Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1467 Again

Chapter 1467 Again
"Aren't you going back to Luoyang with us?"

It was another early morning, and in the Pingcheng Palace, the corpses lying on the ground had been removed, and the surviving palace people were packing their luggage back and forth.

Yeluhua stood on a stone step by the side of the main hall, and turned to look at Tuoba Xun who had come to say goodbye to him.

Both of them had black and blue eyes that couldn't be concealed.

To them, yesterday was a day in which too many things happened.

"No," Tuoba Xun no longer held the blind stick in his hand, he followed his breath towards the palace where Yeluhua arranged for Ying Baoyue and others to rest temporarily, and smiled slightly, "I have already agreed with the princess, Go north with them to Houliao to attend the high-level ceremony."

"Yesterday, the people of Her Highness the Princess removed a lot of bricks from the Ninggu Pagoda, and I seem to have a part in it."

"is it?"

Yeluhua sighed slightly, "The tower finally fell down."

The tower that bound too many souls and too much power of the Northern Wei Dynasty finally fell down.

"Your Highness, will you pursue Her Highness the Princess and Lord Juggernaut?" Tuoba Xun asked.

It was not only a Ninggu Pagoda that fell yesterday, but also the Northern Wei practice circle suffered heavy losses.

Overnight, the Northern Wei Dynasty lost one Shenzi and eight Tianjie.

In particular, Lin Wangong killed eight heavenly ranks alone, and he can be called the number one enemy in the practice world of the Northern Wei Dynasty. These eight heavenly rank practitioners all have their own families and disciples. It is conceivable how difficult Lin Wangong will be in the Northern Wei Dynasty. situation.

Yeluhua was silent for a moment, "In just an hour, I just summoned him."

Tuoba Xun was startled, "What did you tell him?"

Although the ceremony has not yet been held, Yelulang has ceased to be a director since last night, and issued an oral order to first confer Yeluhua as the prince of the supervisory country.

It can be said that all major and minor matters in the court of the Northern Wei Dynasty are now decided by Yeluhua alone.

"Since last night, many aristocratic families and ministers have written to me to severely punish Ying Baoyue and Lin Wangong," Yeluhua smiled wryly.

Yelulang has been saved, Lin Wangong and Ying Baoyue are not the heroes who saved the Northern Wei Dynasty in the eyes of the officials, but the number one sinners who killed the Northern Wei practitioners.

Ying Baoyue, in particular, was charged with many crimes, including abducting the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty, massacring the people of the Northern Wei Dynasty wantonly, interfering in the internal affairs of the Northern Wei Dynasty, and so on.

It's also ridiculous.

"Then what are you going to do, Your Highness?"

Tuoba Xun's tone was somewhat unbearable.Yeluhua is still too young, countless old foxes inside and out want to take the opportunity to suppress him.

The accusations against Ying Baoyue and Lin Wangong were the first wave of pressure on Yeluhua by the veterans of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"I have already replied to those ministers about the matter of holding the moon," Yeluhua said lightly.

"I told them that all the actions of the former Qin princess in the Northern Wei Dynasty were instructed by me behind the scenes. If she is guilty, then the crown prince will be guilty of the same crime as her."

Tuoba Xun was taken aback.

He guessed that Yeluhua would not punish Ying Baoyue, but he didn't expect Yeluhua to take responsibility so thoroughly.

Does this person really know what Ying Baoyue has done?

Even if his heart was towards Ying Baoyue, he felt that it was a bit too much.

"Your Highness, is everything a little..."

"Beating horse thieves, saving Ashi, pushing the ancient pagoda," Yeluhua said with a smile, "I want to do any of these things. I said I ordered it, or I climbed it."

Didn't you say she was guilty?
Then he put all the responsibility on himself, and see what those old guys say about her interference in the internal affairs of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"Then what about Master Wan Gong?" Tuoba Xun couldn't help asking.

Most of the people who targeted Lin Wangong were immortal officials and practitioners. Although there were not many people in this group, they all had a force that could not be ignored.

Lin Wangong had lived in the Northern Wei Dynasty for many years. According to practice circle practice, he was already regarded as a Northern Wei practitioner under the jurisdiction of the King of the Northern Wei Dynasty. This time he attacked his compatriots, it would be hard for Yeluhua not to punish Lin Wangong.

What exactly did Yeluhua say when he summoned Lin Wangong?
"I summoned him and only asked him one thing," Yeluhua looked up at Chaoyang.

"I asked him if he would like to be my national teacher."

Tuoba Xun was completely stunned.

He felt the heat on the boy in front of him, and felt that it was as hot as the sun.

Just when all the practitioners of the Northern Wei Dynasty wanted to punish Lin Wangong, the young Prince Jian Guo asked him if he would like to become his national teacher.

Such boldness is astonishing.

"Your Highness, why do you think so?" Tuoba Xun asked softly.

Yeluhua didn't answer, but turned his back to him and asked, "Is your master okay?"

Tuoba Xun was silent for a moment, then nodded, "Fortunately, the body is fine, just a little weak."

Entrusted by Yeluhua, he sent Tuoba Rong back to Beihan Pavilion overnight yesterday, where he met Xu Canghai who had become an ordinary person.

He thought he was going to encounter a very miserable scene, but it didn't.

Xu Canghai was sitting at the table in homely clothes and feeding Xu Bingqing porridge. When he saw him coming back with Tuoba Rong, he just put down the bowl and said calmly.

"You are back."

It's like nothing happened and everything just goes back to normal.

He didn't even blame Tuoba Rong, he just asked Tuoba Rong's personal maid to let her dress and clean his wife.

Then Xu Canghai asked about what happened in the court. When he heard that Yelulang's life was safe and he had ordered Yeluhua to oversee the country, he was silent for a moment, and wrote a letter to bring to Yeluhua.

Because his eyes couldn't see, Tuoba Xun didn't know what was written in that letter.

Yeluhua took out the letter from his bosom.

"Your master asked me to resign from the position of national teacher in this letter." Yeluhua took a deep breath, "He said that he has no realm and can no longer be a national teacher, so let me choose someone else."

A country cannot be without a king for a day, and likewise, the Royal Prayer Province cannot be without a state teacher for a day.

But in today's Northern Wei Dynasty, there are no second-rank practitioners anymore.

"Since there is no second-rank practitioner, you can only choose from third-rank practitioners," Yeluhua said calmly. "Then among the third-rank practitioners, is there anyone more suitable than Lin Bangong?"

Being able to kill eight heavenly ranks by one person is unparalleled in the world among the heavenly ranks.

Why should he punish such a talent?

Tuoba Xun was stunned and said, "Did Senior Lin agree?"

No matter how you look at it, Lin Wangong doesn't look like someone who would be willing to be a national teacher.

"Of course he would rather accept punishment than accept punishment at first," Yeluhua said indifferently, "Then I told him that if he is willing to become a national teacher, I will write off all the things Baoyue committed in the Northern Wei Dynasty."

When he was in Soochow, he noticed that Lin Wangong was inexplicably concerned about Ying Baoyue.

"Wait, you didn't intend to punish Her Highness the Princess from the beginning, did you?" Tuoba Xun was stunned.

Yeluhua smiled, "Yes, but he doesn't know."

When he summoned Lin Wangong, he deliberately showed Lin Wangong the memorial that the minister of the Northern Wei Dynasty had written to severely punish Ying Baoyue.

"Ah Xun, you should know that you can't talk about this matter," Yeluhua said kindly, "Otherwise, I'll choose you as the national teacher."

Sensing the smile on Yeluhua's face, Tuoba Xun felt chills in his heart.

This guy... Maybe he is really suitable to be the head of a country.

"So Senior Lin agreed?"

 In fact, Yeluhua has a dark belly, which started when he was still Mo Hua.

(End of this chapter)

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