Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1493 Premonition

Chapter 1493 Premonition
The armor on this person's body was still stained with blood. It seemed that he had just finished handling military affairs and came before he had time to change his armor.

But, it didn't catch up.

"Really?" The person straightened up and breathed calmly.

The captain quietly watched the black spots in the distance, "It's not too late."

she said softly.

"She and I shouldn't have met at this time."

"Shouldn't it?" Wan Liuyun looked at the direction in which Ying Baoyue and the others were leaving, "Since you are at the border, you should have understood that every time we see this group of people may be the last."

"Do you know that she is almost unable to hold on, yet she still wants to climb the Xiling Snow Mountain?"

"If she fails to come down from Xiling Snow Mountain this time, then just now is the last time you will see her."

The thin captain just stared fixedly at the carriage which disappeared until it was almost invisible, "I know."

It's just that she chooses to believe in her moon.

Just like when Lin Baoyue left nine years ago, she chose to trust her unconditionally and handled everything about Yinchanwei independently.

When she learned of Li Chunlan's death, she took the risk of being wanted and went to the cloud forest alone to find Li Chunlan's bones and relics.

The sun was rising in the distance, and the thin captain took off the helmet on his head to meet the sun.

Black hair cascading down like a waterfall.

Wan Liuyun opened his eyes wide.

In the past eight years, she has never seen this person take off his helmet to reveal his true face, nor has she called this person by his name again.

This is a man who hides his person and heart firmly in the armor.

But at this time, she stripped off this layer of camouflage.

The people around him had thin cheeks, and there was no signature plum blossom between their eyebrows. Their appearance was quite different from that of the handsome and beautiful general nine years ago.

Only her eyes did not change.

Soft, strong, and shiny.

Wan Liuyun watched her profile, and after eight years, called softly.

"Mai Niang?"

"Well, I'm here," Li Meiniang took off the armor on her head, and turned her head to look into the eyes of her long-time friend.

"Sorry, Liuyun, for keeping you waiting."

"What do you have to apologize to me," Wan Liuyun laughed, "I know you want to hide your identity, but I will still call you Lieutenant Lin in front of outsiders."

"Oh, no, it's not the captain."

Wan Liuyun said seriously, "I heard that you have been promoted from the sixth-rank Lieutenant Zhaowu to the fifth-rank General Dingyuan?"

Li Meiniang nodded, "The canonization order was just issued this morning, but the official promotion should wait for the reply to the memorial sent by Marshal Cui to His Majesty."

However, this link is just a process. Cui Shouzhong is the second-rank general of the country, and has the power to canonize officials below the fourth rank.

Wan Liuyun bent his knees and bowed to the person in front of him, "That little girl has seen General Lin."

"Stop teasing me," Li Meiniang smiled wryly, "I can't bear what you call it."

"Who told you to change your name to Lin," Wan Liuyun laughed, knowing what Li Meiniang was awkward about.

There are many generals in the frontier, but the ranks of generals are not the same.

A man named General Lin in Shanhaiguan was not the fifth-rank general Dingyuan, but the first-rank hussar general with the highest rank in the frontier military.

Because of Lin Baoyue's outstanding military achievements, although he was the guard of the Great Wall of Eternal Night, his military rank is higher than that of Cui Shouzhong now.

In fact, with Lin Baoyue's military achievements, it is more than enough to be named a first-rank Zhenguo, but according to the military system of the Great Qin Dynasty at the time, the Hussar General was the first-rank Zhen Guogong.

Duke is a title that can be hereditary. At that time, there were veterans in the imperial court in the name of no woman being granted the title of Duke since ancient times. They did not hesitate to hit the wall to prevent Lin Baoyue from being granted the title of Duke. Therefore, Lin Baoyue's military position has never been granted. rise.

"However, although you have been awarded the title of General Dingyuan, for you, this military position is still promoted."

Wan Liuyun looked at the extremely graceful jawline of the woman beside him.

Back then, Li Meiniang had the highest military rank below Lin Baoyue at the border.

The general of General Plum Blossom is General Habayashi of the third rank.

"What's the matter?" Li Meiniang smiled nonchalantly, "I still think Cui Shouzhong gave me too high a title this time, and I can just be a fifth-rank general."

She didn't make any military exploits this time, but saved Cui Shouzhong's life, and as a result, she was promoted two ranks in a row.

Li Meiniang's eyes were slightly cold.

"Actually, you have that intention, you have been promoted a long time ago." Wan Liuyun sighed.

The reason why Li Meiniang was stuck in the position of captain before was because there was a superior officer who robbed her of military merits, but with Li Meiniang's ability, she had a hundred ways to deal with that superior officer.

But she let it go, allowing her credit to be robbed all the time.

"I used to hide myself, and my military rank should be low rather than high," Li Meiniang looked at the Great Wall in the distance, "but it's different now."

The person she was waiting for had returned, and the border gate became uneasy again.

She has to play her part.

Wan Liuyun watched her side face, and felt that the sword that had been hidden in the scabbard for a long time was about to be unsheathed.

For Li Meiniang, the rank of the military is not important at all.

Because in her heart, she will always be just that person's general.

Wan Liuyun sighed in his heart.

"By the way, your sister is also here this time, but she left very disappointed because she didn't see you."

"She's here too?" Li Meiniang frowned, "She's not a practitioner, isn't this a hindrance to His Highness?"

"I heard that he was picked up by His Highness when he was escaping from marriage, so he followed him all the way."

It can only be said that they are Li Meiniang's younger sisters, and the two sisters have exactly the same behavior style.

"But even though it's an escape from marriage, I saw your future brother-in-law in the city before." Wan Liuyun glanced sideways at Li Meiniang, "I came to Liuyun Tower to say goodbye to your sister before taking the Nanchu practitioners away. .”

Wan Liuyun looked playful.

"I heard that His Highness the Second Highness of Nanchu also traveled with His Highness the Princess and the others before, eating and living with your sister."

Although Ying Baoyue couldn't see her own feelings clearly, she could clearly see the feelings of others.

If Li Jinniang really rejected Jiang Yuanyuan that much, Ying Baoyue would never allow the two of them to go together.

This journey is an experience for both Li Jinniang and Jiang Yuanyuan.

After returning to Southern Chu, this is also a unique memory between the two. The emotional foundation between the two is much deeper than ordinary political marriages.

"I heard that the eldest prince of Southern Chu is weak and has no heirs. Some veterans of the Southern Chu court have already written a letter asking for a replacement."

The King of Southern Chu asked Jiang Yuanyuan to take the Southern Chu practitioners to participate in the high-level ceremony this time, and also meant to let him leave Southern Chu to avoid disaster.

Let's see that the king of Southern Chu chose Jiang Yuanyuan such a powerful wife family as the Li family in Danyang, and you can understand what the king wants.

"If there are no accidents, that younger sister of yours is likely to be the Queen of Nanchu in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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