Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1405 Nanyang

Chapter 1405 Nanyang
"Is this the biggest restaurant in Nanyang?"

Ying Baoyue got off the carriage and looked at the drunk who was looking at her attentively.

"Yes, Miss Lin," the visitor rubbed his palms, "Although this Zuixianlou doesn't have as many types of wine as Shanhaiju, but Nanyang Xiaoshuo is cheap and delicious, and the locals must come here every day. Two cups, when foreigners come, they must come and taste it."

Ying Baoyue nodded, each place has its own local cuisine, and some places are only known to locals.

"Thanks, then we will listen to you and go try it."

Ying Baoyue threw a piece of silver into the hands of the drunk, and that man happily went to buy wine.

"Full of nonsense," Fang Shisan said dissatisfiedly, "What kind of Nanyang Shao Shao, how can it compare with the wine of our Shanhaiju? They are all low-end stuff!"

Ying Baoyue glanced at him, and before he could speak, Fang Jiuniang had already slapped him on the head.

"There are mountains beyond the mountains. Who made you so arrogant? How did your foster father teach you?"

Fang Shisan covered his head with a cry, and everyone else in the team laughed.

"Okay," Ying Baoyue laughed, "Shanhaiju's wine is indeed the best, but I was just thinking that after drinking it for so many years, he might want to change his taste."

Fang Jiuniang's heart skipped a beat, and before she could ask, Ying Baoyue had already stepped into the tavern.

"I'll go in and have a look. You don't have to worry about me. Tonight, I will live in Shanhaiju Semicolon according to the original plan. Everyone, let's go shopping in the city."

After all, they are all merchants, and merchants will look suspicious when they go to the city and don't take a look at the products in the market.

After rushing for so long, everyone cheered and disbanded the team.

But there were still a few people standing behind Ying Baoyue.

Ying Baoyue looked back at Gui's two brothers and sisters and Ji's three brothers and sisters behind him, and said with a wry smile, "Aren't you going to play? Or do you want to drink with me too?"

Ji Jiashu asked, "Is there anything you care about?"

"I have an acquaintance who has always been very interested in this kind of place," Ying Baoyue smiled, "I have some things I want to investigate, but with so many of you following, some things are hard to ask."

Even if someone knew the whereabouts of Lin Wangong, with so many people standing there, they would not dare to tell.

"I understand," Ji Jiashu's eyes flashed, "I'm going to go shopping elsewhere, but I'm nearby. If you need anything, you must call me."

"Okay," Ying Baoyue nodded.

Ji Qingyuan took a deep look at her, and left with Ji Ange and Ji Jiashu.

Guichen held Guili's hand, looked at Ying Baoyue, and hesitated to speak.

"I'll call you if something happens," Ying Baoyue said with a smile.

Gui Chen nodded, holding Gui Li's hand and preparing to leave, he didn't intend to go shopping, when he came, he took aim at a big tree next to the Zuixian Tower, and was going to wait there, but just as he walked out, the boy's footsteps a meal.

It was quite crowded under that tree.

Zhao Guang and Li Ji were standing under the tree. Ji Jiashu and Ji Qingyuan, who seemed to have passed by later, were greeting Zhao Guang with embarrassment.

Gui Chen looked back at the restaurant, if Ying Baoyue screamed inside, the few men outside could push the restaurant away in an instant...

Fortunately, the atmosphere inside the building did not seem to be at the level where the armed forces outside would be used.

Ying Baoyue walked up to the second floor and saw a table by the window.

"Girl, are you alone?"

The waiter waiter saw her sitting by the window and came to greet her, with a strange expression on her face.

"That's right," Ying Baoyue smiled, "Bring me a small pot of Nanyang Shao Shao."

"One, one altar?"

Xiao Er was a little dazed, although there were quite a few people who came to the store alone to order the whole pot of Nanyang Xiaoyao, but most of them were big men or military masters, and it was the first time he saw a single girl come up and wanted to eat The whole altar.

"That's right," Ying Baoyue put a silver coin on the table.

Xiaoer's eyes dazzled for a moment, "Girl, do you want food and drink?"

"No need for now," Ying Baoyue smiled, "I'll have a taste of the wine first."

"Okay," Xiao Er replied, reached out to take the silver, and quickly brought a jug of wine, a delicate wine jug and a small wine glass.

Ying Baoyue didn't use the jug, but lifted the gaiwan covering the wine jar, blew the ashes, patted the mud, poured out a large bowl and drank it all in one gulp.

After eating a bowl, Ying Baoyue was startled, took another ingot of silver, put it on the table, and called Xiao Er.

Xiao Er glanced at the big bowl on the table, "Girl, do you want another pot?"

"No, this ingot is for you," Ying Baoyue put the silver in his palm with a smile, "Can you call your master brewer to talk to me?"

"Girl, what are you...doing?" Xiaoer clenched the money in his hand, jealous, but he looked at her merchant's attire, and his eyes became vigilant.

"Don't worry," Ying Baoyue smiled, "I didn't come here to steal the teacher, it's just that drinking alone is a bit boring. Besides, your master brewer won't reveal his ability to eat for no reason, right?"

Only then did Xiaoer feel relieved, and weighed the money in his hand, "I'll call for you now, Xiaoer."

Not long after, he led a burly man with a face full of color to the table, "Girl, I called someone for you. This is the most famous brewer in our Nanyang City."

Ying Baoyue looked up, her face turned cold.

"It's not him," she said flatly, "he doesn't have that ability."

"Girl, what are you talking about?" The big man's expression changed, he rolled up his sleeves to reveal his muscular arms, and looked at her threateningly.

Ying Baoyue ignored him, and just glanced at the waiter, "If I dare to come here alone, I can go out alone, but before I go out, I'm afraid I have to talk to your boss about your greed for customers' money."

The waiter's expression was ugly, he quickly pushed the big man, coaxed him away with a smile on his face, and then returned to Ying Baoyue's table with a gloomy face.

All the people in Nanyang believe that Nanyang Shaoyao is brewed by this person, and this person has made a lot of money because of this matter, but they didn't expect an outsider to see the way.

"Can I go to the real brewing master to see me now?" Ying Baoyue said lightly.

"Girl, do you really want to see him?" The waiter hesitated, "I really asked that person, you probably wouldn't believe it."

"It's okay," Ying Baoyue said, "I will tell the truth from the fake."

"Okay," Xiao Eryi said cruelly, "It's just that you can't spread the word about it. If it ruins the reputation of our store, I deserve to die."

That's what they said, but no one believed it.

After all, who would have thought that the most famous wine in Nanyang City would come from that kind of person?

Ying Baoyue nodded, and the waiter shook his head and left.

Not long after, the sound of soft footsteps stopped in front of Ying Baoyue's table.

Ying Baoyue raised her head, and a man with a turban and a weathered face appeared in front of the table.

Although the turban covers most of the face, it can still be seen.

This person is a woman.

 So no one admits it's her
(End of this chapter)

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