Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1432 The Eve

Chapter 1432 The Eve

Ying Baoyue was slightly stunned, and took a step back to signal Yeluhua, Ji Jiashu and others to sit at the table made of stones.

"What deal?"

"Before the transaction, Your Highness should have a lot of questions to ask me, right?" Yeluhua looked at the blueprint Ying Baoyue had in hand, "You really have studied this blueprint thoroughly."

"I was still wondering how those people could get this drawing," Ying Baoyue let out a sigh of relief, "There must be your handwriting in it."

If it wasn't for someone in the court, how could it be possible to get this blueprint that is a secret of a country with Xiaolian and Grandma Sun and other people in the world.

Yeluhua smiled and said nothing, his eyes stopped on this blueprint, "The original drawer of this blueprint was my mother."

"Lingtang?" Ying Baoyue was taken aback, "Could it be..."

"That's right, she will be executed together with Ashi in Ninggu Pagoda tomorrow," Yeluhua said without a trace of joy or anger, "Just so that I can be canonized as the prince smoothly."

Ying Baoyue didn't know what to say. The tradition of killing mothers and raising children in the Northern Wei Dynasty had a long history, but she couldn't understand that Yelulang tried so hard to keep his mother, but now he wanted to kill his son's mother.

"Then Miss Xiaolian and Grandma Sun were originally from your mother?"

Yeluhua nodded, "Grandma Sun is my mother's maid, and also my nanny when I was young."

That's how it was, no wonder when she saw Granny Sun for the first time, she felt that the woman's aura and demeanor were very familiar, very similar to Lady Yao, and she was indeed a court lady.

However, the maid next to the queen actually adopted so many abandoned female cultivators... If this matter is exposed, it will be enough to send Queen Feng to Ninggu Tower.

"Does your father know about this?"

"I don't know," Yeluhua shook his head, "but I remember that my father didn't hate nuns that much in the past."

Of course.

Ying Baoyue thought of the general who galloped with the cavalry of the Northern Wei Dynasty back then, his eyes dimmed.

It is no secret that Yelulang once fought side by side with Princess Zhaoyang.

Just like Mu You and the others, she never felt the slightest disgust towards her from Yelulang.Rather, he was envious of her swordsmanship back then, and said he would let her teach him, and even said that if she was willing to teach him, he would give her son to her future daughter as his son-in-law.

"Your Highness, you don't know, my eldest son is so beautiful!"

"It's just a little younger than you, but it doesn't matter. How about we become in-laws in the future?"

The man's bold laughter brushed by Ying Baoyue's ears, and she fell into silence for a moment.

"your Highness?"

The stupid things in the military camp in the past dissipated like fog in Ying Baoyue's mind. She raised her head and looked at the son whom her father had so proudly mentioned, "Your father...what's going on?"

Yeluhua was silent for a moment, "Let's start from the beginning."

It all started on the second day after the end of the Soochow Intermediate Ceremony.

He and Meng Shi, who were still packing their luggage in the inn at the time, suddenly received the news from Xu Canghai that he was going back to the Northern Wei Dynasty immediately, because it was so sudden that no one could react.

"Ashi said at the time that she was going to say goodbye to you," Yeluhua said quietly, "but the Master of the State Teacher suddenly appeared at the door of the room and handed me a secret letter."

The secret letter contained the news that his grandfather Yeluhong was critically ill.

"Ashi was there at the time, and after hearing about the secret letter, Xu Guoshi didn't allow her to go out again, as long as we leave immediately."

Now Ying Baoyue finally understood Meng Shi's leaving without saying goodbye.

It is absolutely confidential that the king of a country is critically ill. Not to mention the exact news, even the slightest clues cannot be detected by people from other countries. After receiving such news, it is reasonable for Xu Canghai to ask everyone to leave immediately and not contact other people.

"It's an emergency. In order to see my grandfather for the last time, I set off immediately."

Yeluhua's expression was calm, but Ying Baoyue understood that when he received such news, he would definitely die.

"Thinking about it now, I was so anxious at the time that I didn't even find out that someone was following me all the time."


Everyone else in the tent heard it heartily.

"Just as I was crossing the frontier of the former Qin Dynasty, I finally found someone quietly following our team," Yeluhua said, "I told Master Xu about this, and His Royal Highness said that he would deal with it, but the next day, His Highness the National Teacher disappeared with the saint."

Everyone in the tent stared wide-eyed.

"Wait, who is the person who sent you back to the Northern Wei Dynasty?" Ji Jiashu asked.

"That's a lie," said Tuoba Xun, who still remembered the events of that night clearly, "That night, Master said he would take his junior sister to investigate. Knocked out."

"Stunned?" Ying Baoyue was also stunned, what exactly was Xu Canghai doing?
"When I woke up, Ah Cheng was guarding me and told Master that he had returned." Tuoba Xun said calmly, "But I could tell at a glance that it was not Master."

The figure of that person was very similar to that of Xu Canghai, but the cloak on his body was extremely low, and more importantly, there was no Xu Bingqing by his side.

After all, Xu Canghai found a counterfeit, but I don't know if it happened suddenly, but the group of people who attacked them didn't have time to prepare Xu Bingqing's substitute.

Xu Bingqing disappeared like a blister.

"After that, our team was attacked," Yeluhua said, "the other party had more than a dozen practitioners at the peak of the earth, and they separated me from Ashi..."

Having said that, Yeluhua paused.

What happened that day has been recurring in his dreams for so many days.

If he doesn't succeed tomorrow, it will be his last time with Meng Shi.

"You should know what happened next," Yeluhua said, "Ashi was escorted to Ninggu Pagoda, while I was controlled by those practitioners and sent to another garden."

"That group of people claimed to be my father's personal guards," he said indifferently, "but I have never seen these people around my father."

"By the way, some people there didn't speak the Central Plains dialect when they were excited about killing people."

"People from Xirong?!" Ji Jiashu was startled, and suddenly understood the identities of these "personal guards".

Among the personal guards of the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty, there are actually Xirong people, which means...

"After arriving in Bieyuan, I asked to see my father many times," Yeluhua said calmly, "but none of them succeeded."

As the eldest grandson, he was not even allowed to attend his grandfather's burial.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, the matter was already obvious.

Even if Yelulang is critically ill, facing the request of the son who will be established as the heir, it is impossible not to see even one face.

"Although I don't want to admit it, the person who will be on the throne now may not be my father."

Yeluhua sat in front of the stone table, staring at the cracks on the stone table.

His real father has either been controlled by the Xirong people, or...

is no longer alive.

(End of this chapter)

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