Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1434

Chapter 1434
"What if the person who makes a deal with you is the future King of the Northern Wei Dynasty?"

The boy's voice was calm and clear.

Ji Jiashu and others in the big tent were all stunned and speechless.

Because the future king of the Northern Wei Dynasty in Yeluhua's words, I am afraid that he no longer refers to the crown prince he is about to acquire.

The implied meaning of Yeluhua's words was too dangerous, so dangerous that Ji Jiashu didn't dare to guess what he was going to do.

The only person in the big tent who can keep calm is Ying Baoyue.

"Mr. Guanghua," she quietly watched the young man standing in front of the tent, "not all princes can become kings."

"I know," Yeluhua said lightly, "so this future won't be long."

There was silence in the big tent.

So he doesn't intend to become the prince, but directly become the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty?
In the astonished and terrified eyes of everyone, Ying Baoyue didn't speak, but just stared at the Northern Wei boy in front of him without a trace of hesitation.

So it turned out that this month, he was probably hesitant about this matter.

In the battle between the crown prince and the king, it often depends on who is ruthless.

Yeluhua really doesn't have enough strength now. Compared with Yelulang, he is like an ant facing a giant elephant.

But there is another layer of specialness in the relationship between Wang's father and son.

In the royal family, only when the father dies can the son become king.

Yeluhua is the crown prince appointed by Yeluhong in the will. Once Yelulang dies, everything that originally belonged to Yelulang will belong to Yeluhua.

As long as Yeluhua can find a suitable reason for his father to abdicate.

No, there is no need to abdicate, as long as Yelulang dies suddenly before the enthronement ceremony, then even the enthronement ceremony is ready-made, and the enthroned king can be replaced.

Ying Baoyue remembered the question she asked Yeluhua earlier, he hoped his father would be controlled by someone or had been replaced.

No wonder Yeluhua didn't want to admit that the man sitting on the throne now was his father.

In his heart, did he ever secretly hope that his father had been replaced?
In that case, at least he didn't have to kill his father himself.

Ying Baoyue stood up and walked in front of Yeluhua, "I don't understand what your Highness said, can you speak more clearly?"

Yeluhua smiled wryly in his heart, but there was no wavering on his face.

"My father is under the accusation of traitors, and the Northern Wei Dynasty is in crisis. As a descendant of the Yelu family, I can no longer stand idly by."

"After you start attacking tomorrow night, I will make a public announcement in the city, detailing the chaos of the Northern Wei Dynasty. Now that the treacherous officials are difficult to control, I will swear to die on the side of the Qing emperor."

His father's orders these days have aroused the suspicion of many veteran officials, not to mention that now that the Tuoba clan controls the court and has placed manpower, many generals and important officials are dissatisfied. In the name of the prince who was proclaimed by the late emperor, he set out to instigate rebellion against his father's personal guards and troops.

Ying Baoyue was right, this was a rebellion.

It was his orchestrated rebellion against his father.

It is also because he wants to start this rebellion in the city at the same time, and he must hand over the matter of going to Ninggu Tower to rescue Meng Shi and his mother tomorrow night to someone he trusts.

This person is Ying Baoyue.

At this critical moment, he had to let the powerful princess stand by his side.

This is the No.1 alliance he fought for himself on the road to becoming a king.

"In the future, I will sideline the Qing emperor and punish the courtiers," Yeluhua closed his eyes and said word by word, "Establish a new emperor."


Ying Baoyue was waiting for this sentence.

She said calmly, "So you plan to use this as a bargaining chip to make a deal with me?"

"That's right," Yeluhua said, "After tomorrow, the Northern Wei Dynasty will change. If you can help me become the king of the Northern Wei Dynasty, I will promise in the name of the king that I will unconditionally provide help to the former Qin princess."

A help from the king means a dispatch of troops.

Ying Baoyue understood that this was already the biggest bargaining chip Yeluhua could offer.

But at the same time, it is also promising something that is not real.

Winners and losers, if Yeluhua can become king, then these people will naturally get the most benefits. If Yeluhua fails, then they will die without a place to die as helpers.

But that's the way things are, high risk means high reward.

Many things she will do in the future cannot do without the help of the King of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"Have you made up your mind?" Ying Baoyue looked into Yeluhua's eyes, "This is a road of no return."

If Yelulang has died and the person on the throne is a substitute, then it may be the best ending for Yeluhua.

If Yelulang is not dead, as long as Yeluhua takes this step, there will only be one person alive between him and his father.

"I've already thought about it," Yeluhua said calmly, "I don't want to do this, but this is the only way I can do this."

He can't pin the life and death of his mother and Meng Shi on other people forever.

If he wants to protect his beloved, then he can only take the highest seat.

If there is really retribution from heaven in this world, then let the retribution be on him alone.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, she had really seen too many things like this.She couldn't say right or wrong about the path Yeluhua chose, but as Yeluhua said, he could only do so.

It would be better to say that if he can make up his mind, he is no longer an ordinary person.

If he does not make up his mind, many more people will die.

From the moment he could be controlled by the Xirong people, Yelulang as a king could not exist in the world.

The face of the father proudly showing off his son in front of her flashed across Ying Baoyue's mind, and she closed her eyes.

"I think you should understand that you can't attack your father openly," she said softly.

Father killing is ominous, if Yeluhua really kills father, it will bring great trouble to his succession in the future.

"I know, I will handle it properly," Yeluhua said lightly.

There are many ways for the Qing emperor to ask the old king to abdicate, but whether he did it himself or not, future history books will record that he is the son of his father who forced the palace.

"Okay," Ying Baoyue said softly, "Then I promise you this deal."

Yeluhua slightly opened his eyes wide.

Ji Jiashu and Li Ji stood behind Ying Baoyue, their aura surged in an instant.

Many people in the tent are still shocked by Yeluhua's ambition. The situation in the Northern Wei Dynasty has greatly exceeded their expectations. They did not expect Ying Baoyue to agree to such a dangerous thing.

This is a huge gamble.

Ying Baoyue stretched out her hand to Yeluhua, "I hope His Highness will let me win the bet."

Yeluhua fixedly stared at the younger woman in front of him, and held his hand back.

"I will."

Li Ji and Ji Jiashu looked at their clasped hands, feeling a little moved for some reason.

They had a hunch that maybe one day, this scene would also be recorded in the history books.

"Then, let's begin our plan."

Yeluhua stared at Ying Baoyue Road.



The sky was bright, and it gradually became dark.

Countless figures slipped through the tall grass one person tall, and quietly approached a tower in the wilderness in the distance.

(End of this chapter)

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