Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1477

Chapter 1477
Huarong was dumbfounded.

"Wait, miss!"

She stood up abruptly and grabbed Wan Liuyun from behind, "Miss, didn't you say that you wouldn't go downstairs if the time didn't come?"

Wan Liuyun was startled, and stopped at the stairs.

Huarong looked at her in shock, so Wan Liuyun still remembered the rules he set, but just now he forgot them in a hurry?
Seven years ago, Wan Liuyun thanked guests behind closed doors on the top floor of Liuyun Building.

Since then, Wan Liuyun has set a rule for himself, no matter what happens, he will never walk down the seventh floor of Liuyun Tower with his own feet.

There are only special days every year, Wan Liuyun will go out to pay respects to the deceased, and stay on the top floor at other times.

But even on the day when Wan Liuyun went out to worship, it was Aping and the others who carried her downstairs.

Just now, it was the first time in seven years that Huarong saw Wan Liuyun running to the stairs with his own feet.

Huarong was not the maid who served Wan Liuyun since she was a child, she was sold to Liuyun Tower by her father eight years ago.Because she was still young and hadn't grown up yet, she only did odd jobs in the building at first. At that time, Wan Liuyun had other personal maids by her side.

But just seven years ago, when the civil strife broke out in Shanhaiguan City, the maid died protecting Wan Liuyun.

That was the most difficult time in Liuyun Tower.

Many sons of powerful families who were able to survive at that time took advantage of the fire and proposed that as long as Wan Liuyun was willing to commit themselves to them as concubines, their family would give Liuyunlou shelter for Yunyun.

At that time, Huarong was really worried that Liuyun Tower would not be there when she opened her eyes the next day, and she could only live on the street.

But at the most difficult moment for Liuyun Tower and Shanhaiguan City, a big man came to Liuyun Tower.

That was the Great Qin State Teacher at that time, the Grand Commander Lin Shubai.

Huarong never thought that such a humble woman like her would be able to meet Daqin's national teacher one day.

The Great Qin State Master actually came to a flower building in person, and the people in the entire Shanhaiguan City were shocked.

Due to the death of the maid and being bullied for several days, Wan Liuyun fell ill on the top floor. Hua Rong remembered that she and all the maidservants who hadn't escaped knelt on the ground, watching Da Si Ming walking up to Wan Liuyun's place alone in horror. top floor.

No one knew what Da Si Ming said to Wan Liuyun on the top floor, but when she came out, Wan Liuyun, who had been reluctant to see anyone for many days, followed Da Si Ming.

Huarong raised her head secretly, and found that Wan Liuyun still had a sick face, but there was brilliance in his eyes, but there was also an unconcealable grief in that gleam of brilliance.

"Liuyun, don't send it away."

Huarong watched the legendary woman stand still at the door, smiled and waved to Wan Liuyun.

"You will wait for her here, I am very relieved."

"I'm leaving, you must hold on."

Wan Liuyun stood at the threshold, lying on the ground with Huarong, and saw crystal teardrops falling from above, smashing to pieces on the floor.

The last time Huarong saw Wan Liuyun crying was at that time.

And at that moment, Hua Rong never expected that just before Da Si Ming left, she would suddenly catch a glimpse of her in the crowd.

"Liuyun, this little girl is..."

What is it?
Huarong knelt on the ground and trembled all over, she never thought that she would be noticed by a big shot.

Da Si Ming left without finishing the rest of the sentence, and it took Huarong a long time to realize that Da Si Ming knew very well that Wan Liuyun would understand as long as he said half of what he said, and there was no need to reveal her identity in front of everyone.

And on the night when Da Si Ming left, Wan Liuyun called her up to the top floor alone, and Huarong found out that she had another identity.

Since she was a child, she was disgusted by her father because she often caused disasters for the family. She thought she was an ominous person and deserved to be betrayed, until Wan Liuyun called her on the top floor that day, and spoke lightly.

"What's your name?"

Huarong didn't have a name at the time, and she was always called a loser at home, but when she arrived at Liuyunlou, she was called an ugly girl because of her disheveled hair and dark appearance.

She muttered that she didn't have a name, and Wan Liuyun looked at her.

"You know, you are a born practitioner."

She was stunned.

"Because the breath is so weak that even I missed it," Wan Liuyun let out a breath, "Thanks to Master Guoshi's eyesight, she is the only one who can see it at a glance."

She was completely stunned, how could she be discovered by the National Teacher?

Seeing her dumbfounded appearance, Wan Liuyun asked softly.

"Would you like to be my maid?"

Being able to become Wan Liuyun's maid from the bottom-level odd job girl, such a good deed almost knocked her out, she nodded immediately.

"Being my maid is not necessarily a good thing," Wan Liuyun said indifferently, "If you are not careful, you will die."

She flinched, but still nodded.

She remembered Wan Liuyun's tears when she watched Da Si Ming leave.

She didn't know what she was thinking, but she just wanted to be by Wan Liuyun's side.

"What a silly girl."

Wan Liuyun sighed, and took a stack from the flowers on the table, "Choose one as your name."

She drew one, it was "Yun Xiang's clothes are beautiful, and the spring breeze is blowing the threshold of Revlon."

From that day on, she became Huarong.

Wan Liuyun cheered up after that day, Liuyun Building was revived, and Shanhaiguan became stable.

However, Hua Rong never saw Da Si Ming again.

Then, she heard that Da Si Ming had died.

Together with the second emperor, he died on the Great Wall of Eternal Night.

Even though such a drastic change had taken place, the Xirong people did not break into the Great Wall. Not long after, the guards of the Northern Wei Dynasty took over Shanhaiguan, and the days returned to tranquility. The Liuyun Tower also prospered again under the efforts of Wan Liuyun.

But from the day when the news of Da Si Ming's death came, Wan Liuyun never went down the seventh floor by himself.

Seven years passed in a flash.

Huarong stared blankly at Wan Liuyun standing at the stairs.

The little sisters in the building have been guessing that Wan Liuyun is waiting for a man who really wants to marry her to pick her up downstairs.

But Hua Rong secretly felt that this was not the case.

She always remembered what Da Si Ming said when he left.

"You will wait for her here, I am very relieved."

Who is Wan Liuyun waiting for here?

Seven years like a day, who are you waiting for?
Huarong looked at Wan Liuyun's back. For so many days and nights, she watched Wan Liuyun sitting alone in front of the window, quietly watching the sentient beings coming and going downstairs.

There was no one who made Wan Liuyun want to go downstairs.

But now, this person appeared.

Liuyun Tower, what will happen?
"Miss, if you want to see that person, I'll go down and ask her to come up." Huarong held her breath.

"No, I was impatient just now, maybe I guessed wrong."

Wan Liuyun took a deep breath, walked barefoot to the window, and looked downstairs.

Among the figures of a group of men, she saw Fang Shisan, and then, she saw the person standing beside Fang Shisan.

The person who came was wearing a veiled hat, which completely covered his face.

Even so, with just one glance, Wan Liuyun recognized that this figure was not her.

Disappointed after the extreme expectation, Wan Liuyun's heart stopped beating, and it was hard to describe his feelings.

But at this moment, the person downstairs raised his head.

looked at her.

Wan Liuyun's breathing stopped.


Huarong watched Wan Liuyun run towards the stairs again, this time, she did not hesitate.

After not going downstairs for a long time, Wan Liuyun stumbled a little.


Huarong followed behind her, and found that even if she used her true energy, she couldn't catch up with Wan Liuyun.

"This...Miss Wan?"

When Wan Liuyun appeared downstairs, all the men outside the door lost their speech and breath.

But among all the people, Wan Liuyun only stared at one person.


Ying Baoyue stared blankly at the woman who stumbled and ran down the stairs, and the next moment, she smiled.

She crossed the threshold and held the cold hand of the person opposite.

"Finally, I see you."

 She has come back

(End of this chapter)

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