." Li Ji stepped back stiffly, looking at Ying Baoyue's left arm, "It's fine, you need to bandage your wrist quickly."

After speaking, he looked up at Ji Jiashu who was standing behind, "Is Chunhua all right?"

"Well," Ji Jiashu nodded, he was still in shock, Li Ji moved too fast just now, and everyone else in the martial arts camp was also in chaos.

"Have the others come out?" Ji Jiashu asked.

Li Ji nodded, turned around and picked up the Juque sword on the ground, and walked to the northwest without looking back, "They are all over there, I will take you there..."

"Wait," Ying Baoyue touched her cheek. It was only for a short moment, but her cheek was already hot.

But this is not her own heat.

"Li Ji, on you..."

An ominous premonition emerged in Ying Baoyue's heart, and she called Li Jizheng to ask for clarification, only to hear a thud, and the person in front of her fell down without any warning.

"Li Ji!"

Ying Baoyue rushed forward, reached out to touch it, and found that Li Ji's whole body was hot like coals.

His eyes were closed and he had lost consciousness.

"Li Ji!"



"What was that light just now?"

Seeing Li Ji appearing beside Ying Baoyue from a distance and cutting off Chunyuye's sword, Zhao Guang and the others breathed a sigh of relief but were also astonished.

How did Li Ji just pass?
Zhao Guang rubbed his eyes. He seemed to have seen a cyan light bursting out from Li Ji just now. This light did not belong to any sword technique he had seen that Li Ji could use.

Where did that light come from?

Why so fast?
Although they were puzzled, everyone on the high ground was immersed in the joy that Ying Baoyue was fine. Most of them didn't see clearly what happened to Li Ji just now, and no one answered his question.

Zhao Guang had no choice but to touch his nose resentfully, planning to ask Li Ji himself later.

But besides Zhao Guang, there was another person who noticed something was wrong.

Ji Ange walked up to Teng She who was standing on the high ground, and asked hesitantly, "Auntie, what's wrong with you?"

Ying Baoyue was rescued. Although Ji Ange didn't understand what happened at the last moment, since Ying Baoyue was fine, she was relieved and her face was relaxed.

Everyone on the high ground was overjoyed, but she found that only the Soaring Snake clone was standing still and still looking in that direction, his face was not happy, but his eyes were dazed, as if he had been hit by something.

"It's nothing." Teng Snake glanced at Ji Ange, then looked at Shenhuo who arrived at Ying Baoyue's side one step too late, leaving only a scorched mark on the ground, and his vertical pupils stared into the distance without blinking.

"How is that possible?" she whispered to herself.

The picture of Li Ji's blue light surpassing her divine fire in the air kept appearing in front of her eyes.

Faster than her divine fire.

How could a mere mortal do it?

Even though she lost her wings, she almost suppressed all the divine power of this clone in the previous blow. Even the thunder of Xuanwu God may not be so fast, but if there is any power in this world that is faster than her speed , she could only think of one possibility.

The power she had only seen once, but could never forget.

Teng Snake stared at Li Ji standing in front of Ying Baoyue in the distance, and a huge shock swept her heart.

Faster than her sword fire.

Teng Snake said in a low voice.

"Dragon God?"

 Today is the second anniversary of the launch of "Dayue Yao"!Happy birthday!In fact, two years ago, I happened to choose the article to post on Qixi Festival, but it took several days for the backstage to review it before posting it, and finally it became August [-]th. In fact, Sister Yue’s birthday is Qixi Festival hahaha.

(End of this chapter)

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