Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1395-Awakening

Chapter 1395-Awakening
That moment was short and long.

Almost at the same moment, Zhao Guang and others who were standing high and low saw Chunyu Ye jumping down from the hillside.

He had stood still and watched the battle until now, waiting for this moment.

The Xirong people were already in a complete defeat, and the teenagers in the Mu family's martial arts camp were all exhausted, and their faces showed joy.It was the first time Mu Rongqing took the command, and all his attention was on the formation of the martial arts camp.

Ji Jiashu and Mu Qi had just teamed up to kill a Xirong cultivator in the Divine Dance Realm. Both of them turned their backs to Ying Baoyue, a dozen steps away from her.

Almost all the earth-level masters on the battlefield had fallen, and the last one was being stabbed in the chest by Ying Baoyue.

The defeat of the Xirong people was almost irreversible, and the tense nerves of everyone down the hillside relaxed for a moment.

Just this moment.

Chunyu Ye made a move.

Just when Ying Baoyue's sword was still stuck in the chest of the last Xirong practitioner, he suddenly jumped up from the hillside, and like a lion fighting a rabbit, he drew out the long sword at his waist and slashed at Ying Baoyue's back.

This sword is extremely fast, extremely ruthless, extremely tricky, extremely unavoidable.

"Hug..." Ji Jiashu turned around, and saw this scene that shook his mind. The moment he saw it, he knew that he could not keep up with this sword. What's more, Chunyu Ye was originally the fastest lightning striker!
Ji Jiashu's body was moving faster than his consciousness, and the Chunlei Sword suddenly burst into an unprecedented thunder light. He concentrated all his life's cultivation on the blade, and threw the Chunlei Sword in Chunyuye's hand suddenly. The sword, even if it is an inch, let him hit it!

The Chunlei sword flew out like a meteor, but with a click, Ji Jiashu's breathing stopped.

A big man in black armor held an epee and stood in front of him like a wall.

The Chunlei sword was bounced away by the epee in this man's hand, and the big man was bleeding from five fingers, but he gritted his teeth and remained silent.

So much happened at this moment.

In fact, Ying Baoyue found that this sword was faster than anyone else. Chunyuye stayed behind and did not move. She didn't know what kind of monster he was going to be. The strike was like thunder, she saw this sword, but for the first time she felt that this was a sword she couldn't avoid.

She suddenly wanted to pull out the sword in her hand, but unexpectedly the dying Xirong killer in front of her suddenly grabbed her sword and twisted it towards her own chest!
With a click, the Sunset Sword stuck into the man's breastbone.

And this Xirong killer also let out his last breath, and died with a distorted smile on the corner of his mouth.

At this time, Helianyan's sword wind had already stirred the broken hair around her ears.

It turned out to be the case.

Ying Baoyue's heart was cold.

The person in front of her is a dead man.

Chunyu Ye's sword was a sword that he had counted for a long time.

It was a sword she couldn't dodge no matter what.

She immediately let go of the hilt of the Sunset Sword, rolled to her side and at the same time raised her left hand to block in front of her, at a very close distance she saw Chunyu Ye's face.

I don't know if death is approaching, but everything in front of her seems to be in slow motion.

Chunyu Ye's feet were still in the air, his face was hidden behind the sword, only his eyes were exposed.

Those eyes were like the best emeralds, shining faintly, containing too many emotions that she couldn't understand.

At that moment, Ying Baoyue seemed to see the bonfire in the cloud forest and the two people sitting on both sides of the bonfire.

"What's your name?"

"A slave has no name."

"If you don't have a name, you always have a title. You can't be called Helian by everyone in the Helian family, right?"


"That's what they call me when I go out to kill people."

When you went out to kill people, your name was He Lianyan, so I was the one you wanted to kill from the beginning, right?

The long sword in Chunyuye's hand cut into her wrist, as if he was hindered by something, but his chopping force from top to bottom was enough to split a person in two, Ying Baoyue felt his long sword touch her wrist , the next sword will cut off her left hand, and it will go straight into her chest, ending everything.

Even though she has a second-level fighting consciousness, her physical body can't keep up with the speed of her consciousness. Those previous fighting experiences only let her predict her own death process in advance.

It's too late.

At this moment, Ying Baoyue's pupils dilated slightly.

Just behind Chunyuye's shoulder, on the high ground in the northwest, a dark black flame suddenly rose. The flame was mixed with ice and fire, as if it contained the power of heaven and earth, and rushed towards her like a spirit snake!

This true color... Ying Baoyue smiled slightly in her heart.

Teng Snake, you have come to save me.

But she knew that even if Teng Snake made a move, it would be too late.

Soaring Snake is in a clone state at this time, because of the loss of wings, the strength of Soaring Snake's clone is only equal to that of a heavenly practitioner, and judging from the distance from the direction in which the light rises, even a heavenly practitioner cannot catch up.

Chunyuye's sword was so fast that no one could protect her unless there was a heavenly practitioner close by her.

So she can't blame others for being in such a situation.

After all, it was because she was too weak. If she was a heavenly cultivator, Chun Yuye would not be able to do anything to her.

Such things always happen when a person can only be saved by others.

After all, she is too weak.

Ying Baoyue closed her eyes.

This is a sword that even the gods cannot stop.

The moment Ying Baoyue closed her eyes, she didn't see that a cyan light that was faster than the dark black flame suddenly rushed from the northwest and shot towards her.



"Second brother!"

Zhao Guang's shouts faded away in Li Ji's ears, he staggered and was covered in sweat.

The moment he saw Chunyuye's sword slashing towards Ying Baoyue, he seemed to have returned to the illusion.


Is he going to lose his guard again?
The moment he saw it, he knew that even if he was already a heavenly rank, even if his meridians were cut off and his true energy was released, he would not be able to stop this sword.

Too far.

There is a distance of one mile between him and her.

He is a man, not a god.

With such a long distance and such a fast speed, he couldn't keep up.

Why?Why didn't he insist on being by her side before?

Just a thought, is he going to lose her again?

What is the purpose of his practice?
Li Ji's vision became blurred. He saw Zhao Guang, Chen Zichu and others screaming in horror. He saw Teng Zombie suddenly open his eyes and attack outrageously in violation of the so-called rules.

He saw Ying Baoyue blocking with his left hand and desperately seeking a chance of life.

He saw Chunyu Ye's sword cut into her wrist.

But he can't do anything.

No one can save her.

Everything in front of him was indistinct, Li Ji's eyes were in chaos, and his footsteps seemed to have returned to the illusion.

He saw that scene again, watching him hide behind a tree, a woman pierced Li Zhao's chest with a sword, but the scene in front of him disappeared suddenly in the next moment, and it became a formation of Li Zhao holding his hand and walking on the ground inside.

"Don't be afraid, it will hurt a little, and it will be fine soon."

Li Ji stared closely at the formation pattern on the ground, those vine-like patterns suddenly floated up, turned bright red and danced in front of his eyes.

So hot.

Very hot.

Li Ji suddenly covered his heart, and took a step back.

The moment those patterns danced in front of his eyes, his back suddenly seemed to be on fire!

Puff, puff, puff.

He heard the sound of his own heart beating, hot blood was rushing in his veins, and something seemed to rush out of his blood vessels.

He is familiar with this pain.

That was the excruciating pain he had to go through every day as a child.

But this scalding heat is very strange to him, as if something is desperately wrapping the flesh and blood in his body, pulling this heat out desperately.

But now he doesn't want to think about what's in his body anymore.

It doesn't matter what he becomes.

He wants to go.

He wants to save her.

The scorching heat from his back swept his whole body, Li Ji let out a snarl, and a blue light suddenly rose from his body!
 There is only one last day left for the book review event in August (starting point comment area). Tomorrow is the second anniversary of the book’s launch. If you are interested, you can participate (*^ω^*)
(End of this chapter)

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