Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1539

Chapter 1539
A foul-smelling wind blew in the corridor, trampling the gravel under their feet, and everyone continued to walk forward cautiously.

Song Qian looked at the figure in the front with a dazed gaze.

Ying Baoyue's look of turning his head still remained in his heart.

That glance was so fast that people were caught off guard, as if she had repeated this action countless times, and it had become her instinct.

Did Ying Baoyue know in advance that the stone would fall behind her, or was she used to looking behind her first glance no matter where the stone would fall?

Song Qian didn't know, but ever since he approached Ying Baoyue according to his uncle's order, he noticed the difference in this girl.

Although he is not the prince of the middle Tang Dynasty, he was raised by countless people in China.So when his uncle asked him to get close to an insignificant former Qin princess and listen to her orders at any time, Song Qian also resisted and puzzled in his heart.

But he was used to listening to his uncle since he was a child, so he did as he was told. In the beginning, his uncle would often send him letters to remind him, but at some point Song Qian realized that he was asked to stay by Ying Baoyue's side. It is no longer an order from my uncle.

Since arriving in the Northern Wei Dynasty, because the distance is too far, he has not received a letter from his uncle for a long time.

But even without his uncle's instructions, he wanted to follow her all the time.

In the quiet corridor, only the sound of everyone's footsteps could be heard, Song Qian stared fixedly at the back of the girl in the front, and suddenly the words from the first letter written by his uncle appeared in front of him.

"I know you don't understand first, but do what I say first, and after a while, you may understand what to do by yourself."

Song Qian faintly felt that he already understood what his uncle said.

It's just that what he didn't understand was why his uncle knew about Ying Baoyue?
Accustomed to Song Zhai's omnipotence, Song Qian had never doubted why his mysterious uncle knew so much before, but now for the first time he still had doubts in his heart.

There are very few people in this world who can fall into the eyes of his uncle.

Who is Ying Baoyue?

Looking at Ying Baoyue walking forward, Song Qian made up his mind that when the high-level ceremony was over, he would immediately return to Zhongtang and ask his uncle what happened.

Of course, it would be better if Ying Baoyue is willing to go back with him.

Although Ji Jiashu and Li Ji had always worried about Ying Baoyue's health, Song Qian could still tell that Ying Baoyue was used to hiding her physical condition in front of these two people.

After countless battles in Southern Chu, Eastern Wu and Northern Wei, Ying Baoyue's body has a huge deficit, which cannot be seen in the tension of the battle now, but once she relaxes, there will probably be big problems.

Her current physical condition urgently needs to stop for a while to recuperate.

Among the six kingdoms within the Great Wall, apart from Beihan Pavilion, only Zhongtang has the best doctors in the whole continent, and the climate is the warmest and most suitable for recuperating the body.

Song Qian had a hunch that if he could bring Ying Baoyue back, his uncle would definitely prepare everything for her.

"Song Qian?"

Zhao Guang noticed Song Qian's distraction, "Hey, pay attention to the movement around you."

Song Qian came back to his senses and nodded, he raised his head to look at the sky above his head, and suddenly a drop of moisture fell on his face.

He opened his eyes wide.

Before he could speak, there were screams from the front and back ranks.

"what is this?"

"Look, up there!"

There was another group of practitioners in front of their team, and that group of people walked in front, making a miserable cry.

Tick, tick.

Ying Baoyue raised her head, her pupils constricted violently.

On the mountain wall more than ten feet above them, there are more than a dozen corpses hanging.

All the corpses were stuck on the rock wall by stalagmites protruding from the rock wall, and blood was dripping down.

"This...this is..."

Zhao Guang suddenly clenched Li Ji's arm in front of him, frightened like a half-grown child, sifting chaff all over his body.

"It should be that some practitioners jumped up to avoid falling rocks, but accidentally bumped into a stalagmite."

"how is this possible!"

Zhao Guang cried out, "Cultivators are not blind, no matter how fast they climb, how can they not see the stalagmites in front of them!"

Although it was dark in the crevice, there was still a ray of moonlight on the top. With this light, how could such a large stalagmite be invisible?
"Then there is only one possibility."

Ying Baoyue stared at the dozens of corpses above and said softly, "Those stalagmites were stabbed out suddenly when they climbed to that position."


Zhao Guang was dumbfounded, and even Ji Jiashu and Meng Shi were stunned, "But if this is the case, unless..."

Ying Baoyue stared fixedly at the snow-covered stone wall in front of her, a drop of blood fell from above and landed on her cheek.

"Unless, this mountain is alive."

Meng Shi shivered.

The mountain is alive.

Even though she grew up in the north since she was a child and has seen countless strange things, this is the first time she has seen such a place that makes one's back shudder.

Yes, the mountain is indeed alive.

It will silently drop falling rocks when practitioners pass by, the mountain walls will close, and stalagmites will suddenly protrude. Everything is just to keep the practitioners who break into its hinterland here.

"Shan... will it really be like this?"

Zhao Guang's voice was trembling.

"Aren't mountains just rocks?"

Before Ying Baoyue's eyes appeared the forest of giant bones that had prevented her from saving Li Ji underground in Beihai back then.

Those giant bones seemed to have a will of their own at that time.

"The mountains here may be different.

She had only heard that countless ancient gods fell in the north many years ago.But she didn't expect that although those ancient gods had already fallen, the will left behind had been integrated into the mountains and seas in the north.

Speaking of Beihai and Xiling Snow Mountain, one is the place where Xuanwu God loves to be, and the other is where the White Tiger God lives. The two beast gods chose these two places. Is it because there are gods in both places? breath?

"Anyway, it's not suitable to stay here for a long time."

Looking at the long corridor ahead, Ying Baoyue's heart felt cold.

If the mountain had the will of the ancient god, then they had broken into the belly of the ancient god at this time, and the ancient god would definitely get rid of them as foreign objects as soon as possible.

The move of a dozen practitioners to climb up just now must have completely angered the ancient gods.

"Come on!"

Accompanied by Ying Baoyue's shout, the stone wall under everyone's feet suddenly shook, and Zhao Guang screamed.

"What's wrong with this?"

Before anyone could answer him, Zhao Guang felt that someone was pushing his shoulder, and he tilted his head angrily, only to find that it was Shibi who pushed him, not a person.

Zhao Guang opened his eyes wide and was too scared to speak.

The stone wall that was originally two people wide was moving inward!

"Not good, the mountain wall is closing!"

Ying Baoyue didn't expect her ominous premonition to come true so soon. If this continues, everyone will be squeezed to death in the crevice.

(End of this chapter)

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