Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1532 Welcome

Chapter 1532 Welcome
"It's only useful if you're dead?"

Li Ji's mind was in turmoil, he died, what would the people of Xirong get?
No matter how he was defeated in the end, if he was destined to die, then he would definitely choose to blow himself up completely.

Not to mention the bones and skills, the people of Xirong couldn't even get a piece of his clothes.

In this case, what's the use if he's dead?

If the Xirong people wanted to provoke Soochow through this move, it was completely unnecessary.Not to mention that Xirong and Soochow are separated by the most countries, even if the Xirong people want to occupy the whole continent, they probably won't be able to reach Soochow until the end.

With his status, even if his adoptive father calculated that he died at the hands of the Xirong people, Zhao Muren would never send troops to avenge him.

His adoptive father and Zhao Muren were the most cautious people, and they would not fall for such a low-level provocation.

Soochow has lost even the beast god, and there is nothing worthy of interest for Xirong people.

Before the emperor Taizu and the chief minister had completely injured Xirong, when Xirong was at its weakest, he even sent the Princess Heqin to Soochow.

There is really no need for Xirong to fight Soochow at this time.

"I know you don't understand, but everything is like this," Wu Chanxu looked at Li Ji who was standing on the ground in a daze, with a teasing look in his eyes, "If you really want to blame, you can only blame your bad luck."

Bad luck?
Li Ji's eyes narrowed slightly, and he suddenly remembered nine years ago, when he was captured from the Soochow Palace, a group of people surrounded him and wanted to eat him up.

What kind of monster is he?

Imprisoned, whipped, coveted, finally treated as a human being, and lost.

Was he destined not to exist in this world from birth?
"Li Ji!"

At this time, a cool hand grabbed the skirt of his clothes, and Ying Baoyue slammed his head into Li Ji's jaw, "Wake up, this man is confusing you!"

Li Ji's whole body trembled, and he woke up suddenly, looking at Wu Chanxu's bottomless eyes in the distance, his whole body felt cold.

It's Ghost Hitomi!
He had only read it in the ancient books in the Beihan Pavilion. It was a kind of Xirong sorcery. It is said that only practitioners of the fourth rank and above can master it. The caster can drag the opponent into the deepest nightmare through his eyes and words. In , killing the opponent invisible after losing his sanity.

Cultivated to the highest level, one can even manipulate memory.

But this sorcery is said to have been lost 20 years ago.

"Oh, you can actually see it?"

Wu Chanxu lowered his eyes, and looked at Ying Baoyue playfully with light-colored eyes, "Ex-Princess Qin, how old are you this year?"

Why is this person curious about Ying Baoyue's age?

A trace of hesitation appeared in Li Ji's heart, but watching the man raise the long sword in his hand again, his muscles tensed up, and he covered the back of Ying Baoyue's head with his hands, and stomped on the ground.

"Hurry up!"

As he stomped his feet, a big hole appeared on the ground, and the figures of the two disappeared in the hole the next moment.


For the first time, the Xirong killers who had been at ease all around showed a look of astonishment.

Wu Chanxu also focused his eyes, and suddenly appeared beside the cave.

The cave is as deep as a person, and broken rock formations can be seen inside, and the sound of gurgling water can be heard from the depths of the rock formations.

"It's an underground river!"

Wu Chanxu felt hostility all over his body, "Show this kid a trick."

Only then did he realize that when Li Ji was talking to him before, his feet had been moving a little bit. This movement was not because of fear, but because he was looking for the thinnest place in the rock formation.

As a water magician, Li Ji should have noticed that there was an underground river here early in the morning, and the reason why he led Ying Baoyue up from above was to confuse them.

The so-called close to the water vein does not refer to the small river beside the barren mountain when they set off, but refers to the underground river!
The river surrounding them was just a cover-up, and this underground river was their last resort.

"Brother, what should I do?"

Wu Chanlu stood at the entrance of the cave in a daze. He was jealous at first that the master had entrusted this task to his elder brother, but now he felt rejoiced. This Li Ji was obviously only a heavenly rank, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

"It seems that what I just said was wrong." Wu Chanxu quietly watched the underground river under the rock peak, "It's not that the boy's life is bad, but that he is blessed by the heavens."

If it wasn't for God's blessing, this person wouldn't be able to live to this day by mistake.

"Ji of Hou Ji?" Wu Chanxu sneered, "This name is better than his previous name."

Wu Chanlu couldn't understand what his brother was saying, and asked at a loss, "Then what should we do next?"

"What should I do? Of course it's chasing." Wu Chanxu glanced at him coldly, "Do you mean you want to go back and live in the torture hall for a month?"

Wu Chanlu trembled, looking at the underground river, "Are we going down too?"

Li Ji and Ying Baoyue are both water masters, and once they enter the water, they are like fish in water. At this time, I don't know how far they have swum out. How are they going to chase them?
"Tsk, so the water mage is troublesome," Wu Chanxu pinched the golden cup in his hand, staring coldly at the dark cave entrance, "I don't believe that there is such a dark river that leads directly to Xiling Snow Mountain, let's go!"

A whirlwind blew up on the barren grass, and the eight people swept towards the direction of Xiling Snow Mountain.



"Cough, cough, cough!"

Li Ji smashed the rock formation above his head, and crawled out from the end of the underground river with Ying Baoyue in his arms. Countless snow particles fell from the cracks in the ground, and the two suddenly coughed violently.

"are you OK?"

Li Ji covered Ying Baoyue's head with his sleeve and asked softly.

The water droplets on the two of them disappeared the moment they got out of the water. They didn't choke on the water, but their faces were pale.

Water mages are not afraid of water, but cold.

The water in the underground river didn't drown them, but it nearly froze them to death.

Originally, in Li Ji and Ying Baoyue's plan, the underground river was only a means for them to save their lives as a last resort. After climbing out of the icy lake, they never wanted to go into the water again, but they were forced to use this river in the end. escape route.

"I'm fine," Ying Baoyue covered his mouth and pushed his chest, "Hurry up and change your clothes."

Li Ji went down the river with his bare back just now, and she was terrified when she saw it. He had spare clothes in his space magic weapon, but the two of them were too busy running for their lives just now, so they didn't have time to change.

"Hurry up first."

Li Ji didn't let go of Ying Baoyue's arms, and looked up at the snowflakes blowing in front of him.

A pure white mountain range has appeared in front of the two of them.

The sun had passed Shenshi, and they went through hardships and finally arrived near Xiling Snow Mountain.

Wang Shan ran to death. At this time, they were still at least one mile away from the bottom of the snow mountain.

"We're already late," Li Ji took a deep breath, exhaustion and cold had swept over his body, and his back was hurting so much, but he couldn't care less.

Just as Li Ji was about to run wildly, the familiar aura came from behind him again.

"Boy, do you think you can escape?"

Ying Baoyue gritted her teeth and clenched the Sunset Sword in her hand.

It's the last mile, it's so close, but it's so far away at this time.

She has been listening to Li Ji's heartbeat, and she knows that he has reached the limit, if this person makes another move, he will really fall before the finish line.

"I think you should stay here."

Wu Chanxu looked at the two struggling on the snow, with a smile on his lips.

"Don't play, let's end like this."

As he spoke, he raised the long sword in his hand, and the other seven heavenly practitioners behind him also raised their magic weapons.

Is that the end?
Ying Baoyue broke free from Li Ji's arm and pulled him behind him when he was not prepared. Li Ji's pupils shrank, "Baoyue..."

His voice was lost in the thunder.

Dark clouds topped.

The overwhelming sword light fell to the top of the two of them.

However, at this moment, a hurricane suddenly rose above the snow-capped mountains in the distance.

 Allusion Houji: Houji is the ancestor of the royal family of the Zhou Dynasty, named Qi, born in Jishan (now Jishan County, Yuncheng, Shanxi).Mother is Emperor Ku Gaoxin's Yuan concubine, Tai daughter Jiang Yao.He was once named "Nongshi" by Yao, and Houji by Shun.Legend has it that Houji's mother, Jiang Ji, stepped on the footsteps of giants in the wild and conceived.At that time, she put the abandoned animal in a narrow alley, but the passing cows and sheep not only did not trample him, but also nursed him and raised him.Jiang Xun put the discard in the forest again, and happened to meet many loggers, who came to take care of him in turn.Jiang Xun transferred the abandoned child to the cold glacier again. It was icy cold. As soon as the abandoned child was put down, a group of birds flew over and spread their wings to cover the abandoned child.At this time, Jiang Xun thought that the abandoned child seemed to have a good spirit, so he adopted him and brought him up.

(End of this chapter)

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