Big Moon Ballad

Chapter 1542 Cold Terrace

Chapter 1542 Cold Terrace

Ying Baoyue's feet were weak, and she staggered and fell backwards. A warm hand suddenly supported her from behind.

"It's Ash."

Ying Baoyue turned her head and smiled at Meng Shi who was standing worriedly behind her.

"stop laughing."

Meng Shi exhaled in vain, she stood upright in the snow, opened her arms to let Ying Baoyue lean into her arms, "Your body is as cold as ice, do you know that?"

"Water mages are so cold," Ying Baoyue squinted at her, "If you don't believe me, go touch Li Ji."

"I don't have the guts." Meng Shi looked at her speechlessly, "Mr. Zhaohua's eyes on me are cold enough, okay?"

Li Ji and Ji Jiashu were leaning on the front rock, seemingly resting with their swords in their arms, but Meng Shi could sense the constant sight from the side of the huge rock.

If she wasn't a woman, Meng Shi suspected that those two people could kill people just by looking at them.

Meng Shi dragged Ying Baoyue to sit down beside the second stone, and tightly folded her arms to prevent her from leaving her arms.

"You hug me so tightly that I can't breathe," Ying Baoyue laughed as the skin around my ear was itchy by Meng Shi's hair, "Don't hug me so tightly, I'm really not that cold."

"Are you tired too? Don't be so tense, take a good rest."

Meng Shi's body is no longer as hot as it was in Xueling Mountain before. Even a fire magician is not an inexhaustible coal. Ying Baoyue guessed that Meng Shi's true energy was also consumed by the sword in front of the stone crevice. huge.

On a snow-capped mountain at such an altitude, a simple movement would consume several times the strength in the past.

"You don't have to worry about me," Meng Shi slightly relaxed her arms, "I can still do it as a heater for you."

She still remembers the warmth when she was rescued by Lin Baoyue on that snowy day, and when she was held in his arms.

At this moment, Meng Shi was really thankful that she was a fire magician in her life.

This time, she can be replaced to keep Ying Baoyue warm.

"You're like this, Mr. Guanghua will annoy me," Ying Baoyue laughed in Meng Shi's arms. From the very beginning, Yeluhua's eyes kept coming from the third stone.

Yeluhua hid his head in a cloak, but his eyes were exposed, bright as stars.

"Why did you mention him?" Meng Shi frowned, "He won't freeze to death for a while."

After she finished speaking, she glanced at the third stone, and Yeluhua immediately closed her eyes, buried her head in the cloak, and looked like she was taking a nap.

Ying Baoyue lay in Meng Shi's arms, silently lighting a stick of wax for Yeluhua's future.

If these two people can really get married in the future, life after marriage must be very interesting.

Of course, the premise is that Yeluhua can really make Meng Shi willing to marry him.

It's not that Meng Shi doesn't have Yeluhua in her heart, but it's hard to say whether this kind of heart is enough to make her willing to become the future queen of the Northern Wei Dynasty.

For some reason, Ying Baoyue understands something that she didn't understand in her previous life.

She didn't understand why Master and Ji Mo had such a weird relationship before, but now she seems to understand a little bit.

Loving someone and being willing to marry someone are not the same thing.

Lin Shubai undoubtedly loved Ji Mo, but he was unwilling to marry him.

To what extent do you have to be in love before you are willing to marry someone?
Ying Baoyue looked towards the distant mountains standing in the cold wind. On the highest mountain, there was the only person her master was willing to marry in her life.

What kind of person would make her master willing to entrust everything to her and use her life's reputation to protect him?
"Ashi," Ying Baoyue gradually became sleepy in the warmth of the people around her. She fell into Meng Shi's arms and murmured, "Under what circumstances, would you be willing to marry someone?"

Meng Shi was already drowsy at first, but when she heard this sentence, her mind was jolted and she woke up.

"You... what did you just ask?"

"Huh?" Ying Baoyue didn't expect Meng Shi to have such a big reaction. She felt drowsy like a flood, and she slurred, "It's... about getting married..."

Meng Shi's eyes widened.

She suddenly remembered Ying Baoyue's reaction when she was dizzy just now, and frantically touched her veins.

She had heard it said in Beihan Pavilion before that if a woman had it, she would feel dizzy...

Thinking of this possibility, Meng Shi felt dizzy for a moment.

"Ashi, what are you doing? I'm fine..."

Meng Shi's fingers rested on Ying Baoyue's pulse gate, and she breathed a sigh of relief, but the next moment she was a little nervous again.

"You were dizzy just now, probably because of excessive blood loss," Meng Shi took a deep breath.

The next moment, she asked hesitantly, "Did you do anything with Mr. Zhaohua these two days?"

Ying Baoyue opened her eyes slightly, and asked in a daze, "What are you doing?"

Meng Shi couldn't keep asking. This person's actual age should be better than hers, but there are some things that seem to be completely unrecognized.

Is this because Ying Baoyue knows too much, or too little?

"It's nothing," Meng Shi sighed in her heart, "it's you, why did you suddenly ask about getting married?"

Ying Baoyue looked towards the Yunshou Peak, which seemed out of reach, and said in an inaudible voice, "I just don't understand, why would I want to?"

Why would she want to marry someone she has never met?

Meng Shi was startled, and suddenly understood.

Although it was well hidden, Ying Baoyue should have been unwilling to deal with Da Si Ming's marriage back then.

The master with whom I depended for life suddenly wanted to marry someone I had never met, so I should feel resentful.

But Ying Baoyue didn't tell anyone about this reluctance, she just turned it into a deep question and buried it in her heart.

Buried for many, many years.

"I don't know either," Meng Shi said before Meng Shi's eyes appeared the figure of that remarkable woman whom he had only seen once.

Unlike liking, she thinks that marrying is a kind of entrustment.

Willing to give everything of oneself, and willing to accept everything of the other party.

"I think it's probably because the other party is a very good person."

Meng Shi said softly.

If you are willing to accept everything from the other party, then you can prove that the other party is worthy.

Her understanding of Da Si Ming was far inferior to that of Ying Baoyue, but she knew Lin Shubai was a man of noble temperament after only seeing him once.

Meng Shi faintly felt that the person who would be chosen by such Lin Shubai would also be a very, very good person.

Just like the man Lin Baoyue, Princess of Zhaoyang chose to marry back then.

Meng Shi looked down at Ying Baoyue who was almost asleep in her arms, and smiled softly.

In fact, Ying Baoyue should understand, after all, she also chose who to marry.

It's just that at that time, Princess Zhaoyang's choice didn't include liking, she made the choice calmly.

Thinking of this, Meng Shi was slightly taken aback.

Ying Baoyue is so confused at this time, could it be because something else was born in her heart?
"Sister, do you mean..."

Before Meng Shi finished speaking, Ying Baoyue asked in a half-dream and half-awake state.

"Then according to this standard, who would you like to marry now?"

Meng Shi was startled, and staring at the girl in her arms, she poked her face and smiled slightly, "Marry you."

This person is the best person in the world in her heart.

If it was Ying Baoyue, she would be willing to entrust everything with confidence.

"Well, what nonsense are you talking about?" Ying Baoyue rolled over in her arms and said in a daze, "I can't marry..."

This person was really not awake, Meng Shi smiled wryly, but the next moment she suddenly noticed something was wrong.

Ying Baoyue seemed to be forcibly awakening her mind, but she couldn't.

From the very beginning, Meng Shi felt that the temperature of her whole body was constantly dropping. She thought it was because she was helping Ying hug the moon to keep warm, but now it seems that this is not the case.

Something is wrong!
Meng Shi raised her head abruptly, but found that no one could be seen.


She opened her mouth in a daze.

Everyone under the boulder was buried under the snow at this moment.

(End of this chapter)

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