Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1425 Cooperation

Chapter 1425 Cooperation
Huo Zhan wanted to lie to himself that this person was a phantom, but Ying Baoyue stood quietly behind him, so close that he could smell her fragrance.

But he didn't notice a trace of breath before.


Because he was too close, he staggered back in fright and nearly fell.

"No way," Ying Baoyue stretched out his hand to grab him, "We haven't seen each other for a long time, and Mr. Huo is so unfamiliar?"

Who is familiar with her? !
Huo Zhan took a deep breath and stood firm, then suddenly looked outside the study, "How did you get in? Where are the guards outside?"

The place where Ying Xun is located is naturally the most heavily guarded place in Huo's Bieyuan. Even if Ying Baoyue is already in the Divine Dance Realm, it is impossible for her to sneak in without anyone noticing.

Huo Zhan was terrified. If he wasn't there tonight, wouldn't Ying Baoyue be able to contact Ying Xun without the old man from the former Qin Dynasty present?
Ying Xun lit the candle again.

"My lord, are you okay? Why did the candle go out just now?"

At this time, the guard's voice came from outside the study, Huo Zhan was startled, and then realized that their Huo family guards were outside, but no one noticed that Ying Baoyue had come in.

He opened his mouth and was about to shout, but a big hand suddenly appeared on his shoulder.

"Mr. Huo, I suggest that you better not do this."

Huo Zhan was startled, and looked up along the hand, his eyes stopped on the man's bronze mask.

Li Ji was standing beside Ying Baoyue, with his other hand on her shoulder.

"It's you..." Huo Zhan trembled, staring at Li Ji's face, "You brought her in?"

Li Ji didn't answer, but the matter was already clear.

Huo Zhan gritted his teeth. With the help of a heavenly practitioner to hide his tracks, Ying Baoyue could indeed enter here without anyone noticing.

Although Li Ji's eyes were calm, the threat to him in his words was self-evident.

If he dared to shout, this man would have enough time to finish him and Ying Xun before the guards rushed in.

"It's all right, the wind blew out the candle."

At this moment, Ying Xun's voice broke the silence, and the guard outside answered and stood back.

Later, Huo Zhan noticed that Li Ji had opened the barrier, which meant that no matter what happened in the study, no one outside could hear the slightest movement.

"You, what do you want to do?"

Huo Zhan drew his sword sharply to protect Ying Xun, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Ying Baoyue smiled, a little helpless.

"Mr. Huo, is it necessary for you? I just came to see my cousin."

"I remember you didn't reject me that much when you were in Nanchu and Dongwu," Ying Baoyue smiled, "You helped me back then!"

That's not threatened by you!
Huo Zhan's eyes widened, thinking of Ying Baoyue's promise of becoming a dragon in Nanchu, and regretting why he hadn't seen this person's wolf ambition earlier, because she was a woman, which made him relax his vigilance.

"It's different now than when we were in Southern Chu and Eastern Wu." Huo Zhan looked unkindly, "You know what you have done along the way."

From ancient times to the present, it is not uncommon for princesses to disrupt power, but the mystery of Ying Baoyue's actions lies in the fact that until now, it is hard to see which faction she is on.

The situation in the former Qin Dynasty is said to be chaotic, but it shows that Lang is also clear. It is nothing more than the faction of Ying Hanri and the faction of Ying Xun, just like the dispute between the first prince and the second prince back then. Most of the ministers have already stood in line.

Compared with Ying Hanri, it is very clear who is the master who has sufficient blood status and moral character.

But Ying Baoyue gathered strength all the way, but he didn't intend to support Ying Xun.

Huo Zhan's breath in his chest was chaotic, and he stared into Ying Baoyue's eyes. Is it really better for her to be a real brother?

Thinking of the pregnant princess of the Northern Wei Dynasty, Huo Zhan and the former Qin survivors had speculated that if Ying Baoyue wanted to take part in politics as a woman, he might be targeting Ying Hanri's son.

As long as Ying Hanri's child is born as a boy, Ying Xun's succession order will change immediately.At that time, if something happened to Ying Hanri, and Ying Baoyue returned to the former Qin Dynasty as the eldest princess to support the yellow-mouthed child in the upper echelon, maybe he could really control the former Qin Chaotang.

In the past, Huo Zhan did not believe that a princess who had not yet married in her teens could do such a thing, but after such a long period of observation from Southern Chu, Dongwu to Northern Wei, he had to admit that this woman is a Ruthless, she might really be able to do such a thing.

As long as she is willing to formally marry Chunhua Jun, she can become the clan wife of the Ji family of Nan Chu, and she can definitely get the support of Nan Chu. Even if Ying Xun has the support of his grandfather Nan Chu Ye, the Ji family especially Ji Mo still didn't know how to choose.

If Ji Mo chose to support his daughter-in-law, Danyang Ye's family would not be able to recover.

Huo Zhan gritted his teeth, and marrying Ying Baoyue to Nanchu was simply the stupidest decision Ying Hanri ever made!
"Mr. Huo, what are you thinking?"

Ying Baoyue looked helplessly at Huo Zhan, whose eyes rolled straight away. For some reason, she felt that Huo Zhan seemed to have made up a big show just now.

"I came here this time just to cooperate with my cousin."

"Cooperation?" Ying Xun sat behind the desk and quietly looked at the woman who had been called his cousin in this life.

Compared with Huo Zhan's excitement, he was much calmer from the beginning to the end.

Because he knew that if Ying Baoyue really wanted to do something to him, he would have no power to fight back.

Or it was more because he understood that Ying Baoyue would not do anything to him at all.

His existence is the fundamental obstacle to her.

Father, what should he do?
Ying Xun closed his eyes, walked up to Ying Baoyue, and said softly, "If you want me to attack Ninggu Tower with you, I can't do it."

These people around him would never agree with him to do such a thankless thing, and he couldn't go against the will of the former Qin survivors at all, he was just a mere puppet.

"You really guessed what I want to do," Ying Baoyue laughed when he heard this.

"Well," Ying Xun looked at her eyes that were equally beautiful regardless of past and present lives, "Because it's you."

Such an adventurous and difficult thing, only she would think and dare to do it.

"Cousin, I know your difficulties." Ying Baoyue glanced at the densely packed guards outside the window, a trace of coldness flashed in her eyes, and then she put away her emotions, "I don't want to force you to help me."

"I'm here to invite you to reap the benefits of being a fisherman."

Ying Xun was taken aback for a moment, Huo Zhan was also stunned, and said in astonishment.

"What are you talking about?"

"As my cousin said, I'm going to attack Ninggu Pagoda," Ying Baoyue smiled, "The time will be three days later in the night, at three quarters of the ugly hour."

Huo Zhan froze completely, he didn't expect Ying Baoyue to have such courage.

Not only was he really planning to attack Ninggu Tower, but he even told them the time of action in such a grand manner.

"Aren't you afraid that we will tell your plan?" Huo Zhan stared at her.

Ying Baoyue smiled, "If you dare to speak out, I can only silence you."

The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, and Huo Zhan couldn't say a word.

"Then what are you going to do when you tell us this time?" Ying Xun frowned.

"I hope cousin, you will bring the former Qin practitioners who want to participate in the high-level ceremony to follow us," Ying Baoyue said calmly, "You can wait and see from behind, if we fail, you can withdraw .”

"But if we succeed, please join forces and attack and tear down that tower."

(End of this chapter)

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