Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1473 Return

Chapter 1473 Return
The carriage continued to move forward on the grassy road, and after an unknown amount of time, a huge grassland appeared in front of it.

Ji Ange and the others, who had never seen a grassland before, became excited.

"Sister, look, the sky ahead is so high!"

The sky is high and the clouds are light, the wind is blowing and the grass is low, and wild geese are flying south.

"Boom! Boom!"

Just as Ying Baoyue was looking out the window, there was the sound of a horse's honking outside, and then the whole carriage vibrated.

"What's wrong?" Ji Ange and the others were startled.

"Don't, don't move!"

The panicked voice of the coachman came from outside, and Ying Baoyue leaned out suddenly, "Uncle coachman, what's wrong?"

The coachman sitting on the side of the cart with a straw hat pulled the black horse in front of him, complaining endlessly.

He is a coachman from Shanhaiju. When he came, his master had told him that no matter what happens, the black horse that pulls Yingyue and their car must not be whipped.

Basically, this dark horse will only pull the cart obediently when Ying Baoyue is in the cart. Usually, as long as Ying Baoyue is not in the cart, he has to switch to another horse next to him to pull it.

But this time Ying Baoyue was clearly in the car, but the black horse suddenly pouted.


Ying Baoyue looked at Heifeng who was still sprinting left and right excitedly while being pulled by the rein by the driver, and found that it was not struggling but excited. She looked around and suddenly froze.

"Uncle coachman, change the horse," Ying Baoyue took off the yoke around Heifeng's neck, grabbed its reins, and got on the horse.


Realizing that Ying Baoyue was riding on it, Hei Feng raised his front hooves excitedly.

"What happened ahead?"

Because the carriage of Ying Baoyue and others was at the front, as soon as this carriage stopped, the convoy behind also stopped.

Ji Jiashu lifted the curtain of the car, just in time to see the scene of Ying Baoyue getting on the horse.

Under the sunlight, the girl jumped up on the black horse, drawing an arc in the light.

The teenagers in the carriage were stunned when they saw this scene.

Li Ji sat behind Ji Jiashu, staring at the girl not far away.

At this moment, he didn't know if it was his illusion, but he seemed to think that she should be like this.

"Embracing the moon?"

Ying Baoyue turned around holding the rein in her hand, and looked at the people in the two carriages behind her who were staring at her.

"Heifeng seems a little uncomfortable. I'll take it for a run for a couple of laps. It won't fall down. Let's keep going."

Riding a horse is naturally faster than a carriage, and everyone watched Ying Baoyue disappear from everyone's sight on Black Wind.

The first wagon harnessed the horses and set off again, followed by the second wagon.

But not long after the second carriage set off, Ji Qingyuan, who had been sitting quietly in a corner of the carriage, suddenly raised his hand and knocked on the wall of the carriage.

"Uncle coachman, please stop."

The second carriage screeched to a halt.

"Brother, what's the matter with you?"

Ji Jiashu stared blankly at his elder brother.

"I'm a little uncomfortable, let's get out of the car and walk," Ji Qingyuan said with a natural expression, and he got up before everyone could react.

"What? What are you kidding?" Zhao Guang grabbed him, "Do you think you are a horse?"

Because Ji Qingyuan is old and stable, everyone in this boy's carriage always regards him as the eldest brother. Zhao Guang never thought that when he came to this grassland, Ji Qingyuan also became strange stand up.

"Can you keep up after getting off the car? You can't make everyone stop and wait for you?"

In addition to the two carriages leading the way, there is also a whole convoy waiting for Yanwuying!
"It's okay, just keep going," Ji Qingyuan stopped and smiled, "I think someone will come to pick me up."

After speaking, he jumped out of the carriage.


Zhao Guang was tongue-tied and looked at Li Ji for help, but Li Ji only shook his head at him.

Out of the corner of Li Ji's eye, Ji Jiashu passed by.

Ji Jiashu opened his mouth, but when he saw the profile of his brother standing quietly by the road outside the window, he was suddenly speechless.

He really doesn't know enough about this elder brother who seems to be always quiet and desireless.

He remembered that he had heard a servant in his family mention that Ji Qingyuan had secretly followed someone to the Great Wall of Eternal Night.

"Let's go, big brother must know it well."

Ji Jiashu said softly.

He looked at the vast grassland outside, what exactly is this place?
The second car rumbled forward, and Ji Qingyuan watched them leave.

The following convoy also drove past him, and soon there was only one person left on the grass.

Ji Qingyuan stepped on the dry grass on the ground aimlessly and walked forward step by step.

After an unknown amount of time, the sound of horseshoes came from behind him.

He turned his head and saw a man riding a horse running towards him in the distance.

Ji Qingyuan stood on the grass, quietly watching all this.

He never thought that he could see this scene again in his life.

This is probably a miracle.

"Why are you here alone?"

Ying Baoyue stopped in front of him, staring blankly at the man standing alone in the grass.

"Where are the others? Left you and left?"

Ji Qingyuan shook his head, "I want to come down and take a walk."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand to the snorting black horse in front of him, seeing the black horse turn his head away in disgust, he laughed.

"You really still recognize me."

At the beginning, he was often tied to the horse's back.

Ying Baoyue looked at him with a complicated expression.

"Qingyuan, you..."

"I remember this place," Ji Qingyuan looked around at the grass, "you can see the Great Wall of Eternal Night through this grass."

When they arrived at the barracks, the army and horses would be strictly guarded. When Ying Baoyue returned to the Great Wall of Eternal Night, she often used this grassland as a place for her horses.

She will often let the black wind run happily here, and she will also gallop with it.

This was the last indulgence for Ma and her before returning to the barracks.

Ji Qingyuan still remembered the scene of him standing on the grassland and watching her run to her heart's content. Every time at that time, his mood would be extremely joyful.

But he also knew that after being so relaxed, she was going back to her responsibilities.

After passing through this grassland, she is no longer a carefree girl, but a general who bears the lives of thousands of people.

"Do you really want to go?"

Ji Qingyuan raised his head and looked at the girl on the horse.

He hadn't told her that, in fact, he was terrified.

He knew that the Great Wall of Eternal Night was a very important place to her, but it was also where his mother was buried.

Even though seven years had passed, he still didn't want to face it.

He always felt that as long as he didn't go to that place, his mother might not be dead, she was so powerful, and she might be living recklessly in the sky or some other place.

If you go, this dream seems to be shattered.

When he saw Ying Baoyue come back, he also thought, if Ying Baoyue can be resurrected from the dead, his mother has a higher level, is it not dead?
But when it was time to confirm, he flinched again.

He didn't want to know the exact answer.

Ying Baoyue didn't answer, and looked down at him, "I remember, I tried to persuade you to go back here every time, but you refused to die."

This grassland is the dividing line between Changshi and the battlefield.

Once you cross this prairie, there is no turning back.

"At that time, I told you not to go with me."

Ji Qingyuan raised his head slightly, and asked softly, "What about now?"

Ying Baoyue slowly leaned down from the horse, and reached out to the boy who was already taller than her.

"I want you to come with me."

Ji Qingyuan's eyes were a little dazed, and he asked in a low voice, "Why?"

"Because, Qingyuan, I'm scared."

Ying Baoyue looked into his eyes and said softly.

In fact, she has been extremely disturbed, but she can't show it.

The situation outside the Great Wall of Eternal Night is unclear at this time. If she, as a guide, still shows fear, it will only make the whole team panic.

Ji Qingyuan was taken aback for a moment, his eyes felt a little hot.

In his previous and present lives, it was the first time he heard her say such a thing.

Some memories are only shared by him and her.

Ji Qingyuan reached out to hold Ying Baoyue's hand, "I'm also very scared, so sister, let's go and see together."

This time, let them go together too.

Two people can be strong.

 I really like and feel sorry for such a real sister Yue.

(End of this chapter)

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