Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1526 Level 5

Chapter 1526 Five Levels
"Want to know?"

Murong Feilan looked around at many practitioners who were bored after the examination.

The high-level ceremony was originally supposed to be held in the morning, but yesterday the fairy officials in the palace received a temporary notice from the mountain ghost, and the start time was moved from the morning to the afternoon.

During this period of time, other practitioners who are waiting will inevitably be bored, and may even cause trouble.

Mountain ghosts always do what they want, but such a sudden change of time for such an important event is still too much nonsense, Murong Feilan watched his father sitting on the throne with his brows frowning into Sichuan characters, so he volunteered to preside over the high-level ceremony.

His existence can somewhat appease the practitioners who came to participate.

His father agreed, but it also meant that he had to give up pretending to be Murong Feixu and lose the opportunity to participate in the high-level ceremony.

After all, when the Prince of Later Liao participated in the high-level ceremony, no matter whether he won or lost, it would inevitably make other participants dissatisfied and feel that the ceremony was unfair.

Even his father asked him hesitantly if he really wanted to do this.

After all, opportunities to hold high-level grand ceremonies are extremely rare. I don't know when the next one will be, and anyone who is a practitioner will want to participate.

But Murong Feilan still chose to give up.

He has responsibilities to fulfill, and there are things only he can do for her.

After listening to the content of the high-level ceremony, he felt that the decision he made was right.

He faintly sensed the intention behind Emperor Taizu setting up these checkpoints.

"The content of the high-level ceremony has always been the biggest secret."

Murong Feilan smiled.

"I also just heard Master Shangui talk about the content of the high-level ceremony this morning."

"I'm afraid it will be different from what everyone thinks."

Even he was very surprised after listening to it, because the comparison of the high-level ceremony can be said to be completely different from the previous elementary-level ceremony and intermediate-level ceremony.

"What's the difference?"

Now Chen Zichu, Zhao Guang and the others all pricked up their ears.

On the road before, they felt that the high-level grand ceremony might be the same as the elementary-level middle-level, changing tricks to compare different types of abilities, at most adding a snow-climbing mountain, anyway, it all ended in a battle.

After all, practitioners have to compare their abilities, isn't that how they compare?

"What I can tell you in private is limited," Murong Feilan smiled slightly, "But I can tell you one thing, the high-level ceremony will last for five days, and there will be no more one-on-one battles."

"No battle?" Ji Jiashu and the others were stunned when they heard this.

There is no most important battle to test the ability of a practitioner, so how to compare?
What are they going to do these five days?

"The specific content, I will inform everyone later."

Murong Feilan looked up at the sun that was about to rise to noon. At this time, the practitioners who were holding fake bricks and trying to fish in troubled waters were almost expelled. He looked at the ritual officer beside him, "It's almost time, let's start announcing content."


The cavalry around the black carriage beat the snare drum.

"Now, His Royal Highness, please tell everyone about the content of the competition for the high-level ceremony!"

The Hou Liao Liao official announced loudly, and the practitioners who had been waiting impatiently on the grass suddenly cheered up.


Murong Feilan boarded the carriage again.

Behind the carriage with Wang Banner planted was a stone wall as high as three people. Just as Murong Feilan boarded the carriage, a large flake of crystal clear snowflakes flew down from the snow-capped mountain and evenly covered the stone wall. A large area of ​​pure white and black The carriage immediately formed a sharp contrast.

The participants on the grass widened their eyes in surprise.

Ji Jiashu and the others looked at each other and held their breaths.

This is the power of the mountain ghost.

The next explanation was given by Shan Gui and Murong Feilan at the same time.

"Masters, you should already know that the place you are standing at is at the foot of Tianqi Peak in Xiling Snow Mountain."

Murong Feilan spoke calmly.

The practitioners at the foot of the mountain nodded one after another.

Xiling Snow Mountain is so vast, the reason why they all gather here is because when they crossed the border of Hou Liao, almost all of them were told that those who participated in the high-level ceremony would go to the foot of Tianqi Peak.

"Here is the starting point of this high-level ceremony."

Accompanied by Murong Feilan's voice, the shape of Tianqi Peak was quickly drawn on the stone wall behind him, as if an invisible hand was outlining the snow.

Seeing this miraculous scene, many practitioners couldn't help applauding.

A dot is marked at the foot of Tianqi Peak on the snow surface, indicating the starting point.

"This is the starting point. You should start from here in the afternoon, and follow this line all the way up until you reach the end point."

A line appeared on the snow surface, zigzagging upwards along the shape of the mountain.

"The high-level ceremony is five days in total, and there are five levels in total. The person who can pass all five levels before the deadline will be the leader of this year's high-level ceremony."

"Huh?" Zhao Guang frowned, "The person who passes the checkpoint is the leader? Then wouldn't there be several leaders?"

Traditional one-on-one battles can at least guarantee that only one person will win in the end.

How can you guarantee that only one person will win in this way of passing the level?
Hearing Murong Feilan's words, there were whispers in the crowd.

"Gentlemen," Murong Feilan pressed his hand down to signal for everyone to be quiet, "Let's listen to all the levels first."

Everyone quieted down, staring at the route on the snow layer all the way forward.

"Everyone ascends Tianqi Peak, and you will encounter the first hurdle here," Murong Feilan pointed to a canyon-shaped place on the map, "This place is called a ray of sky, and those who pass through here will reach the next mountain. Pass the first hurdle."

"So simple?" Some high-level practitioners laughed in the crowd, "I thought this high-level ceremony was so difficult, so it's just climbing a mountain to see the scenery."

The Hou Liao officials beside the carriage frowned, but Murong Feilan just smiled without saying a word.

"After passing through the first line of sky, you will come to the second pass."

Murong Feilan pointed to the second mountain drawn on the snow surface, "This is Feixian Peak. There is a stone platform near the top of the mountain called Qingliang Terrace."

"Those who can climb onto the balcony will have passed the second level."

"This stone platform doesn't look as high as Xueling Mountain." Chen Zichu patted Ji Jiashu's shoulder, "I feel that the second level is not difficult."

The relaxed chatter and laughter of practitioners sounded again from the crowd.

However, Ji Jiashu's heart tightened slightly when he saw the unfathomable expression on Murong Feilan's face.

He vaguely felt that these checkpoints might have some hidden meanings.

"Next is the third pass." Murong Feilan pointed to the third mountain drawn on the map, "After coming down from the Qingliang Terrace, you will reach Qingluan Peak. There is a lake on the mountainside of Qingluan Peak, called the moon. Marsh lake."

"This third level requires everyone to pass through the Moon Marsh Lake, and those who can pass it will be considered a passer."

The chatter and laughter in the crowd became quieter.

After all, it's hard to say what's hidden in a lake in a place like this.

"Passing through Moon Marsh Lake, everyone will be able to see the fourth level," Murong Feilan said with a smile, "For you gentlemen, this is actually the last level."

(End of this chapter)

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