Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1448 One Leap

Chapter 1448 One Leap

"elder sister?"

Sensing the vibration under her feet, Xiao Lian made up her mind to rush down with Meng Ge and others, but just as she was about to rush to the eighth floor, Meng Ge's stunned voice came from behind.

Xiao Lian turned her head and found that Meng Shi was still standing at the door on the ninth floor.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?"

Even if she once liked her, Xiao Lian couldn't help it anymore, "Master Guoshi will come back sometime, do you know how hard it is for us to get here? Why don't you leave?"

"You should be able to feel it," Meng Shi stood at the door on the ninth floor, and stones fell from her head. "This tower is about to collapse."

"At your and my speed, it's enough to escape before the tower collapses!"

Xiao Lian didn't know what was wrong with the broken pagoda, but Meng Shi was a fourth-ranker, so even if she was weak, she could run out before the pagoda collapsed.

Meng Shi shook her head when she heard this, and stared at Xiao Lian's eyes.

"Girl, how are the nuns in the other cells below?"

Xiao Lian's back felt cold, she gritted her teeth and said, "I've already opened the cell door for them, as for whether they can escape..."

If the tower is really going to collapse, whether they can run out depends on their lives.

"Can't they escape?"

But Meng Shi interrupted her and said lightly.

She looked at her weak wrist, she had been imprisoned here for a month and she had lost her strength. Other women who have been imprisoned here for many years would never be able to escape without the help of outsiders.


Xiao Lian was sweating profusely, and she also knew that if the tower really collapsed, the other female cultivators locked in the cell below would be in dire straits.

But the matter has come to this point, only one can escape, and Meng Shiben is the most important person they want to save.

"Wait, what are you doing?"

Xiao Lian's eyes widened, watching Meng Shi push Feng Yan, who was supported by her hands, into Meng Ge's arms, and then step back to the top of the tower.

"elder sister!"


Feng Yan and Meng Ge were stunned at the same time, but the next moment, Meng Shi pushed the iron gate from the eighth floor to the ninth floor.

"What are you doing!" Xiaolian wanted to rush back angrily, but stopped in the next moment.

I don't know if it was her illusion, but after Meng Shi returned to the ninth floor, the vibration under her feet suddenly eased.

"You found out," Meng Shi said calmly standing behind the iron gate, "As long as I don't go down, the tower won't collapse for a while."

"What... what's going on?" Xiao Lian couldn't hide her astonishment.

"The formation just now was not actually set up for me," Meng Shi looked back at her cell, "I just happened to be locked in the eye of the formation."

The entire Ninggu Pagoda is a large formation, and all structures are accommodated in the formation.

The cell she was in happened to be at the eye of the array.

The four-spirit blood formation that trapped her was actually just a formation eye.

Those who locked her in this tower fused her blood with the eyes of the formation, both trapping her and making her a part of the eyes of the formation.

So as long as she leaves this layer, the entire formation will start to self-destruct, and Ninggu Tower will collapse soon.

Those female cultivators who have not yet left on the lower floors will be buried in the tower.

"then you……"

Xiao Lian was speechless.

"I won't go down now," Meng Shi smiled and stood behind the iron gate, "You guys take Mrs. Feng down, and then tell Her Royal Highness to rescue all the female cultivators below."

"When the time comes, I'll go down again."


Tears welled up in Meng Ge's eyes again.

"It's okay," Meng Shi patted her sister's head through the iron gate, "I'll go out later, but it will be a little later."

"Xiaoge, Mrs. Feng will leave it to you."

"Girl," Feng Yan looked at the person behind the iron gate with a complicated expression, "Do you know what you are doing?"

This place is so dangerous, and the formation in the tower is so unpredictable, Meng Shi is the last one to go out, will it really go so smoothly?

Maybe she is the only one who will be buried in the tower in the end.

"Well, I'll stay," Feng Yan stretched out a hand to hold the iron door, "We've been locked together for so long, and we don't care about staying here for a while."

Besides, she still doesn't know whether her husband and son are killing each other. After she goes out, she may still be sentenced to death as the Queen of Misfortune. The family can't tolerate her, so she might as well stay here and die happily.

"No," but Meng Shi reached out and opened her fingers one by one.

"Aunt Feng, no, Aunt Feng," she stood behind the door and smiled quietly, "someone is still waiting for you outside."

Meng Shi looked at Feng Yan's face and said softly.

"If something happens to you, Yeluhua will be very sad."

Feng Yan's eyes widened in astonishment.

"You... know who I am?"

She always thought that this stupid girl didn't know her identity, but she didn't expect that Meng Shi had already guessed who she was?

"I knew it when I saw you," Meng Shi smiled, "You and him look alike."

So does this girl still have his son's face in her heart?
Feng Yan looked at the girl covered in blood standing behind the iron gate with complicated expressions, but the next moment Meng Shi took a step forward and pushed Feng Yan into Meng Ge's arms.

"Take them away!"

Meng Shi yelled at Xiao Lian, and Xiao Lian woke up like a dream.


She gritted her teeth suddenly, grabbed Meng Ge and Feng Yan's hands, and dragged them away from the eighth floor. When she left, she could still feel Meng Shi watching them leave.

Her lower lip was bitten bloody, Xiao Lian dragged Meng Ge and Feng Yan to run all the way, roaring all the way in the tower.

"Come out! This tower is about to collapse! Run out if you don't want to die!"

The soundproof formation in the cells had already been destroyed by her before. Hearing Xiao Lian's roar, there was movement in many cells. Seeing this scene, Xiao Lian suddenly held back her tears.

Everyone wants to survive.

She ran out desperately, and as she ran, a light suddenly appeared in front of her eyes.

The bottom of the tower is here.

Xiao Lian led Meng Ge and Feng Yan out of the tower step by step, and saw Ying Baoyue at a glance.

Ying Baoyue was standing in front of Li Ji, his body was covered with scars, and he was confronting Xu Canghai.

There are countless sword marks on the ground beside her, which shows that they have faced each other many times.

The moment the three of them stepped out of the tower, Xu Canghai brushed Ying Baoyue's scalp with his sword.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Lian's heart almost stopped.

"Xiao Lian?" Ying Baoyue's eyes lit up when she saw the three of them appear, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, but the next moment, her smile faded away.

Meng Shi was not behind them.

Instead, it was a strange woman.

"Xiao Lian," Ying Baoyue asked, "Where's Meng Shi?"

The blood array of the four spirits has been untied, why didn't Meng Shi come out?
Xiaolian gritted her teeth.

"She is regarded as the eye of the formation of Ninggu Pagoda, if she leaves this tower, it will collapse," Feng Yan on the side said calmly at this time.

"We must quickly rescue the other female cultivators below, so that girl can leave."


Ying Baoyue immediately understood everything. The situation was urgent, and she had no intention of finding out who this woman was. Seeing Xiao Lian nodding in affirmation of Feng Yan's words, she immediately looked not far away at the martial arts performance that was going to support her and Li Ji. Ying and Ji Jiashu.

"Rong Qing, Jia Shu, leave me alone, go to the tower to save people!"

Mu Rongqing and Ji Jiashu moved immediately, and Feiyanmen and others rushed towards the tower.


Xu Canghai took a step forward, but Ying Baoyue immediately stood in front of the tower gate.

"Does Xu Guoshi want to watch so many innocent people die?" She said coldly, "If so many practitioners die, isn't the Northern Wei Dynasty afraid of losing people's peace?"

Xu Canghai's eyes were cold, "As long as Meng Shi doesn't leave the ninth floor, the tower won't collapse."

"If she leaves, the nuns in the entire tower will be buried with her."

He said lightly.

"Then all of this is her sin."

Ying Baoyue's forehead was throbbing with veins, she clenched the broken sword in her hand, "It's not her fault."

Everything is the fault of the mastermind behind the scenes.

"So what if you rescued these people?" Xu Canghai looked indifferently at the female cultivators carried out of the tower by the crowd behind him, "The woman Yeluhua wants most, don't try to rescue her."

Ying Baoyue gritted her teeth, "Everyone is equally important."

Life has equal value.

"Really?" Xu Canghai laughed. He and Ji Mo had thought this way before, but what happened?
He no longer stepped forward, nor did he stop Ying Baoyue and others from saving others.

He wanted to see how Ying Baoyue could save everyone, but not the person she wanted to save the most.

 Although these words are dark, they are actually very historical. There are historical reasons why Xu Canghai said this, and it can be regarded as an important foreshadowing.

(End of this chapter)

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