Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1498 Approaching

Chapter 1498 Approaching
"There is a house in this place?"

Under the leadership of Ying Baoyue and Li Ji, the crowd braved the wind and snow and came to a stone platform.

"That's right," Ying Baoyue smiled, wading through the knee-deep snow, she walked up to a stone that was a foot square in front of the stone pedestal, and pushed it violently.

Shi Shi didn't move at all, but when she let go, Li Ji reached out to help her.

The boulder rolled aside, revealing a dark doorway.


Ji Ange Guili and the others opened their eyes wide, and realized that the stone reef was actually a hut made of stones.

"I didn't expect this house to be intact." Ying Baoyue walked into the stone house and waved to everyone, "Come in."

Everyone walked into the stone hut and looked around. The inside of the house was like a snow cave, and the furnishings were extremely simple.

Only in the inner position is a stone bed with a width of three people. There is a firepit beside the stone bed, and a chimney that passes through the smoke is opened above it.

"This place is really nice," Chen Zichu nodded, "It's just that the place is a bit small."

It seemed that this place was a resting place for those who went up the mountain. About 30 of them poured in, and the martial arts camp outside had no place to stay.

"There's another room next to this." Ying Baoyue pointed to the location, and Mu Rongqing was overjoyed, "Then let's live in the one outside the Martial Arts Camp tonight."

Ying Baoyue nodded.

"Wait..." Zhao Guang stretched out his hand and wanted to say something, but the martial arts camp with more than 20 people outside had already filled the room next to him.

"His Royal Highness, what's the matter with you?"

Ying Baoyue asked.

Looking at the already occupied room next to him, Zhao Guang looked embarrassed.

There are more people in the Yanwu camp than them, so it doesn't matter if they occupy a room.

Just looking at Ji Ange and Li Jinniang standing in the crowd, Zhao Guang's ears felt hot.

"It's nothing," Zhao Guang said, "I just want us men to squeeze together and leave a separate room for the princesses and you girls."

Ying Baoyue was taken aback for a moment, but Ji Jiashu, who was beside Zhao Guang, froze when he heard the words.

He finally realized that something was wrong. The Mu family occupied one room alone, and there was only one room left in the stone house, which meant that they all had to share the same room tonight.

Ji Ange and Li Jinniang also looked a little uncomfortable, but Ying Baoyue laughed after being stunned.

"When you're away from home, don't worry about such small things."

"Besides, you can't squeeze in."

Counting Mu Rongqing, there are no more than ten women, and it is really unrealistic to occupy a room alone.

Besides, there are still sick people in their group.

"Then...then let's sleep on the floor." Zhao Guang and Ji Jiashu and the others beside him looked at each other, and gave up the stone bed near the firepit. "Your Highness, you will sleep on the bed with Miss Li and the others tonight."

"No," Ying Baoyue shook her head. Based on her experience, although the stone house can shelter from the wind and snow, there is only one firepit.

The firepit is not a heater, and it will be very cold for those who sleep on the ground at night, especially near the door.

"Compared to the difference between men and women, life is more important," Ying Baoyue said with serious eyes, "everyone squeeze together and sleep on the bed as much as possible."

"Everyone who has been ill today must sleep in bed."

"Other positions, regardless of men and women, we alternate."

The teenagers were a little dumbfounded and opened their mouths to object, but Ying Baoyue spoke first.

"Whoever disagrees will leave the team."

Ji Jiashu took a deep breath and swallowed what he wanted to say.

"Forget it, when you're away from home, everyone should follow the instructions," Xu Yishan coughed and sat down on the stone bed. "The best contribution is that everyone can go down the mountain safely."

Although a little embarrassed, Chen Zichu also sat down on the bed awkwardly.

At this time, Li Ji was sitting on the floor near the door, "I'll just stay here, and you can make arrangements not to count me in."

Ying Baoyue paused and nodded.

Heavenly practitioners have different physiques than ordinary people, and Li Ji will be fine if he sleeps on the ground all night. Considering the team as a whole, although it is a sacrifice for him to stay in the coldest place in the house, it is not unreasonable.

Ji Jiashu watched Li Ji's back blocking the cold wind at the door with an extremely complicated expression.

"Jiashu," Ying Baoyue walked up to him, urging Ji Jiashu with his eyes.

"I..." Ji Jiashu took a deep breath, "My illness is really fine. I'll take turns sleeping on the floor too."

"Jiashu," Ying Baoyue glanced at the other teenagers around him who were ready to move, and said softly, "Don't make things difficult for me."

She knew that it was psychologically unacceptable for teenagers of Ji Jiashu's age to be treated like a sick patient.In addition, Ji Jiashu was used to protecting others, so it was more uncomfortable for him to be protected by others than to be injured.

But she must be treated equally at this time.

Otherwise, Chen Zichu and Xu Yishan would definitely not want to stay on the bed obediently.

"Let's go up the mountain together and go down the mountain together safely, shall we?"

"I see," Ji Jiashu clenched his fists under his sleeves, raised his head to look into Ying Baoyue's eyes, "it's just that you have to sleep on the bed all night."


Ying Baoyue was startled, when Li Ji, who was sitting by the door, suddenly turned his head.

Sensing his gaze fixed on her back, Ying Baoyue was a little frightened.

"I'm not sick." She gritted her teeth and glanced at Li Jinniang and the others beside her. "I just said that no matter men or women, those who are not sick have to take turns sleeping on the floor."

Li Ji stared fixedly at Ying Baoyue's back, but did not speak.

Ying Baoyue was relieved that he didn't expose her on the spot.

It wasn't that she had double standards, but she knew just by looking at her eyes that although Li Jinniang and Ji Ange were not considered delicate among the young ladies, they didn't want to sleep on the floor. She had to set an example for them.

Ji Jiashu lowered his gaze, "I understand, but don't force yourself."

Ying Baoyue nodded.

Meng Shi went to the fire pond and started a fire.

Soon, the flames enveloped the entire hut, and blood turned to the pale faces of everyone.

After simply eating the dry food, Ying Baoyue took out the "sleeping bag" specially made by Jean Shanhaiju before leaving, and spread it on the ground.

Before she went up the mountain, she asked everyone to bring a sleeping bag. Now imitating her movements, everyone spread the sleeping bags where they were going to sleep tonight.

Except for one.

"Li Ji?"

Li Ji kept his original posture, sat half-kneed by the door, and glanced at Ying Baoyue standing behind him, "I'll keep watch tonight, it will be difficult to move around with this."

"Didn't I say that the night watchmen come in turn?"

"If you really want to bring everyone down the mountain intact, you should make good use of me here," Li Ji threw a piece of firewood into the fire pit from the air.

"Heaven-level practitioners can go without sleep for several days, but others can't."

Ying Baoyue was silent for a moment, "Sorry."

"I'm not protecting you," Li Ji glanced at Zhao Guang who was lying on the bed, and said in a cold voice, "I'm just protecting our county king of Soochow under the order of the king, and everyone else is just passing by."

Zhao Guang seems to be the one who is most adapted to the snow mountain environment among them...

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, did not expose him, and gave up the position by the firepit to other people who slept on the ground in the first half of the night. She spread a sleeping bag a little closer to the door and got into it.

Even with a special sleeping bag made of bearskin, Ying Baoyue could clearly feel the freezing process of her body after lying down for less than an hour.

First from the soles of the feet, then the legs, the chill rose layer by layer, and gradually reached the chest cavity.

Lying in her sleeping bag without saying a word, she somehow recalled the memory of lying in the coffin before.

Was it the same in her previous life, lying in a small coffin and losing consciousness a little bit?
Just when the chill was about to fill the entire chest.

Ying Baoyue was slightly taken aback.

Her forehead suddenly touched a warm back.

(End of this chapter)

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