Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1440

Chapter 1440
Due to exhaustion, Lin Wangong leaned against the door and fell into a deep sleep.

Ying Baoyue stuffed a heart-protecting elixir into his mouth and stood up.

"How is senior?"

Li Ji stepped forward and looked at the man in front of him with a complicated expression.

"The overdraft of true energy is too much," Ying Baoyue said, but due to the self-protection restraint of heavenly practitioners, Lin Wangong finally gave himself a sigh of relief.

Without this restriction, she doubted that Lin Wangong would really single-handedly reach the top of the tower no matter what the cost.

"When will the senior wake up?" Li Ji asked.

Being able to single-handedly kill eight celestial ranks, I have to say that Lin Wangong is the strongest celestial rank practitioner he has ever seen in this world. If possible, he hopes that this person can climb the tower with them, so that even if something happens to him, Ying Baoyue There are also people to protect.

Although the eight heavenly guards had all been beheaded by Lin Wangong, Li Ji's heart was not completely relaxed.

The scene of Chunyu Ye's sneak attack on Ying Baoyue in Misty Ridge left a lot of shadows on him, but they have fought so far, and the Xirong people have not yet appeared.

According to Ying Baoyue's speculation, the political turmoil in the Northern Wei Dynasty was inseparable from Xirong.

Up to now, the Xirong people have not appeared, which makes Li Ji feel that something is wrong.

Could it be that they were all attracted by Yeluhua's actions?
"He won't wake up for a while," Ying Baoyue said while staring at Lin Wangong's sleeping face.

"I put him to sleep with medicine," she said quietly, "No matter what happens in the next hour, he won't wake up."

If Lin Wangong tried his best to fight again, even if he was a heaven rank, his meridians would be irreversibly damaged.

He has fought enough to kill eight heavenly ranks by one person, and she will not let him fight again.

"One hour..." Li Ji was slightly startled, and wanted to say something else, but Ying Baoyue shook his head and stopped what he wanted to say.

Lin Wangong has done his best, and they are the only ones who will fight next.

She lowered her head to look at the sleeping Lin Wangong. As a cultivator of the heaven rank, he had opened a barrier outside his body after falling asleep, and ordinary people couldn't get close to him. It didn't hurt to let him rest here alone.

"What Senior Juggernaut can do has been done, now it's our turn."

After Ying Baoyue finished speaking, she walked into the door on a pool of blood.

She looked back at Li Ji who was standing at the door, "A Ji, let's go."

Li Ji let out a breath, and stepped into the door of the black hole.

Xiao Lian and Meng Ge followed closely behind, and the four of them rushed up the stone ladder covered with sticky blood.



There were no cells on the first three floors of Ninggu Pagoda. Ying Baoyue and others walked forward and found that according to the layout of the first three floors, this should be the residence of the eight heavenly practitioners and some other ordinary jailers.

These jailers disappeared without a trace at this time. Some corpses were scattered on the ground, but there were still many bloody footprints. Many people should have escaped from the back door of the tower while Lin Wangong was fighting with the heavenly practitioners.

It was not until the fourth floor that stone prisons appeared in front of everyone.

A rotten breath rushed towards her face, Xiao Lian covered her nose, staring at the picture in front of her in astonishment.

Now she finally understood why this tower was so quiet. Every female cultivator was imprisoned individually in a very small cell, and the walls of each stone cell were covered with soundproof formations.

This means that the practitioner is in it and cannot hear other people's voices at all.

Thinking of staying alone in a silent environment, Xiao Lian felt her scalp go numb.

Over time, this can definitely drive a person crazy.

Seeing those female cultivators lying on the ground of the stone cell with dazed and weak expressions, Xiao Lian covered her mouth.

Even if the prison door is opened, they should not be able to get out on their own.

"Your Highness, we..."

"Open the cell door first," Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, "as much as you can escape, if you don't escape, send someone in to pick you up later."

Ying Baoyue looked up at the densely packed stone prisons above.

Only the Feiyan Sect can accept these female cultivators.

If you want to pick up all these incapacitated female cultivators, you have to completely occupy this tower.

Only when Ningguta's actions and Yeluhua's palace change are successful at the same time, can they completely reverse the political situation in the Northern Wei Dynasty and save everyone.

Otherwise, for these nuns, it's just going from one cage to another.

"I understand," Xiao Lian gritted her teeth, and let go of Meng Ge's hand, "Your Highness, take Miss Meng and Jun Zhaohua up together."

She has already discovered that all the practitioners on this floor are level [-] and level [-] practitioners, which proves that Ninggu Pagoda detains female cultivators according to their realm.

Female cultivators with higher realms should be imprisoned on higher tower floors.

The locks on the lower floors are not complicated, and she can break them alone.

The higher tower floors should be handed over to Ying Baoyue and the others.

"The most urgent thing is to rescue Meng Jizi as soon as possible. I will stay here to open the locks. I will go up to find you after I solve the following locks."

Ying Baoyue nodded, this is indeed a suitable arrangement.

"Then the following layers will be handed over to you."

Xiao Lian nodded, smashed the lock on a stone prison with a sword, and ran to the depths of this floor while breaking the lock.

Ying Baoyue took Meng Ge's hand, "Let's go!"



The three continued to climb upwards, this time they did not stop at other tower floors, and climbed all the way to the eighth floor.

When they reached the eighth floor, everyone found that the scene here was completely different from the lower floors.

This floor no longer has cells densely packed like honeycombs, but a huge platform instead. There are only three cells in the entire tower floor, and there are huge gaps between each cell. The four sides of the tower floor are opened. Supported by stone pillars, an outstretched terrace leading directly to the outside was built outside the giant pillars, and the entire eighth floor is ventilated from all sides.

"Why is this floor empty?"

Meng Ge stared blankly at the sweeping night outside, and spoke in astonishment.

Ying Baoyue looked at the three empty cells, "This should be used to detain practitioners of the Divine Dance Realm."

For the practitioners of the Divine Dance Realm, the general sound-proof array is basically ineffective, and these three separate cells are equivalent to imprisoning them in the air half-suspended.

"Then sister... sister is on the top, right?" Meng Ge's heart beat rapidly.

The Divine Dance Realm is ranked fifth, and Meng Shi is ranked fourth, so Meng Shi should be on the upper level.

Ying Baoyue nodded, and looked at the stone staircase beside the terrace. After going up to the eighth floor, the original spiral stone staircase had come to an end.Because of the eight-and-a-half-floor hollow design, if they wanted to go up to the ninth floor, they had to go to another stone staircase beside the terrace.

"Let's go."

According to the location pointed by Lin Wangong, Meng Shi's cell is above the eighth-floor balcony, and they will be able to see her soon.

The stone stairs from the eighth floor to the ninth floor are extremely narrow, and only one person can pass through. Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and stepped onto the first step.

But at this moment, a slight thunder sounded in Li Ji's ears.

"Embrace the moon!"

He took a sudden step forward and grabbed Ying Baoyue's shoulder, and Ying Baoyue also took a step back.

A black burnt mark hit the place where she was originally standing, smashing the entire step.

It is Thunder Sword.

However, it was just the Thunder Sword, but it didn't surprise Ying Baoyue that much.


She raised her head stiffly and looked at the figure at the end of the stone staircase.

"Why, are you here?"

Why is this person here?

Why, did he do such a thing?
The visitor silently squeezed the tortoise shell in his hand, just staring fixedly at Ying Baoyue's face.

"You can't go any further."

"One more step forward, Kill Unforgiven."

"Before then, tell me why you're here!"

Ying Baoyue stared at the familiar tortoise shell that belonged to the gods in the man's hand, gritted his teeth and called out his name.

"Xu Canghai!"

 she used to believe him

(End of this chapter)

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