Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1507 Breaking

Chapter 1507 Breaking
Ji Jiashu turned his head slightly with his eyeballs down, looking at the slap that was so close to his cheek but didn't slap him down.

It's only natural for the elder brother to teach the younger brother a lesson. He was ready to be slapped, and he didn't understand why Ji Qingyuan didn't do it.

"Brother, why do you..."

Ji Qingyuan raised his arms and stared at his younger brother who grew half a head taller at some point.

"Why don't you hide?"

He was furious just now, and he struck very quickly, but for Ji Jiashu, it was easy for Ji Jiashu to detect his movements in advance.

But Ji Jiashu just stood there, neither hiding nor closing.

He is an older brother who is weaker than his younger brother. Ying Baoyue was dragged into the cave just now, and Ji Jiashu missed her by a slight margin, but he couldn't even reach her.

Looking at the pain and confusion in his younger brother's eyes, Ji Qingyuan suddenly understood that Ji Jiashu actually wished someone could slap him now.

Ji Qingyuan understood this feeling.

When the heart hurts too much, people even long for physical pain.

But he didn't allow Ji Jiashu to escape in this way.

Ji Qingyuan put down his arms, his gaze was as cold as a lake in winter.

Ji Jiashu raised his head, "Brother, you..."

"It's painful, isn't it?"

Ji Qingyuan spoke lightly, but Ji Jiashu's voice stopped abruptly.

"You want someone to beat you up, but I won't move you."

Ji Jiashu clenched his fists tightly under his sleeves, "Brother, I'm not..."

"I understand what you mean, you want to give up the high-level ceremony and go to her alone," Ji Qingyuan said calmly.

"Your future is your business. I'm just an illegitimate child of the Ji family. I have no obligation or position to interfere with you."

Before Ji Jiashu could retort, Ji Qingyuan raised his hand to stop him from continuing.

"But I want to remind you one thing, do you still remember why you can stand here intact now?"

"On this journey, no practitioner will take the initiative to attack you. Why?"

Ji Jiashu was stunned.

Ji Qingyuan's face was neither happy nor angry, and the figure of the father he had always hated appeared in front of his eyes.

It was one thing to hate Ji Mo, but there was one thing Ji Qingyuan knew that his mother had done nothing wrong.

That is to put him and An Ge in Ji's house.

Facing Ji Jiashu, Ji Qingyuan paused word by word.

"Remember, the reason we can stand here so peacefully is because we are the sons of the Eastern Emperor Taiyi."

Even though she may not have truly loved them, the existence of Ji Mo itself is an eternal protection for them.

"We will be fine, because our father is strong enough," Ji Qingyuan said calmly, "You have spent more time with your father than me, so let me ask you a question."

"No matter what happens."

"Has our father delayed his practice?"

Ji Jiashu was shocked.

Ji Qingyuan stood motionless on the ground. Yes, he hated his father, and this hatred became more intense after passing through the Great Wall of Eternal Night.

Seven years ago, his father failed to save his mother.

But Ji Qingyuan had to admit how powerful his father was after seven years.

After Lin Baoyue passed away in his previous life, he stayed in Qing'an Yuan for a long time like a walking dead, with no intention of doing anything.

Then his mother died, and he became more and more depraved, allowing himself to immerse himself in grief.

But his father immediately rushed to the imperial capital to deal with state affairs, won the greatest benefits for Southern Chu when the six kingdoms were divided, and quickly stabilized the situation on the mainland with the other sons of God, before returning to Southern Chu.

When Ji Mo returned to Nanchu, the whole family went to greet him. Although he couldn't go, he stood far away in the gate of Qing'an Courtyard and saw the man.

As the son of God, his father has lost a lot of weight, and his eyes are deeply black and blue, and he walked without looking sideways.

Then, when he heard that his father had rested at home for less than an hour, he went to the palace to meet the King of Southern Chu, and then dealt with the state affairs of the imperial prayer province, and then went to Zihua Mountain for retreat.

After the death of Da Si Ming and Shao Si Ming, the skills of many god sons have declined, but his father has become stronger.

Maybe it can be said that all this is because his father does not love his mother very much.But the scene of standing behind the door that day and seeing his scrawny but still unsteady father passing by left a deep impression on Ji Qingyuan.

Whether it is ruthless or heart-like, this is a practitioner who can climb to the top of the cultivation world.

Then, what happened was that Soochow boy came to challenge his father.

"Do you know that Li Ji came to challenge our father seven years ago?" Ji Qingyuan looked into Ji Jiashu's eyes and said.

Ji Jiashu was taken aback for a moment. He was still young at that time, and he only heard that a daring Eastern Wu practitioner had come to the National Teacher's Mansion, but he didn't expect that person to be Li Ji.

But seven years ago, Li Ji...

"Seven years ago, Mr. Zhaohua was as old as you are now," Ji Qingyuan said flatly, "He is not high-level, but he dares to challenge the Son of God."

At that time, I heard that Li Ji had just lost an important person.

"He was interrupted by his father, and he almost became a disabled person."

But in the end, not only was Li Ji not abolished, but he was put to death and then reborn, and his realm was even deeper.

In this world, there is no kind of strength that does not need to pay a price.

This kind of price is not the power to restore the past, but the power to step on the pain and move forward.

"I know you hate that you didn't catch her just now," Ji Qingyuan said calmly, "but that's why you have to become stronger."

He watched his younger brother quietly, and he knew very well that Ji Jiashu would not lose to anyone in terms of his aptitude and character as a practitioner.

But compared with top practitioners like Li Ji and Mengshi, Ji Jiashu has a key deficiency.

That is the insufficiency of the ordeal experienced.

Most of Ji Jiashu's stable mind now comes from his father's almost devil training, but before the intermediate ceremony, Ji Jiashu didn't even walk out of Southern Chu.

Of course, even if he has never traveled far, Ji Jiashu's ability is still outstanding among his peers.

Among them, Li Ji and Meng Shi are the ones with the highest realm.Li Ji is seven years older than Ji Jiashu. Just looking at the eyes that exposed the mask, Ji Qingyuan can vaguely guess that Li Ji should have experienced quite terrible things, and Meng Shi's experience of climbing up step by step as a commoner is unique. .

Ji Jiashu is already pretty good.

If he didn't want to stand beside Ying Baoyue.

Ji Jiashu's heart can be understood by everyone except Ying Baoyue, but the two seem to be the same age in this life, but the gap in experience is too great.

"Jia Shu," Ji Qingyuan asked with a sigh in his heart, "Do you really want to catch her?"

Ji Jiashu was startled, stared fixedly into his brother's eyes, and nodded.

"Then you will have a hard time in the future."

Ji Qingyuan said softly.

To catch up with Ying Baoyue is too hard for a 15-year-old boy.

He didn't have to work so hard.

Ji Jiashu's heart skipped a beat, as if he understood what his brother was talking about.

He was silent for a moment.

"Brother, but I don't want to give up."

Ji Qingyuan looked at his younger brother with a complicated expression.

"Then you will become stronger."

Unlike him, Ji Jiashu at least had the chance to reach out to the moon.

"You should know what to do."

Ji Jiashu stood still, with blood slowly flowing from his fingers.

He knows what to do, but if he wants to be strong, then he has to make a choice here.

Standing here, Ji Jiashu felt that his whole body was going to be torn apart.

 When writing this chapter, I always think of the picture of Qingyuan sitting on the roof and embracing the moon to look at the stars
(End of this chapter)

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