Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1509

Chapter 1509

Ying Baoyue stared at Li Ji's back, "Where are you going?"

Li Ji turned his back to her and didn't look back. He looked ahead and said calmly, "Where I'm going probably has nothing to do with you, girl."

Ying Baoyue was stunned by such an obviously unfamiliar tone, it was as if she had returned to the first time she saw the man sleeping in the coffin on Mount Li.

No, Li Ji's tone at this moment is colder than when he was sleeping in the coffin.

"Zhaohua, what's wrong with you?"

Ying Baoyue vaguely guessed why Li Ji had such a change, "Didn't you agree to go to the high-level ceremony with us, do you know the next road?"

Xiling Snow Mountain is remote and forbidden in the north, even more inaccessible than Cloud Forest. Now they are rushed to this strange place, even Li Ji probably doesn't know the way there.

Ying Baoyue looked at Li Ji's back, feeling lucky.

If Li Ji is going to participate in the high-level ceremony, then he still needs her to lead the way.

"I'm not going," Li Ji stared at the frozen lake, his eyes were colder than the ice, "I'm already a master of heaven, so there is no need to participate in the high-level ceremony."

Others participated in the high-level ceremony to go up to a higher level, but he has nothing to go up to.

If you want to improve above the heavenly ranks, you need the right time, place, people and the blessing of the gods.

No matter how powerful the mountain ghost is, it is just an individual, and it is impossible to turn an ordinary sky-rank into a god child through a high-level ceremony.

Otherwise, Xiling Snow Mountain would have been trampled to the ground by heavenly practitioners from all over the continent.

Li Ji said indifferently, "I said that I want to go on the same road with you, but His Royal Highness wanted to go with you. I follow His Majesty's order to protect the King, so I have no choice but to go with you."

Ying Baoyue stared fixedly at his back, "A last resort?"

"That's right," Li Ji said, "His Majesty the King of the County is now with Lord Chunhua and Lord Guanghua, and there must be no accidents. I don't need to go again."

Instead, he would bring the pursuers there in the past, adding danger to Zhao Guangji, Jiashu and the others.

Judging from Zhao Guang's performance on the snow-capped mountains, this man was like a duck to water in the north, and Li Ji felt that he didn't have to worry about him at all.

"Okay, even if you don't go to the high-level ceremony, what are you going to do next?"

Ying Baoyue pursed her lips, "The eight pursuers, how are you going to escape?"

The eight heavenly ranks are simply not opponents that humans can win.

What's more, those eight heavenly practitioners are all veterans who have broken through the realm for a long time.

Even if Lin Wangong was replaced with this one, it would be a dead end.

In this continent, probably no cultivator has been treated like Li Ji, and eight heavenly ranks were dispatched to kill him at a time.

Since you can't win, you can only escape.

The only cultivator who can resist the attacks of the eight heavenly ranks is the second rank Shenzi.But the Northern Wei Dynasty had no god sons anymore, and the nearest god son was on the Xiling Snow Mountain.

The mountain ghost is too mysterious, no one knows whether he will protect Li Ji or not, the Tang Dynasty master is a fool, and will never take the initiative to conflict with practitioners from other countries, so in the worst case, Li Ji can only escape to Soochow Or Nan Chu can be saved.

But Nan Chu and Dong Wu are too far away from here.

With the strength of the eight heavenly ranks, Ying Baoyue felt that Li Ji had little hope of escaping the Northern Wei Dynasty.

"What I'm going to do next doesn't seem to be the girl's business," Li Ji said indifferently, "The girl is only the first and fifth rank, so it's too early to worry about the battle between the heavenly ranks?"

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath, not wanting to bother with this person who acted more seriously than usual when talking to her.

"Okay, I won't stop you if you want to leave," she gritted her teeth and moved her stiff legs, grabbed the grass-stained robe and threw it on Li Ji's head.

Li Ji's head was completely covered by his clothes, and he stood stiffly on the ground.

"Girl girl," Ying Baoyue stared coldly at Li Ji's inexplicably funny back with clothes hanging, "Have you even forgotten my name? If that's the case, why did you leave the clothes for me? Did you give them away?" A hobby of giving clothes to strange women?"

Li Ji stretched out his hand, grabbed the robe covering his head, and threw it on the ground.

"It's just something you don't need," he said flatly, "Girl, if you don't want it, just throw it away."

Ying Baoyue almost made him laugh angrily.

"Okay, girl, take care, and I will take my leave."

Li Ji opened his mouth lightly, stepped over the robe on the ground, and walked towards the outer edge of the lake.

Ying Baoyue sat on the ground, watching the back of the man leaving without saying a word.

The moonlight shone lightly on the two of them, and the sight behind them seemed real. Li Jimang stabbed at his back, and felt that his back was about to burn.

too slow.

He took a deep breath, if he wasn't afraid of attracting Xirong's killer and couldn't use his true energy, he could disappear in front of her in an instant.

But now he can only go out step by step.

It was a long torture.

But he still didn't look back and left step by step.

As he walked, Li Ji's eyes were a little dazed, wondering if he was eroded by the cold air.

He seemed to have returned to the night when he last parted with Li Zhao eight years ago. He lay on the window of the tree house and watched the girl leave step by step.

Step by step out of his sight, out of his life.

But this time, it was he who took the initiative to leave her.

Eight years ago, when Li Zhao left the courtyard, he didn't look back.

What was she thinking?
Is there a little bit, even a little bit, is there any reluctance to leave him?
Li Ji walked forward step by step, only to feel that with the steps, the cold wind was blowing into his chest, which became icy cold and unintuitive.

As he walked further and further away, his figure became smaller and smaller, and he was almost unrecognizable.

Ying Baoyue sat under the stone and watched the scene quietly. She grabbed the candied fruit in her bosom and held it high towards the leaving figure.

But just as she was about to smash it over, her fingers froze for a moment, and she let it go slowly.

She looked down at the bulging paper bag in her arms. There were candied dates, apricots, chestnuts, and fruits she couldn't recognize.

There were fruits from the south, fruits from the north, and wild fruits she had seen outside the Mu family's mansion in Misty Ridge.

Did this person pick the fruit of the journey after walking all the way?
These are all habits.

The paper bag was barely full before it was full.

Ying Baoyue seemed to be able to see the picture of this person collecting wild fruits all the way and stuffing them into his arms with a blank face.

"I made some more before, but I didn't have time to send them out. You can keep them and eat them."

Really, how could there be such a heavenly master in this world.

The cold wind blowing from the lake raised the hair of the people in the distance. Ying Baoyue raised his head and found that the straw rope tied to Li Ji's head had broken.

The scene she saw at the bottom of the lake before appeared in front of her eyes. Li Ji was quietly pillowing on the animal bones with loose hair, like a child who had returned home peacefully.

If she hadn't woken him up, he would have been sleeping at the bottom of the lake forever.

Just such a person will sleep forever.

It's deadly.

Ying Baoyue took a deep breath and stood up.



The edge of the lake was in sight, and the ground near the lake was hard with the cold.

Li Ji looked at the ground not far away and let out a breath.

He was still not used to not using his true energy, and he almost broke his kung fu several times just now. As expected, it was impossible for a heavenly cultivator to suppress his true energy for a long time, so he had to think of other ways.

After suppressing the true energy, he can hardly hear the sounds around him, compared to before, he is almost like a deaf man.

No, not only deaf, but also blind.

If he turned his head now, he would definitely not see her either.

Li Ji suppressed the bitterness in his heart, and stepped on the land with one foot.

At this moment, he suddenly froze.

Because a pair of cold arms hugged his waist.

(End of this chapter)

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